First Sight

Decoded Love
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Octagon Nightclub
Gangnam-gu, Seoul

‘Baby. Come on, just listen okay. B-Babe! Can you wait, I’m wearing heels!’

A hot shower, soccer and an iced americano is what I needed. Maybe with these I could calm down. This was not my day I thought as I gazed over the bodies moving in a mind-numbing chaos outside the club. Behind me my girlfriend grumbles as she hobbles trying to keep up with my long strides by jogging in heels.
How she ever got the balance to jog in heels will always amaze me then I am reminded she’s a dancer. 

The mixture of different aromas which highly consisted of smoke, alcohol, puke and sewage was strong after the storm and I never realised it until now. The longer I stayed outside, the stronger the stench got. Even though there had been a thunderstorm earlier today, that never stopped me and my friends from going out clubbing, getting wasted and enjoying ourselves. Well, I tried to enjoy myself. Originally I had planned to sit at home and watch soccer, how plans change with a sudden phone call. 

What was I doing here? 

Anger filled my eyes. I could feel my eyes starting to become wet. My vision had become blurred and anyone who knew me knew I barely cried. I had become so clever at hiding my emotions when I was upset that people assumed I was an apathetic person.

I rub my eyes to get rid of all evidence that I might have potentially been crying. Approaching my car that I had parked earlier that night I feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand due to the cold. Feeling the presence of my girlfriend Yuri getting closer. Now was the time to scramble. My hand dives into my pocket to feel for my car keys, no luck. My other pocket? Still nothing. I wobble feeling the nausea grow. I’ve only had beer tonight, how could I be this drunk. 

Why were normal everyday functions more difficult after alcohol intoxication? 

I continue to struggle while searching for my keys. A grunt escaping past my lips as I glance over my shoulder. My girlfriend whines as I watch her fumble with the strapping on her laced heels kicking them off. Was she not bothered by the fog or the wet ground she stood on?

Where are my damn keys?! 

I slam my fist onto my vehicle. No use, I’ve been drinking anyway.  I should walk home. I can come fetch my car tomorrow after class. 

‘Ugh, stupid heels. Minho!’ She cries with visible distress. 

I eye Yuri as she loops her index finger through the straps and slings her shoes over her shoulder jogging barefoot towards me. I sigh wobbling. 

‘Hey! Would you stop and listen to me? I swear you’re so stubborn sometimes.’ She says sourly.

My eyes narrow, running my long slender digits through my damp waxed hair. I dropped my head to glance down at the female who looked like she had been into a tornado and spat back out to reach me. To be fair, the sky was still, as if it was holding another long-awaited storm. I was becoming restless. I hated the cold and the rain. Nothing but clear skies and sun was my type of weather. 

‘Seriously Yuri? I don’t want to hear your damn excuses again. What is it this time? He was just a friend?’ I groan.  

‘Well, technically he is just a friend.’ She bites her lip, battering her eyelashes by blinking fast; this was always her way of getting out of confrontations. This time it just looked like she had something stuck in her eye. 

‘You were kissing him! I saw you from the bar or does it not look bad to you? I’m your boyfriend, how are you not feeling guilty about this?’

‘I am feeling guilty, why do you think I chased you!’ She exclaims, tossing her heels at my feet in frustration. 

‘You pretend to feel guilty after you’ve been caught.’ My snarky comment greets me with a death glare from Yuri.  

I chuckle, clearly tired of this cat and mouse game. I had put up with her lies for so long. ‘You continue to cheat on me. Am I not good enough for you? How do you think that makes me feel?’ I hold my chest, feeling the pang in my heart. 

Chewing on her lower lip, she lets her shoulders rise and fall in a shrug indicating that she couldn’t conjure up another excuse. Excuse after excuse and after all these years I had forgiven her because I loved her. Although this time we both knew that wasn’t the case for her, not anymore. 

‘Am I not enough for you?’ I press. 

It wasn’t the first time I had caught her cheating, and if she could remember to count this time would mark more than ten times she had now cheated on me. This wasn’t the only time I had actually witnessed her cheating on me. Not to mention the time I had caught her red-handed ing some random guy she had met off the street in my bed, yet I chose to forgive her because she had claimed she was drugged. A white lie turned into a massive lie. 

‘No- I mean yes! You are more than enough for me. Ugh! What do you want me to say? I’m sorry? It didn’t mean anything.’
She sniffles, using her knuckle to wipe away the mascara that had leaked down her cheeks. I shrug my shoulders at her, pushing my hands into my pockets, the answer she gave me was a wasted one. In one ear and out the other. 

No more chances. 

‘I don’t think I can do this anymore.’ I croak, genuine pain in my voice. I love Yuri. I really love her, but.. I don’t know if I can continue letting her rip my heart into pieces. I don’t know anymore. 

‘Like all you can say is sorry? Such an amazing apology for someone who doesn’t feel any remorse. You want us to go back to normal and pretend this never happened?’ I snapped at her. 

‘Stop with the sarcasm. You seriously aren’t going to accept my apology?’

I snorted, twirling a piece of string from my cardigan and shook my head. I close my eyes feeling a thudding sensation in my head. The alcohol was hitting me hard. I reopen my eyes to gaze at the beautiful brunette haired girl standing in tears. Her bare shoulders shaking from the cold. 

‘Sorry doesn’t make it better, nor does it make it right’ I pause, sigh then continue. ‘ Look Yuri, you’re beautiful, smart and such a laugh when you aren’t falling into another guy’s lap, but I don’t think I keep doing this. This relationship was amazing while it lasted but I’m done. It’s over.’

