Orders & Requests

Tokyo Nights (HIATUS)

The first group of customers, in the company of two hostesses, entered through the large entrance door and immediately filled the room with talk and laughter. Chi-chan and Richardis had taken two seats at the bar and watched from a distance, as the hostess showed the group of men to a table and adjacent sofas. The men sat down in the chairs as though they had just gotten home, leaning back and stretching their arms and legs. Richardis didn’t even see the waiter come and leave, but shortly after the group had drinks and was chatting away with the hostesses.

Richardis was eyeing Chi-chan now and then to see if she was going to tell her anyone’s names, but Chi-chan just quietly sipped her cocktail and picked at her dress. It wasn’t until, several customers and hostess later, that she said something to Richardis: “Professor Omogi is here. Remember to call everyone sama, unless they ask you to call them san, understood? And Omogi is Omogi-sensei1 too you, unless he requests otherwise.” Richardis nodded vigorously and followed Chi-chan through the entrance door into the adjacent corridor, whose walls were entirely lined with glass cases elegantly stacked upon each other and containing expensive looking bottles. At the end of the corridor the door opened and Yumi-chan, who had changed into a beautiful white kimono, led a group of customers in.

Chi-chan put on a big smile and headed towards the customers taking their jackets and coats. She threw Richardis an exasperated look, who quickly sped forward to also take someone’s coat. One of the customers, a middle-aged man with glasses, presumably Professor Omogi, took Chi-chan by the arm and led her down the corridor, towards the main room. Richardis finished putting up the jackets of the 3 men who remained and then was introduced to them by Yumi-chan, who had been quietly waiting: “This is our intern hostess Rie-chan from Germany. Please accept her company for tonight.” When Yumi-chan bowed low at this, Richardis joined in.

The men looked at each other, laughed and bowed as well. Yumi-chan vanished silently and Richardis was left alone with the three.

Very quickly one after the other they introduced themselves and Richardis forgot their names almost instantly, because she was so nervous. Richardis wasn’t sure how to proceed, so she just gestured towards the door and the men followed her laughing. In the main room Chi-chan was already waiting at a table near the corner of the room next to a big window. After she had shot Richardis another exasperated look, she returned to her conversation with Proffessor Omogi, again leaving Richardis to coordinate the other 3 guests.

To her relief two of the men found their own seats and the last one took the double armchair facing the window and patted the cushion next to himself to invite her to sit down. Richardis thanked him and took a seat. Out of thin air a waiter appeared and asked what drinks they desired. Professor Omogi, who seemed to be the host of the group, ordered for everyone, starting with Chi-chan, who requested a cocktail and flashed the professor another big smile, when he reported her words to the waiter. Omogi-san then turned to Richardis and asked her what she wanted. Richardis had hatched a plan together with Ayame in case she would have to order a drink: It would be a non-alcoholic cocktail, which most customers wouldn’t recognize as such, so that she could pretend to be drinking something alcoholic alongside everyone else.

Professor Omogi looked a little irritated when Richardis told him the name of her drink, but he ordered it without any questions and then ordered for himself and his friends. Chi-chan seemed to know all of them already, as Professor Omogi did not introduce them. Chi-chan quickly engaged him in conversation again and included one of the other men, while Richardis was faced with entertaining the other two.

“Rie-chan, so you are from Germany?” “I am.” “How long have you been here? Are you enjoying Japan?” A conversation began from this, where the two sipped their drinks and asked Richardis questions about herself. She made sure to smile at both of them and give answers that were neither too deep nor superficial. Additionally she had to be careful not to let anything about her financial situation slip, as Ayame had inculcated in her to not mention anything that would remind the customers that she was paid company.

On the inside Richardis felt nervous and concentrated hard to make sure she understood the two men, who – now that they had realized she spoke fluent Japanese – spoke increasingly fast. Although she herself didn’t feel comfortable, she got the impression that the two were enjoying themselves and were growing comfortable with her. When she had emptied her drink, they ordered a new one for her.


“Welcome to our private party room with integrated karaoke system. Make yourselves at home,” said Yumi-chan leading Yamaa-san, Junsu and the rest of the group into a large room, whose entire back wall was a huge window through which they could see a breath-taking view of Tokyo’s city lights.

