

"Is she okay doc?" Irene asked as as she played with Wendy's hand.

"She'll be okay, just a minor hip injury. She's going to have to take it easy for a while," The doctor said to Irene as he handed her some pain pills labeled 'Wendy Son Seung-hwan'. "She needs someone to take care of her though."

"1...2...3... Not it!" Yelled Joy.

"Not it..." Said Seulgi. 

"Oh come on you guys, you can't settle it that way!" Irene snapped.

"Not it." Said the manager. 

"Oh, not you too!" Irene said to her manager.

"Well, I'm sorry Irene but Wendy needs care, like the doc said. You can't just leave her like this," the manager said. 

Wendy finally woke up and took a look around her. 

"Oh shoot, what happened?" Wendy asked. 

"You got hit by a car and got a minor hip injury and Irene will be taking care of you," The manager told Wendy. 

Irene forced a smile. 

"Oh, I almost forgot. You'll be using this wheelchair," the doctor said as he had the nurses put Wendy on the wheelchair. 

"This is sweet! Now I don't have to move!" Wendy exclaimed.

"This is sweet for me too!" Irene said sarcastically. 

"Irene, please push me outta here, I don't wanna be around potential dead people for any longer," Wendy pleaded. 

"Gosh, you are so stupid..." Irene commented. 

"We're out, where do you wanna go now?" Irene asked as she took a look at her surroundings. 

"Hmm... Can we just take a walk around town?" Wendy asked. "It calms me down when I'm under stress. 

This was gonna for Irene but she was okay with it after what Wendy did for her after all...

Irene pushed Wendy's wheelchair to the main sidewalk leading to the main city. It was nighttime so it was really pretty with all of the city lights shining. 

"Ah, don't you just love it out here?" Wendy asked. 

"Yeah, it's really pretty out here," Irene commented. 

"Not as pretty as you," Wendy said as she stuck her tounge out at Irene. 

"One more word and I'll roll your wheelchair down the hill."

Wendy gulped and didn't say anything. 

"Wendy, I'm really sorry about yesterday. I didn't even consider your feelings ... I feel horrible. Also, why did you push me out of the way in the first place?" Irene asked, walking Wendy some more. 

"Well Irene, you mean a lot to me so why wouldn't I?" 

"Do I really mean a lot to you?" 


Things were silent between them for a while. Irene just kept on pushing Wendy's wheelchair throughout town.

"Hi Ma'am. Is that your girlfriend?" A little boy asked Wendy while pointing at Irene.

"Myeong, you just don't ask people that," The woman scolded her son. "I'm sorry about that."

"No, it's okay, and yes she is," Wendy told the little boy and grinned a little. 

The woman and her son walked away. 

"I'm not your girlfriend pabo..." Irene mumbled. 

"Will you be my girlfriend?"


"I'm sorry, too soon?" Wendy asked. 

"I'll be your girlfriend if you do me a favor," Irene said. 

"What's that?"

"Kiss me?"


"Just do it."

She sighed and lifted Irene's chin up, giving her a small kiss on the cheek. 

"Happy?" Wendy asked. 

"Yeah, are you happy?" 


"Pffft... Dork," Irene called her as she kept on pushing Wendy throughout town.


(A/N: Are you guys happy that I didn't kill Wendy? and pffft 69 subscibers... o.o)

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hiddenbrain #1
Steph_05 #2
Is it the end?
Favebolous 14 streak #3
Chapter 7: Hello??
mklarisse_ #4
Chapter 2: Omg u are so good.. U wrote about this since debut days and look at WR now it's still blOOMING IM DYIN
Chapter 7: is this the end?
Favebolous 14 streak #6
Chapter 6: Hei???
Favebolous 14 streak #7
Chapter 6: Funny couple
Favebolous 14 streak #8
Chapter 4: Irene must be very happy and upset at the same time
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Chapter 3: Fck
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Chapter 2: SCREAM