Chapter 3

The Supernatural World


A soft whisper echoed around Hana as she slowly flutter her eyes open to meet a never fading white scenery. The brightness affected her, making her squint for a while until she could finally open her eyes fully. She looked around her to see just the never ending whiteness.


Hana turned her head around multiple times but to no avail. She could not find the source of the sound despite her turns. The white background faded, transforming into a wide spacious room filled with pillars and chandeliers accompanied with checkerboard tiles on the floor, resembling a ballroom. This time, however, people started to appear with masks as they started to dance around her, their faces unknown.


Hana breathed in deeply, trying to control her fear as she started to look amongst the crowd for the voice. Then, she caught a male around her age staring at her. Oddly enough, he was not wearing a mask like the rest. His pale complexion complimented his stoic face. She stared at him for a good minute till he started walking towards her. Her head started to hurt as he approached, making her hold her head. As he stood in front of her, he flashed a concerned look towards her.

“Hana…are you okay?...” He held her waist to give her support.

“Who are you?...”

“You don’t have to know.” He paused.

“For now.”

“Why are you here? Where am I?”

The pain started to get worse as she started to gasp for air, holding on to his arm.

“Hana, you have to protect yourself. The ones nearest to you have the ability to hurt you.”

“Why is this happening to me?”  Her grip on his arm got tighter.

“Be strong Hana. See you soon…”

The male started to let go of her waist and walked back from where he came. Before he disappeared  in the crowd though, Hana managed to see something awfully familiar.

Blonde Hair.

“Hana. Hana!” A loud voice startled her as she slowly woke up.

“What happened?” She asked in a husky voice.

“You were having a nightmare I guess. Anyway, get changed, school’s about to start.” Kai smiled gently.

As Kai left her room, Hana sighed and walked to the mirror, she stared at herself, there were tear stains on her cheek. She wiped them off and quickly went for a bath and changed.

Once Hana was ready, she and Kai head off for school despite their parents’ warnings. Hana and Kai felt that they are not in control of their lives and refused to listen. Currently, both of them were not on talking terms with their parents.

“So, Hana, what happened?”

“What do you mean? She looked at Kai.

“You know. Nightmare?”

“I don’t know. It was weird. There was this guy and ballroom and I was in pain throughout.”

“That’s odd… well, at least you’re okay.”  

“Is that concern I hear from Kai?” Hana asked teasingly.

“No it’s not! Shut up.” Kai rolled his eyes.

“Aw! Kai is so sweet, how cute.” She pinched his cheeks cheekily, making him blush.

“God, Hana, stop it.”

“Fine, grumpy .” She paused.

“But seriously though, I appreciate the concern. It’s really sweet.” Hana smiled.


Break came. Hana walked out with Kyungsoo by her side as they went to meet Kai.

“Hey, Jongin.”

 Hana placed her arm around Kai’s neck and pulled him closer to her as a form of a hug before plopping herself down on the seat beside Kai.

Kai hummed in response to her hug. Hana started to talk to Kyungsoo and Baekhyun as Kai just observed them quietly.

“Yah Baekhyun, stop checking girls out. It’s so stupid.”

“Then you stop checking out guys.”

Hana squint her eyes at Baekhyun, giving him a funny expression.


“You guys are so hopeless.”

“Says the nerd.” Hana and Baekhyun chorused.

They both paused before breaking out In laughter. Hana felt an intense stare coming from someone beside her. She turned her head towards her side and saw Kai staring at her. She gave him a smile before asking him,

“Is there something on my face?”

“Nope. Just want to look at you.”

Hana gave him a nod before turning back to Kyungsoo and Baekhyun. Though Hana didn’t want to admit, she liked it when he looked at her like that. Maybe it was feelings for Kai, she didn’t know but it made her feel loved. The look he gave her was special to her simply because he never gave that look to anyone before except her.

“Hana, let’s go. See you losers in class.” Kai got up.

“Bye guys!” Hana waved cheerfully before disappearing with Kai.

“What’s up?”


Kai embraced Hana, placing his head on top of hers.

“Is there something wrong?”

“No... just let me hold you.”

Hana embraced Kai back and listened to his breathing. They stood like that for a while before Kai hesitantly let go of Hana. A smile graced upon Kai’s face as he carefully caressed Hana’s face.

“Thank you.” He said and left.

Hana was beyond confused. Though the whole action did make her feel all weird, she was confused as to Kai’s behaviour since he was never like that. But then again, Kai usually do that to her when he was feeling upset or just bored so she could never be sure of anything.

She shrugged and went to her next class.

“Hana! Did you hear, there’s a new student coming in today.” One of her classmates told her.

“Really? Who?” Hana asked with curiosity.

“I don’t know! But word has it that he is insanely attractive. Going to be hard for girls during their mating season though.” Her classmate said.

“That’s interesting…”

The class bell went and everyone got ready and settle down in their seats. Their teacher, Mr Song came in and placed his book down.

“Now, girls. Yes, you have all heard correctly, there is going to be a new male student today and please may I remind you to keep your volumes down because there are some of us with sensitive hearing and I don’t want them to be in pain so please keep it down. Understood?”

“Yes, Mr Song.” The class chorused.

“Good. Now, please come in, don’t be shy.” Mr Song gestured for the male to come in.

As soon as he walked in, Hana’s breath hitched. She knew that male. She saw him before. In her dream.

Yes, it was him.

The blonde haired male.

He was staring back at her.

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Chapter 7: Please update! Is nice story!!!
Chapter 6: Omo!!! Is Hana gonna be fine?? I hope she can escape from her parents and where did Kai disappear to? - Yuki
Neisha #3
Chapter 5: Hahah it's so funny ^^

Nice story Aurhor-nim{^_^}
Bl0ndeBird #4
Chapter 3: Yass!! Sehun's finally in the picture!!
Thanks for the update! I like this story so far ;D