“What a place,” said Iwasaki-san excitedly. Indeed it was: The room was decorated with a huge silky-soft carpet, beautiful ukiyo-e2-style tapestry and an elegant modern-looking kotatsu3.

Yumi-chan handed Yamaa-san a stack of white booklets and disappeared. Everyone quickly rallied around him and Junsu followed them. “There’s enough for everybody. Everyone take one,” said Yamaa-san and began handing out the booklets.

Junsu received a booklet and opened it. The first page showed a silver dragon on a white background. He held it up and the dragon’s outline caught the light and started reflecting different colors. While he was still admiring this, the others were already laughing at something they had found on the following pages. “I’ll take this one,” said Kimura-san. “Which one?” asked Iwasaki-san. “The one called Yoko-chan. She’s a real beauty.” Finally catching up with what was going on, Junsu turned the pages of his booklet to find a picture of a young woman on each page. They were all very pretty, but while the men around him quickly all picked their favorite, he felt uncomfortable at the idea of ‘ordering a woman’.

“Who is your choice, Kim-san?” asked Kimura-san. “I haven’t decided yet,” said Junsu. “Look,” said Iwasaki-san even more excitedly, “Underneath the picture is a short profile. Her hobbies, talents and her favorite drink. Even what languages she speaks.” “Let’s not pressure Kim-san too much, gentleman,” said Yamaa-san. “Four women are enough to keep us five company, right?” Everyone voiced agreement and Junsu sighed in relief. He took seat next to Yamaa-san who turned to him and said: “It is obviously your first time, Kim-san, but I assure you that you won’t regret it. Sometimes one has to break out of the conventions of everyday life and live a little differently.”

They didn’t have to wait long for the hostess to appear. In quick succession 3 young women elegantly slipped into the room and almost magically found the guy who had requested them. Yamaa-san’s was the only one who didn’t show up, so he turned to the young woman next to Iwasaki-san: “Ne, Yoko-chan. Where is Chi-chan? Is she busy?” “A shimei requested her,” answered Yoko-chan. “I’ll put in a main jonai then,” said Yamaa-san. “Of course,” said Yoko-chan smiling. She apologized to Iwasaki-san, got up and pressed a button in the wall. Junsu had no idea what a shimei or a jonai was, but he figured he would find out, so he didn’t ask.

Half a minute later Yumi-chan came in with a small clipboard, handed it to Yamaa-san and he signed it. “Thank you very much,” said Yumi-chan, “is everyone ready to order their drinks yet?” This time Junsu went ahead and just ordered a tea. He had gone as far as visiting a hostess club, he was going to stay a 100% sober for the rest of the evening. Around him conversation began to buzz and he and Yamaa-san were soon involved in Yoko-chan’s and Iwasaki-san friendly chatter. Yoko-chan made no remark on Junsu’s celebrity status, but when the drinks were brought in by another young woman, she turned red when she recognized him and shyly asked for an autograph. Junsu, who always felt nervous when he encountered a fan, turned slightly red, too. “That is impolite, Suzu-chan,” said Yoko-chan, “Leave the gentleman alone.”

“It’s okay,” Junsu assured both of them and quickly signed his autograph. Suzu-chan thanked him exuberantly, until Yoko-chan angry looks made her bow for the last time and leave the room.

After what felt like an hour and a half, the two men had exhausted the amount of questions they could ask Richardis and conversation began to lazily circle around their jobs at the university. She could tell that they weren’t too keen to discuss their work, while out relaxing and she began to shoot Chi-chan nervous looks in hope that she would help her out. At that moment the Yumi-chan came to her rescue who politely interrupted the company: “I apologize greatly, Professor Omogi, but another shimei customer of Chi-chan has arrived and is requesting her presence. I am afraid she will have to go, but you may choose the company of any other available hostess.” Professor Omogi did not look pleased at this. He hesitated, then he said: “I’ll raise to a main jonai, no problem at all.”

Richardis recalled what jonai meant – Ayame had practiced hostessing vocabulary with her: When customers visited a club they would get the random company of one of the host or hostess unless the put in a request for a certain one, called a sub jonai. This request meant an increase in hourly price. The host or hostess would then sit with the customer, unless someone else would request the same hostess and be willing to pay the main jonai price – which was higher then and thus trumped the sub jonai. The main jonai at a Ginza place was between 3,000 and 8,000 per hour, which was 25 to 65 dollars, plus the drinks that were ordered.

