My Last Memories i wanted to put

Left Alone

Jessica POV


"Care full with your oxygen Sooyeon"



"Mom I'm okay. I'm old enough to carry this and mind remain you I've been holding this for 5 years now"




"Alright alright stop complaining about your mother Sooyeon. Soojung help your sister with her bags"



As I get out from the car I quickly walk in to my house and went to my room.




I sigh.



I remember exactly what I saw awhile ago.



I guess it's really happy to have boyfriend.



But who want to be in relationship with me?



I'm a helpful girl. I can't do anything.



I get easily tired.



And one day I will hurt him because I will die because of this cancer.



And I hate to see it.



I don't want everyone I love she's tears because of me.



I want them to smile.



"Okay okay. Jessica Jung Sooyeon. Stop thinking about it too much okay? You're going to be alright"



"Unnie what are you thinking?"



"Ya Jung Soojung. Aishh you scared me"



"Dinners ready. Aren't you going to change?"



"Ahh right. I will change so get out!"



She chuckled at my childish and close the door.



I sigh.



Maybe dinner will make myself forget about boyfriend and couple.





Yoong POV



I stare out my window and smile.



"Ya. What are you staring at huh?!"






"You know what? I can't wait to see your result next week. Aren't you exited?"



"Hyung. Do you ever fall in love?"



"Why the sudden hyung?"



"Just answer me Kwon Yul"



"Well no. But I have feel brother love!"



I rolled my eyes.



This boy. I don't know is he straight or gay.



I went back to my book completely ignoring the boy.



I really admiring that girl.



That girl has been haunting my mind this day.



She so beautiful.



"Hey Yoong. Remember the party"



"I remember it Yul. By the way it's my father who make it"



"Well it's your father company birthday"



Yeah yeah I know Yul.



I sigh.



"Come on. My mom ask me to go to the super market to buy something"









"We can't do anything sir. We just need to wait" 



With that the doctor left the tall man.



Tears were release but the man remain to stay strong.






"Ohh Soojung Wae?"



"Sooyeon unnie. W-will she survive?"



The tall man pick the girl up and pull her for a hug.




"Your sister will be fine. She will play with you again after she left the hospital"




"Chinjja? Promise me!"



The man can only smile and nod.



As the two people walk in to the room, they can hear someone crying.




"Jason. S-s-Sooyeon s-she"



"A-a-appa unnie. S-she"




"Sooyeon. Sooyeon. Wake up. Sooyeon"




End of flashback~~~~



Jessica POV



Maybe dinner is not a good idea to forget everything.



Those memories keep haunting my life.



Everytime I saw my mother, her face keep telling me she's worried about me.




Very worried. 



I don't even know when I can see her laughing anymore.



Ever since that accident, my mother rarely  laugh.



She just show her smile and it really hurt me really.




And it keep remembering me everytime I saw my mother face.



I wish I never be like this.



Maybe she won't thinking about me that much.



"Sooyeon are you listening to me?"






"I said are you okay if I invite you two to my friend company birthday?"




"Umm sure! It will be fantastic"



I let out a smile to them and sigh.



I think too much.



Aishh this is must be depress.



Ahh what ever I don't care!



I will die soon enough. 



And I won't think too much about it anymore.




"I'm done. Can I go to my room now?"




Krystal POV 



"Your friends is here honey"




"Ohh I'll be downstairs!"



I quickly go downstairs and greet my friends.



"Unnie!!! Sulli!!!"



"Ya! What took you so long just to go downstairs"



"Stop complaining Sulli" I glared at her.



They just rolled their eyes and I give a room for them to go in.



"So let's go to the backyard"






"Ohh come on! It just a greeting!" I whine at them.



Well you know what? I and my friend is a school group.



And the teacher ask us to make a school performance to greet the new student in Junior High School.



And they want to performance our last song.



Ughh I don't want to remember the past.



"Ahh come on. Are you really going to denied it?"






"Ughh alright. It just because you unconscious last year it doesn't mean you can't performance it again"




"Ughh shut up Amber"



We talk abit for our performance. 



It's been awhile since we talk about this.



I guess we really miss our friendship. 



Since we rarely talk with each other do to our study.




"Soojung. Are you going to come tomorrow Friday?"



"I can't. I should go with my parents to see my sister condition again"




"How is she?"



How is she?




I didn't even know.



She rarely talk to me this past view week.



