Second Chance


It's all about how your true love will always hunt you.

Byun Baekhyun, someone who decided to let his dear wife go to obey his mom's wish 2 years ago already get his true-love karma, where once you let it go you're the one who will sarcrifice yourself in pain and misery of missing it. He knows she owned his heart even before he confessed his heart for her beneath the moonlight at that night, but just because he didn't know how tricky his mom was, he let her bring his heart away with all tears. Nothing he could do, all he knows is she hates him for letting her go, for giving in, for breaking their vow. But Byun Baekhyun has changed, he changed to get her back.

Over these years she tried to drown herself ย in her works, the things that she thinks can make her easyly forget him. Sometimes it works and sometimes it only make her cry all over again because harder she try to forget him, it makes her harder to deny the fact she's missing him. She's happy when she knows she get her freedom. But that's not the freedom that she want, he... is the only reason she would feel freedom


at description okey i know that, I don't expect too much from myself, so because i don't want you guys to feel hopeless when i dont have time to update please don't hope to much on me or this story. But all i wish for you guys is get your hope high on our couple, Baekyeon that's enough for me. But still i hope you will anticipate all my strories tho. thank you xoxo


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