Richardis didn’t know how much the Shiroryuu charged, but she could tell from Professor Omogi’s looks that he was determined, but not particularly happy with his decision, assuming that the price he would have to pay would be considerable. “I am afraid Chi-chan will still have to leave. Only for tonight of course. Tomorrow night she will be available again.” Now Chi-chan and Professor Omogi were both looking irritated. “I don’t understand,” murmured Professor Omogi getting a little red in the face, while his colleagues were all looking at each other big-eyed. They were all wondering who would outrank a professor from one of Tokyo’s most prestigious universities. Yumi-chan bowed and apologized several times and repeated that Chi-chan would have to go. Accepting defeat against an unknown rival Professor Omogi let Chi-chan go, who was almost instantly replaced by another pretty young woman with dyed blonde hair, who introduced herself as Ayaka-chan.

Ayaka-chan and the group had not been previously equated, so she proposed a drinking game to break the ice. Glad her cocktail was alcohol-free, Richardis played along. Everyone in turn would get to ask a question which would have to be answered truthfully or they would have to drink. Ayaka-chan began easy and asked: “What is your worst guilty pleasure song?” The men chuckled and reluctantly named a Katy Perry, Taylor Swift and Kyary Pamyu Pamyu4 song. “And you Rie-chan?” asked the man sitting next to Richardis. “Yeah Meccha Holiday by Matsuura Aya5,” she said and everyone laughed and clapped. “We gotta make this harder!” said the man next to Richardis, “Anyone have a truly daring question?”

To Richardis’s surprise it was the middle-aged Professor Omogi who volunteered to ask a question next: “What is the biggest mistake you ever made?” Everyone went “oooh” and fixed their eyes on Ayaka-chan, whose turn it was. She smiled and emptied half her drink. The man whose turn it was next hesitated, then in a quiet voice told them how he hadn’t been there at his grandmothers deathbed, although she had raised him. Everyone expressed their sympathy and Ayaka-chan proposed everyone should drink once in honor of the deceased lady. The next man told a hair-raising story of how he had missed the job interview of his life, but he assured the group that the best thing to ever happen to him was to find the job he had at the university now. The man sitting next to Richardis, whose name she had finally gotten down as Mayeda-san decided to drink and then it was her turn.


“Your Japanese is so good!” said Yoko-chan complimenting Junsu. “I have been learning for a long time,” he responded. “And you’ll be staying in Tokyo for a while?” asked Coco-chan, Kimura-san’s hostess. “Most likely, yes. I will finally get to explore the city properly.” “Oooh, there is so many places you must go.” The girls started counting up places they recommended and Junsu listened with mild interest. It was nice to talk like this. The hostesses talked as though they were long acquainted and at moments he forgot that they weren’t. He rarely got to speak this naturally with women. If they were celebrities then they would talk politely and friendlily, but always maintain a degree of professional distance. If they were fans, than sure, they would take photos together and share hugs, but it was one face after the other and he never established real lasting contact with anyone. It was tempting to give into the illusion, but he dared not. He had let his guard down with false friends before and it hadn’t ended well for him. It was not going to happen again.

Yoko-chan seemed to sense his slight uneasiness. “Kim-sama, are you uncomfortable here?” “I am quite comfortable. It is my… first time, but it’s been a very pleasant evening so far.” Yoko-chan pouted a little. “I can tell you are not comfortable. You have been the least talkative all evening.”  “Let the man be,” said Yamaa-san. “There’s gotta be something we can do to make him feel more at home,” said Yoko-chan. “I know!” said Coco-chan, “We should get the new hostess that speaks Korean.” “Oooh, yes! Maybe that will help Kim-sama loosen up,” agreed Yoko-chan. “Don’t undervalue yourselves ladies, just give him some time,” said Yamaa-san, but it was too late: Coco-chan had already pressed the button in the wall to call Yumi-chan. “It’s perfect!” she insisted, “She just started here and she will be just as nervous as Kim-sama. They’ll match perfectly!”

