Don't Ever Look Back

Let's Take A Chance

It was a fine Sunday morning in downtown Seoul. The honking of passing cars, birds chirping on tree tops, people passing by, and the crisp air making the scenery even more wonderful to look at while sitting on a bench at the park.

The girl, who was watching all of these happen, slowly leaned back on the bench and smiled.

“Having fun melting into nothingness?” A voice from behind asked.

“Actually,” The latter clucked her tongue and continued, “I think I am.”

“I don’t think that would be such a great idea, Seungwan. We still have tons of gigs up our sleeves.” The other girl, probably tired of standing, sat on the bench as well and handed a cup of coffee to the first occupant.

“You’re always no fun, Soojung.” Seungwan accepted the coffee she was offered with a smile.

“You’re the only person who thinks that lowly of me.” Soojung chuckled.

“And your sister.”

“We always annoy the hell out of each other.”

“Oh dear cousin, I have been a witness to a lot of your shortcomings.”

“You know, you remind me of how grandma talked when she was still alive.”

“Don’t bring that topic back again, kid.”

“Hey! You’re only eight months older than I am, okay? And I’m older by blood.”

“It doesn’t change the fact that I was born eight months earlier than you.”

The blonde was about to give some serious lecturing about how blood is thicker than water for her annoying cousin when her phone suddenly vibrated. She gave her cousin a look that said, “I’ll get you later. Just you wait.” before answering her phone.

“Yes? Unnie? What’s wrong?” The blonde looked worried. “Okay, okay. I’ll be there before you know it. I’m hanging up.” She stood up and put her phone back in her side pocket.

“Who was it?” But of course, the brunette has an idea as to who the caller was.

“Jessica unnie. Something came up. I’ll see you this night at The Resto.” She can see the frantic look written all over her younger cousin’s face.

“Alright. But if it’s something really urgent, I can cancel our performance. Give me a call or text.”

“Okay. Later then, unnie.” She watched as the blonde ran out of the park and into her car. It’s times like this that she wonders why she was born earlier than the mature (sometimes childish) girl who was Krystal Jung Soojung.

After seeing the blonde’s car sped off the road, she got back to her former position. But as she leaned back on the bench, she looked up in the sky as well; seeing as how the sunlight beamed through the skyline and the city.

“I wonder what she’s up to?”




A young girl in her early twenties was busy greeting the last customer with a wave and a smile when the one next in line pushed through while placing her right arm on the countertop and resting her chin on her palm, smirking.

“Hey, beautiful.”

“What would it be for you, ma’am?” The black haired girl asked, clearly feigning ignorance.

“This counter with you on top.” The customer looked at her with an unknown glint in her eyes.

“I believe that this countertop isn’t edible.” The black haired girl mumbled.

“Too bad that the countertop isn’t,” The customer faked a sad face but it was soon countered with a playful grin. “But you are.”

And just when said customer was about to lean forward and do something that would probably catch the public’s eye, a piece of bread was shoved in .

“That’s for distracting Joohyun at work for the millionth time.”

“You really are as annoying as my cousin.” The customer tried to chew fast on the piece of bread and grunted.

“Which cousin? The older but whinier or the younger but lovelier?”

“Gosh, you are too biased.”

The intruder shrugged, “It’s only natural. She’s the one that I love.”

“If you say that then,” The customer grabbed a gentle hold of the black haired girl’s chin and pulled her in for a peck on the lips. “I love my girl too.”

Both the black haired girl and the intruder were too stunned to react with the customer’s sudden action but luckily, no one was looking at their direction when the kiss happened or it would probably attract a lot of on-lookers inside the café.

“You did not just do that.” The intruder gave the customer a look of disbelief and pure amazement.

“Oh yes, I did. Want me to do it to you too, Jinri?” The customer puckered her lips cutely.

“Hey!” The black haired girl protested. “That’s my property you’re freely giving up there, Seungwan!”

Seungwan chuckled, “When she calls me by my Korean name, it means I’m in serious deep sh*t.”

“As if you’d let Joohyun unnie do anything bad to you.” Jinri rolled her eyes.

“Hmm.” Seungwan made her way on the other side of the counter where the black haired girl was and pulled said girl by the waist, looking at her so intently. “In bed, maybe.”

Joohyun, though a tad taller, buried her face on the nook of Seungwan’s neck while grabbing on the other girl’s clothed shoulders; the reddening of her ears and nape stating that she’s quite embarrassed as hell. That made both Jinri and Seungwan smile knowingly to each other.

“So much PDA and the day had only begun. You might want to give free sugar for our customers.” Jinri shot a smirk at Seungwan.

“Oh shut up, Ssul.”

“I’m shutting up, Wen.” Jinri lifted both her hands up in surrender while laughing. “Just be glad that our customers are too busy doing their own little thing like the two of you.”

Seungwan stuck her tongue out, her arms still wrapped around the still silent girl, Joohyun’s petite waist. “Where’s Tiffany unnie, by the way?”

“She told me she’s going to meet with Jessica unnie earlier this morning.”

“Strange.” Seungwan pondered.

“Why?” Jinri asked.

“I was with Krystal a while ago and Jessica unnie called her. Seemed like it was something urgent.”

“Do you think it has something to do with Tiffany unnie?”

Before any further answers were given, they heard the soft clinging of the bell attached on the café’s door indicating that another customer has arrived. But when Jinri looked that way, she was greeted by a very worn-out looking girl.

“Fany unnie.” Jinri’s call came more like a whisper as she made her way to where (her as close as a real sister) said girl stood, dazed.