To be the bigger person and break it off hurts like a stab to the heart. I deserve better…  

‘No! You can’t do this to me!’ 

Yuri trembles, her pink lips press together into a thin line before she reaches up to capture the structure of my jaw in her palm, using her thumb to gently caress over my cheek. She looks up at me, tears flowing out from her eyes.

‘Minho— please. I love you.’ I close my eyes, I can’t look at her. It was silent, until I broke it with a heavy sigh. Boy this is difficult. Shaking my head, I declaw her hands from my face and shuffle out of my cardigan to drape over her bare shoulders.

‘No. This isn’t love, Yuri. Look after yourself.’ I hear my voice break and she sobs into my cardigan loudly. 

Her limbs become gooey, body slouching over as she begins to cry. Four years wasted and I’m so stupid for putting up with it for this long. With that I push my legs forward to the main road and don’t turn back to look at my now ex-girlfriend as I hear a roar of thunder in the night sky. I feel a wave of sickness wash over me again. Fresh air was certainly needed and space to think. An hour walk is well worth it for some peace and quiet.  






The total time it took me to arrive home via walking was an hour and 13 minutes considering I was drunk. I did pretty well. I stand outside my apartment complex and buzz the door to my suite knowing my roommate would buzz me in- hopefully. I pray he isn’t asleep and that I wasn’t stupid enough to lose my keys. I honestly didn’t feel like going for round three trying to find my blasted keys. Why didn’t I bring my phone?
5 minutes later, no answer. I slam my hands up brutally against the door and yell out in frustration. 

‘ing ! Goddamn it, you’re so stupid Minho.’ I curse myself. 

I shove my body tiredly against the door to my apartment and slide down it with sorrow. With my back against the door I drop my head. I’m clouded with regret, it’s freezing and it’s raining. A groan slipped from me as I stare up at the night sky, closing my eyes. I feel the rain pelt down against my face. 


I feel my limbs going numb, my head is spinning and it feels like I’m falling in slow motion. The throbbing that my head is producing, makes me never want to drink again. ‘I got you.’ I feel a pair of strong hands wrap underneath me and yank me up straight as I’m leant against a strong frame for support. My feet drag as I try to make out the outline of the person beside me and I smile noticing my bestfriend.

 Jonghyun, you prick, why didn’t you answer the door?! 

‘Krystal! Come and help me!’ 

Ah that’s why. I stumble forward, using the wall as support. I groan, clenching my jaw shut and shake my head- I want to puke. I want to puke so bad. The girl in question pops her head out from the dark corridor smiling brightly. I squint my eyes trying to decipher her facial expression. Her glowing smile fades as she notices what’s happening rushing towards us with worry. 

‘What happened to him?’ Krystal yelps running to my aid, crouching beside me to ensure my safety; without taking a tumble. 

‘No idea. I heard the door buzz so I went to see who it was. He was sitting on the floor in the rain.’ 

‘He’s most likely drunk, I can smell the alcohol. Wait here. I’ll go fetch him some painkillers.’ 

Their voices become audible yet fade as they guide me to what I can only assume is my room. My head hits the softness of my pillow tossing and turning trying to get comfortable but the room is spinning. Oh. I hold my stomach and buckle forward, grimacing, as I lose balance I fall off the bed hitting the floor with a thud. A wheezy cough ripples through me, fighting for the strength to sit myself up on the floor. 

‘Babe! Minho and Yuri broke up.’ The news finally broke.

My ears perk up hearing Jonghyun and Krystal exchange whispers outside my room.
‘Ah .’ The door ajar, dim lighting produced most likely by the bedside lamp from Jonghyun’s room opposite mine- projected two darken silhouettes of two bodies mingled together in a rather position. I turn my head away and look outside my window, the moon shining brightly once the grey clouds had dispersed. 

‘Why can’t she keep it private…’ Jonghyun’s voice faint, coming from the corridor.

The soccer captain who breaks up with the popular cheerleader. No doubt there will be gossip on the university’s news blog tomorrow.
Jonghyun remained silent as he entered my room holding a glass of water and medicine. My stomach churned as he took a seat beside me on the floor. I turn to look at him with pain-laced eyes. He reaches out, draping his arm over my shoulder in a half hug, gently patting my back with a look of sincerity and smiles softly. 

‘It’s not my place, but she was making your life hell. It’s for the better.’

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Working on chapter three! Please take a moment to leeave your feedback :( <3


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Minhoacetaemin #2
Chapter 39: Well I think writing from Taemin's and Minho's point of view would be better. As you said We will know their thoughts.
Minhoacetaemin #3
Chapter 38: This is one of the best stories I have ever read. Please don't rush to finish it. Take your time. But I am waiting to read the next chapter
Beau1996 1380 streak #4
Chapter 38: Can't wait - I feel like all stories deserve an ending!! I'm glad your rejuvenated!!
ahhh i miss this story wonder if this will get update ever :(((
Chapter 20: Wow a cliffhanger :((((
Chapter 19: Wowww taemin soft side is showing i was waiting for thisssss.....i live it thank you for updating.... and don't worry don't get stressed everything will be alright and also update whenever u r freee
Chapter 18: I am actually a little confused... are the BTS coven kings or something because they think falling in with a human is a sin bt Jhope loves a human...its very confusing...well this aside awesome story...i have my hopes high for this one
cheeykfan #9
this story is written so well, i'm in love
Chapter 18: That's so heartbreaking. I can't wait for next chapter!