“My biggest mistake…” said Richardis, “…was to…steal a dog.” Ayaka-chan let out a laugh and the men looked amused as well. “Why would you steal a dog?” asked Professor Omogi, chuckling. “Why was that your biggest mistake?” asked Mayeda-san, looking at Richardis with interest. Richardis gulped. She wasn’t sure if it was a good story to tell. She was about to say something, when Yumi-chan appeared out of nowhere and again began bowing and apologizing.

“I am terribly sorry, but I will have to take Rie-chan to another customer,” said Yumi. Everyone looked baffled. “But she just started working here,” said Professor Omogi, “She can’t have a shimei yet!” “I am terribly sorry,” repeated Yumi, “but I will have to replace Rie-chan with someone else. We very much regret this situation and will not charge for the remaining hours that you stay. Neither will we charge any additional drinks you order.” Richardis – herself drawing a blank on why she might be requested elsewhere – half-expected Professor Omogi to start arguing, but he just looked puzzled and waved his hand in approval to Yumi-chan’s request.

After she had bade farewell to the group around Professor Omogi and moved away from their table Yumi-chan began ushering instructions: “Very high end clientele just arrived and they have a Korean guest with them. They asked if we have a Korean-speaking hostess and Mama-san said you speak some.” Before Richardis could react to this, Hata-san stuck his head around the entrance door. “Ah, there you are,” said Yumi-chan, “Here bring Rie-chan to the private party room, please.”

1 - sensei = Japanese honorific used for teachers, professors and doctors

2 - ukiyo-e = a type of Japanese print making art (aka Hokusai's art style). Example blow:

3 - kotatsu = low wooden table covered by blanket, a heat source is usually installed under or in the table, so that sitting next to it is very cozy; see below:

4 - Kyary Pamyu Pamyu = a real Japanese singer, whose songs are extremly catchy and videos are eye-popping, but her style is suppossed to be for teenagers and young adults - not university professors :D

5 - Yeah Meccha Holiday by Matsuura Aya = has nothing to do with the city 'mecca'; this song is from 2004 and kinda ancient now :D But it was one of my very 1st JPop songs and as silly and low-production as it is, I still have it on my iTunes after all this time and people in Japan know this funny song, so :D

Omg, they still haven’t met. I don’t know what happened… I write, but then I come up with new stuff I wanna include and then the main storyline has to wait and gets slowed down. Next chapter they’ll finally meet!

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2026 streak #1
Chapter 17: Hello there author-nim ^_^ remember me? I don't think so... anyway, I finally caught up to your updates. Sorry I was too late. can't wait to read more. Hope to see an update soon.
2026 streak #2
Chapter 16: Ah... was that just a technical fault or was someone pulling a prank or two on Junsu by spoiling his name? I could kinda guess how Junsu and Richardis are going to meet. But will wait and verify it in the next chapter. All the best for your exams author-nim ^_^
2026 streak #3
Chapter 15: Omg! Both the updated chapters I caught up on are nice... Junho has been turned gay... I don't know whether to laugh or cry :P anyway, can't wait to read more. Please update soon ^^
emilylovesgdragon #4
Chapter 15: Ohh are they true love lol can't wait for the next update!
Chapter 14: ...you're evil XD
how am i supposed to wait for the next update to find out why junho is crying?! ;-;
2026 streak #6
Chapter 13: Hello there author-nim ^_^ another interesting chapter... and the mystery is not solved yet. I wonder who the informer is. Can't wait to read more. Please update soon :)
2026 streak #7
Chapter 12: Hello there author-nim, another nice chapter as usual :) I appreciate how much effort you have taken to write this story more on the real life of a hostess and so. Can't wait to read more. Please update soon ^_^
2026 streak #8
Chapter 11: Ah... a short but nice chapter. I really wonder who the informer might be. Can't wait to read more. Please update soon ^_^

PS you are a German, author-nim? Wow! I thought so. I'm not a German but living in Germany right now.
2026 streak #9
Chapter 10: Ah, I can't put my head around the situation and guess who the caller might be... but the story is getting interesting. Can't wait to read more. Please update the next chapter soon ^_^
2026 streak #10
Chapter 9: Finally they met! Haha... their chemistry was like that of a cat and a dog. Interesting! Wasn't expecting that. Anyway, can't wait to read more. Please update soon ^_^