During this time, Joohyun looked up to where she was comfortably lying, took a quick glance at Seungwan and gave her attention to what was unfolding in front of them.

“Unnie.” Jinri called out again.

The dazed girl finally snapped out of her self-reverie and stared at the three girls who were giving her worried looks. “Yes?”

“Is… something wrong?” Jinri asked the simplest question she can come up with; trying not to pry much on the latter’s privacy.

“It’s nothing.” Tiffany tried to force out a smile. “I’ll be in my office if you need me.” And she took quick steps, more like jog to her office and closed it then after.

The three girls who were left behind succumbed into silence.

Not after Joohyun decided to talk, “I think something’s happened.”

The two nodded in agreement.

“I’ll go check on her later. Let’s just give her some time alone.” Jinri announced. “It’s nearing lunch time and amazingly, there are no customers here anymore. Let’s close for the day.”


“I’ll leave you two alone. No monkey business, okay?”

Seungwan pouted.

“Irene unnie, how do you even manage to stay with this – erted snowman?”

“One thing’s for sure, I’m pretty good in bed.”


“Oops. Sorry?” Seungwan tried to make a peace sign while Jinri chuckled.

“She’s careless, a bit dimwitted, a goof, dork, fool, very conceited, pain in the , klutz, carefree, loud-”

“I can sum all of that up in one word.” Jinri volunteered. “She’s insane.”

“I don’t know if I should be grateful for that or not…” Seungwan muttered.

Joohyun smiled and let her hands caressed the softness which were Seungwan’s cheeks.

“You may have many flaws, you may not be perfect… but for me, you’re the best thing that could ever happen in this life time.”

Jinri had her eyes wide open as she listened to Joohyun’s words. It has struck her that her Joohyun unnie loves Seungwan unconditionally and the formula works the other way around too. She slowly retreated (with a small smile plastered on her lips) out of the scene, giving the couple their much needed privacy. And oh how she hoped that she was with Soojung that time.

Seungwan tried to hide her blush as much as possible but of course that would be inevitable. Specially, when the person who said such striking words is the person she loves. And she was just there, standing right in front of her, trying to memorize every detail of her eye-catching face.

“Joohyun unnie?”

“Hmm?” She answered her with so much fondness that she almost wasn’t able to resist. Almost.

“I could have loved any other person in this world but I chose to give my heart to you and only you.” She said with much sincerity. “You know why?”

Joohyun was absolutely blushing, what with the sudden confession but she managed to say, “Why?”

“Because you’re you.” Seungwan tucked a strand of hair behind Joohyun’s ear.

“You’re the girl that I love.” She let her left hand rest on the slightly taller girl’s waist.

“You’re the only thing I see.” She caressed the latter’s left cheek.

“You’re my everything.” She rubbed the tip of their noses together.

“You’re perfect.” She kissed her forehead.

“You’re my Irene Bae Joohyun.” She let her lips brushed over Joohyun’s cheek.

“You’re mine.” She whispered through her ear.

“Only mine.” She kissed the area just beneath Joohyun’s left ear.

And that left an impression which the older girl won’t ever forget.

“You know what?” Joohyun cupped her face with much ferocity and gave her one long and sloppy kiss. “I love you, Son Seungwan.”

“I love you, Bae Joohyun. Gosh, I won’t ever get tired of hearing such things from you.”

Joohyun gave away one of her breathtaking smiles yet again, pulled Seungwan closer to her and said,

“We’re even then.”







A/N: Wooo! It took a while but here's the first chapter. If there are any typos, I'll fix them up the next time. And I apologize. :) As of now, JeTi's leading the pole but when I started writing the first chapter, WenRene was leading back then and I was already half way with finishing this one. Apologies for that but I do hope you enjoy this one anw. As I was probably cringing the whole way through while writing the last part. Hahaha.

Hmm. I wonder what's happened between Jessica and Tiffany? And would Krystal and Sulli's relationship be affected by this? As for WenRene, they're pretty much staying strong. I made Wendy Jungsis' cousin in here because- just because. Lol. I mean, she reminds me of Jessica. And she's JeTi's love child for Pete's sake ehehehe I've focused on WenRene in this chapter and maybe, just maybe for the next chapter to come too. But I'm not that sure with it yet. It depends on what kind of plot I'll have in mind next.

I smell drama up ahead *coughsJeTicoughs* Sorry for the long wait, neh? ;)

Enormous hug to all the upvoters, subscribers, those who have left comments, readers and future readers alike. Much love from me to you!

I'd gladly wait for your feedbacks. It helps me with writing 'coz it serves as this random author's brain food (Is that even a word? XD)

Ciao for now!



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Favebolous 14 streak #1
Chapter 7: Hello
Chapter 1: This sweetness, I almost died from a heart attack
Chapter 7: jungli<3

first time reading wenrene.
i like your writing style already.

hope you'll update soon :)
p.s. what's up with tiff? and jeti?
LeeJuno #4
Chapter 1: Awwww all of my otp's in one story?! Holy cow author you are a genius!!!! I love you so much right now. I look forward to your progressssss xD
wow all three of my otp's in one story? count me in! omg and jungsis and wendy are cousins. lol my three biases. idk y but wendy as a cousin of jungsis just makes me happy. :D
JeTi, JungLi and WenRene are my OTP's. I can't help but feel that they really have a connection with each other. They're just real and naturally sweet.
Chapter 1: WenRene is so chessy >-< I loved!