Pouring rain

Rather than luxury, I want you!



I bit my lips – I wasn't going to lose this one! Full of determination I nodded to everyone's great surprise and sat on your lap, trying not to blush again. That was a rather difficult task though, as your lap was far more warmer than I had expected and your scent spreaded all over me, as I was this close to you, feeling that you were breathing right next to my ear and..



Quickly I took the menu, to distract my thoughts from you. I was obvious, I knew it damn well, as I heard chuckling on the other side of the table and beside me. Damn it you, I was going to revenge this some way! I thought as I focused on menu. At the same time I could feel that you budged under me a tiniest bit. Were you uneasy? I wondered. Since you had no good experiences of being who you were. I felt overwhelming warmth towards you, as I thought of that and I couldn't help but touch your knee softly, trying to show my support to you.



I felt you startling and I regretted my idea at once. Probably this was a bad idea after all, it seemed like you were even more uneasier now and it was all because of me. But then I felt your arms squeezing me, first carefully and shyly, then they were wrapped suddenly all around me and I was - literally, in your arms. ”Are you comfortable Kuinyan?” You asked, your voice unsure, yet still. I gulped, turning around to see your face. You were smiling, your eyes sparkling with the joy and I felt something fluttering in my empty stomach, in a good way though.



Yea-ah.” I simply stated, feeling all of sudden damn nervous, yet way too good, like all the warmth in this world would be gathered right here with us. Even though I could feel the long glances which were shot to us and hear the quiet laughing of our idiotic friends, I didn't mind. I didn't mind the slightest to be honest. I just felt...Happy. I felt happy here, in your arms, your presence wrapped all around me, like a blanket.



I probably smiled like an idiot, when the waitress came to take our orders. I ordered pizza with shrimps as usually and all of you did same, ordering your usual ones as well. It's weird really how we know so much about each other nowadays. I never thought that we'd be this close when we started this band and I came along.



We were all newbies in the matters of recording and such back then, so we clung to each other, afraid of the future, but still dreaming of success. Yet, day by day, we grew and got to have more self-confidence. Right now we've gained popularity and fans, which really is cool. Still there's a lot to achieve, lot to gain and experience. But I like it that way, as long as we'll be like this, together.



It's like little by little we are growing together and getting even more closer, growing up as friends, as a band. You and the others.. Everyone is just so important to me, even though I can't really say it with great words like you do, Baru. Or even though I can't express myself as genuinely like you, Kazuki. But still.. Still. We're five and at the same time one.



Kuinyyyyyan,” Someone was blowing in my ear and I twitched, cold chill running down my spine. ”Whaa..!” I almost yelled, uncomfortable sensation still in my ear. As I focused on the situation more, I noticed that Tomoya was grinning right beside me and also the faces of the others when they tried to hold back their laughter. Even you did - I felt that you were shaking ever so slightly underneath me. - Pouting, I mumbled, ”Don't laugh at me.” ”Princess is daydreaming in his prince's arms. How cute.” I heard Koudai's quiet, but audible tone. ”Heeey, it's not like.. I'm..” I shook my head, trying to hide my blush.



I don't really mind being your prince though.” You said softly, massaging my back and I almost groaned – what were you trying to do to me? ”Ohh, Baru's confessing, woohoo! ” All of you three shouted eagerly and I wished to be anywhere else but here. ”It was about time to tell us, after that kiss Tomoya witnessed.” Kazuki added, smiling innocently the smile which was his trademark. Everyone laughed to that, grinning and teasing. I could feel your swifting uneasily and I attempted to reach your hand, which caused even more whistles and jokes.



Damn it you guys, it hasn't been a long time since things have been like this between us, could you give us some space?!” You said, visibly awkward. ”Yeah, indeed.” I added, totally agreeing with you. ”Oh so it's not been long.. Hmm, interesting.” Koudai said, clearly putting his head over this matter. Oh no, now they're on their way. ”Sooo, how long is it been then?” Asked Kazuki curiously and they all came closer to us, wanting to hear every single detail.



Eh-” You just said and I squeezed your hand tightly now, wanting to support you in this. It was going to be okay. ”Well, to be honest, ” I said to everyone's surprise, ”it all started yesterday.” This caused a lot of chatting and shouts like; ”For real?! I thought it had started before” ”I knew it, you were acting so differently today,” ”Aw, so you're literally newly weds, how cute!” As I heard these words of our friends I just clung to your hand, searching for some strenght and support. Everything was so new.