"S-she's fine"



"We pray for her Soojung. Don't worry. She'll be alright"



I hug Sulli who seat beside me and cry silently.



I don't want to loose her like she almost did to me 6 years ago.



Everytime I went to her room and saw her asleep, I didn't know if she still alive or not.



Because her eyes is close and I can only stood there watching her.



My heart ache every time I saw her shut her eyes.



I don't want to loose her.



"Every time I saw her, I don't even know if she still alive or not"




"You're going to be fine Soojung. You're going to be fine"





The next morning~~~~



"Ya! Get your hand off from me! I can't see and I'm not gay!"




The tanned boy rolled his eyes.



"Shut up Yoong. I'm just playing with you"



"Maybe you should find girlfriend Yul. I don't even know if you're straight or gay"




The letter just rolled his eyes and start walking to his locker.



Yoong POV



"So are you planning to see the basketball competition"



I close my locker and glare at him.



I hate talking basketball but on the other side basketball is my hobby.



I once play for the Korea national basketball team.




But after I diagnosise in brain tumor, my father told me to quit and yes.




It took me 3 year to forget about it.



But still. I can't forget it till now.




"Come on Yul"






"Ya the fried fries in here is great!" 



I rolled my eyes. 



Yes I decide to watch the match after we finish our class.




It's my team who play. Their still lead.



I watch them playing. They're still as good when I was in the team.



I miss them.




"You said you don't want to watch the match"




"I change my mind. I miss them"



"You should get rid of that basketball thing Yoong. You know you can't get to tired"




"I can break doctor rules anytime I want and I break it because I wanted to. So let's play"




"What?!!! Your father might killed me!"



"I take full responsibility with that. Come on!"












"Come on Yoong give it to me!"



I throw the ball to my friend and I run to rebound.








I count .














Than we can hear the whistle being blow.




I look around the field.



I can't believe this!!! We won!!! 



"YOONG WOW!!!!" 



My teammates give me the trophy and I show the trophy to the air.



The shouting. The cheering. The smile. The victory.




It's so nice to be hear.



Than that thing happen.



"Woww we won!!!"



I gave the trophy to my friend and went out from the crowd.



My coach greet me as I out from the crowd.



I smile at him and I was about to walk when I feel my head so hurt.



"Yoong you're okay?"



"Yeah I-I'm ahhhh!!!" 



And all turn black.




End of flashback~~~



That day is the day I realized I have brain tumor.



My father begin to hate sport because of me and I hate that.




"Dude that's awesome!!! Look at your friend there!"



I woke up from myself and look around.






They win.




"Come on Yul"




"Ehh? Where are we going?"




"I told you we're going for a practice"



I should break doctor rules because I hate myself for sitting there and doing nothing.



My dad will kill me if he found out I play basketball.






"Aren't you going inside unnie?"



"Ohh Soojung. I'll be out here for awhile"



"I'll go to my room if you need me okay?" 



I smile and nod yes.



I put my oxygen cylinder beside me and lay down on the grass.



The sky full of star.



I rarely see this beautiful night sky.



And I will die soon enough. I should see this for my last memories in my diary.



I would take photo of the sky and put it on my diary book.



I decide my last memories in earth is the sky.



But sometimes I would feel something missing.



Maybe that's just my feeling.



Because I feel so complete.




Everytime I saw the sky, it makes me thing on how many stars up there?



So childish yet everyone always ask that.



"I wanted to put you as my last memories." 




i point to the star and smile at my self. 





"Sooyeon come in it's getting cold!" 





"Yes mom!!!"







so guys i will change this story as a gender bender. so i will change the forward too. take alook at it thank you!

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aishern #1
Chapter 21: Thank you authorshi... merry christmas...
it’s been so long since i last read this story
Chapter 20: Please Update.... I love your fic ^^~ <3
Yoongieandhil #4
Chapter 20: Good story and your other story nice too,, sorry becouse didn't comment on your other story,. So proud i can found your ff and read all ... Update soon by the way ..
Chapter 20: please update soon
allayjadhule #6
Chapter 20: Uuup. Please update more thor
allayjadhule #7
Chapter 19: Please update ....
Chapter 19: Oh can't wait . Please update soon author nim . I love your story
comank #9
Chapter 19: So romantic thor.... go yoong take sica
she is waiting for you. At home .
comank #10
Chapter 18: Yes .thor. i always waiting your story here..
and cant wait the next chapter. !!!!