I Love The Way...


A very tired Irene gets home from work, a photoshoot with her SM sunbaes and her fellow member, Seulgi, to be exact. And what greets her as she enters through the door? A fuming jealous snowman with a million complaints.



“I’m yours.”


“You’re mine.”


“We belong together, Son Seungwan.”


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0 points #1
Chapter 1: Why is this sooo adorable 🥹 but poor baby bear stuck outside the dorm 😭 hahaha
WluvsBaetokki #2
Chapter 1: Lol poor Seul always the victim LMAO
Oncemidzy #3
Chapter 1: Kikiki poor seulbear
Favebolous #4
Chapter 1: ❤️❤️❤️👍🐰🐹
Chapter 1: damn!! why i'm just found this chessy story now!?? i've been searching wenrene ff for a long time T^T
this is so funny hahaha
parklyeol #6
Chapter 1: Waa so cool... and cute :)
Chapter 1: Daebak. You did it again.
Chapter 1: hi there c:

omg i loved this one too, so much cheese right there~ and poor seulbear, i couldn't stop laughing at her talking with a stuffed chicken xD
cheshire95 #9
Chapter 1: lol cute . poor seulbear hahaha . :)))
Chapter 1: I'm imagining Seulbear sitting near the door holding a cute stuffed chicken and talking to it with a worried face. So cute!