When you squeezed my hand back, I felt so relieved. So, I guess we're in this together after all. I tried to contain my smile as I said to our friends; ”Calm down, it's not a big thing really...” I couldn't finish my sentence because everyone started shouting at once objections, claiming that this was a big thing for real and we should throw a celebration party. To which you said yes, to my disapproval. You have always liked to have fun with everyone though, so I guess I couldn't blame you on that.



Even though I was awkward when we were asked questions and such, I felt oddly warm, because reactions of our dear friends were the best we could ask for. This teasing just showed us how much everyone cared and it felt lovely. ”But one question remains unanswered, ” mumbled Koudai while eating his pizza with pineapple and ham, ”how long has it been since you've felt like this about each other? I had a clue about it when Kuinyan joined the band because you are the same type, ” to that Koudai grinned sheepishly, ”but when it started for real?”



Everyone had just got their orders and talking had paused since we were all stuffing food to our mouths. So it took a while before I could answer, my mouth being full of delicious pizza. I heard your quiet chuckling and after I had swallowed last bite down I immediately felt your finger touching my bottom lip. I startled and my heart was beating loudly in my chest as you smiled to me.



You had some crumbs there, ” You simply added, smiling innocently. I almost grimaced to that, why did you do such a thing?Causing me to feel butterflies all over my stomach and in front of others too! I felt embarrased as I heard whistling and I turned my gaze toward my plate, finding the pizza suddenly very interesting. ”Aw, Kuinyaaan you're no fun!” Tomoya exclaimed and I pouted, it wasn't like I wouldn't have LIKED the fact you wiped my bottom lip, but..



About your question KouD, I think I've always liked him that way, but I realized it just a little over year ago, when we were creating the Revolution of the New Age..” I turned around as I heard that, gaping and amazed. So it's been that long to you... I felt burst of warmth suddenly flowing inside me. You have thought me that way over a year.



During that time, you kissed me for the first time on the stage and I could remember being so confused about that, yet feeling so nice, trying desperately reach your lips again for an unknown reason. Back then I had no clue what was happening to me. I could also recall creating a song with you and feeling so close to you while we did that.



What I could remember the most well from that time was your gaze though, how it softened every now and then when you were looking at me. I could recall feeling nervous because of that, but at the same time so cared. And so I clung to you even more, wanting to spend as much time with you as I could.



I smiled softly as I looked at you. You were talking about that even though you had been feeling that way for so long, I seemed not to return his feelings and everyone chuckled to my dumbness. ”I'm sorry, guess I should have noticed it earlier, ”I joined to their conversation, smiling apologetically.



Yeah you should have, poor Baru, having an unrequited love all this time!” Tomoya said dramatically. ”Yet you weren't so secretive about it, I remember when you spontaneously kissed that one time Kuinyan and we were all amazed, because you rarely do such a things,” Kazuki added, smiling gently.



Yeah, I guess I got a little carried away,” You said, smiling awkwardly and rustling your hair. ”Well, I didn't mind, to be honest,” I said shyly and got cheers because of that. I looked at you by side eye and saw that you were looking at me simultaneously, amazed grin in your face.



I turned away quickly, being embarrased. Why are you looking me like that, so lovingly, it's strange..Even though all of this felt weird, I couldn't help feeling butterflies all over my stomach as you smiled and talked with everyone, every once in a while glancing at me, like we'd have some kind of secret little world of our own.



I could get used to this, I thought, feeling hot. Then all of sudden, I heard something, like a sound of something dripping outside the pizzeria. At once I looked out from the nearest window. It was raining and it started to get heavier by every minute. ”It's raining... Damn I didn't bring an umbrella,” Koudai whined, he was always the first to feel the cold, I guess he was kind of sensitive to it.



Apparently others had the same problem as he did though. Our cheerful mood was now filled with whines and cursing. - It was an autumn after all and we couldn't afford to be a sick. ”Guess we have to run to a train station and try not to get too wet,” said Kazuki bluntly, seemingly pissed of because of the weather. Everyone agreed to this and before I noticed we headed outside, trying to cover ourselves, with hoods and whatever we had.



I had my oversized hoodie and I put that on. Only thing which wasn't that good, was the fact my hood was too big and I couldn't see the thing. ”Hey, can't see over here, can someone help me to..?” Before I managed to end up my sentence, my hand was grasped and someone was squeezing it tightly – that someone being you.



I was glad that this hood covered my face, because right now, at that moment, I was smiling like an idiot and probably blushing too. Your hand was so warm and it felt right wrapped around mine, just like that. ”You okay?” You asked softly. More than okay, I thought happily and answered warmly; ”Yeah, su-re.”



I could swear our friends were laughing as they ran in front of us, but I didn't mind right now. I just enjoyed this brief moment of running with you in the pouring rain.



At the station we didn't wait long for a train, which was good since we were soaked with water. Everyone was a bit pissed, but still somehow we were laughing to our luck. - It was just like us to be like that. Always, in the end, laughing to every damn thing even though the things would have been unpleasant. I couldn't help but smile myself, but for an entire different reason. - You still hadn't let go of my hand.



Your hand was so soft against mine, yet so secure, like you wouldn't even be planning of letting go soon. I clutched on it, feeling so warm, so safe and happy at the same time. Like your hand in mine would have been giving me courage to go on, to not think too much. Well, that was what I felt at least. You were just casually rambling with the others, like something out of ordinary wouldn't be happening at the moment.



Just so typical of you, I sighed a little, focusing on female voice, which told me that my stop would be near by. Well not only mine, also Baru's and Tomoya's. Kazuki and Koudai lived a few blocks away from us. I prepared for leaving and eventually so did you and Tomoya, at the same time planning to meet up tomorrow evening somewhere, since it was Saturday and day off from our practising.



We all did work outside of the studio, in our free time, yet always attempted to keep proper weekends, like everybody else. It was failing miserably, except for mine and Tomoya's part, since we loved lazying around and didn't stress out that much, meanwhile you created some new lyrics, Koudai did kind of everything and Kazuki practised his quitar to be even better than he already was.



I felt bad over that sometimes, because my weekend consisted playing videogames, sleeping, eating and things like them. But you had once said it was good to be like that, not being too responsible all the time. I didn't understand it first, but after seeing how hectic it was to you sometimes, I came to realize that being overly responsible and harworking could end up badly if you didn't watch it out. That was because it was able to tire you out completely.



When we were on our way to home, you and Tomoya kept talking as my head was full of these kinds of thoughts. You were still holding my hand and I had got already kind of used to it, the warmth and comfort. ”So, thank you for the amusing day, loveers, see you tomorrow!” Tomoya cheered, grinning ever so foolly. And so he turned in the other direction, where his house was. Even though he was joking like that, I just knew how genuinely happy he was for us.



Feeling great I turned to look at you and said smiling; ”It's nice to be home soon, I just can't wait having a hot shower and changing these clothes of mine,” I said, enjoying already my idea. You didn't say anything to that, but before I was even able to wonder about that, you mumbled gently: ”Want to come over my place?”



Innocently asked question ringed in my ears as I fell speechless. Did you just... Ask me over after this eventful day of holding hands, confessing and kissing? It was like you'd have something in your mind. - I felt utterly nervous just now, thinking of that and I hesitated.



More than anything I wanted to go to your place, but.. What was going to happen there? Even though I was nervous and hesitated, I felt somehow weird, but lovably pleasant shivers going down my spine. What was this..? My heart was racing as I got ready to answer to you, what was I going to do?


Author's note:


It's been a long time since last update and I want to apologize for that ^^" I've been busy with school since one of my final exams is coming up and I haven't had much time to write and edit this fic. ;_;


But yeah, I wish you'll enjoy reading this chapter and thank you so much for all the views and attention in generally ^o^


Also, if I have some terrible grammar mistakes, please tell me. English is not my native language so that's why I might have those a lot.^^"

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Kurosaki_Hotaru13 #1
This is the best fanfic I've ever read!! Please update soon!
Panda_Taoris_lover #2
Chapter 10: I love thise story!! Please update soon!
Chapter 10: I seriously was JUST thinking about this fic, like two days ago.
I'm so happy you updated! -showers with love-
Awww, poor Kuinyan~ bby don't creyyy~ Baru and the gang all love you very much~
-coughs- err, sorry XD
thanks for the update ! Can't wait till next ^^
I-love-kaz #4
great work dude
Chapter 8: I loved this chapter. you did a good job!
can't wait until the next update! XD
this story is great
Chapter 4: You only have 3 subscribers?


This story is great

But most people on here only read stories with kpop stars.

I myself JUST got into visual kei like , a week ago, Royz being my first group.

Anyways, hope you update soon! <3
I feel so bad being the only subscriber. I love this fanfic. can I share your story on tumblr? I want more people to read this. ;;
Chapter 1: Omg. I'm crying. this is the first Royz Fanfic I've found. you should continue. Kuina is my bby.I ship Kuina and Subaru. I look forward to an update!