“Gathering everybody up…”

█ Sleeping Beauty

A/N : Another chapter, but I post it now because I might in the future be late for some reasons =/
Thank you to these who subscribed ^^ And if you pass by, readers, please comment so I can know your opinions or I can improve my story and all =)
Well, have a good ( and long @.@ ) time reading!!

Chapter 4: “Gathering everybody up…”



♫ Cette lettre (This Letter) sung by Willy Denzey ♫
French song! Willy Denzey is Laotian but was born in France ^^
« You're here next to me, you're deep asleep
I wonder what you're dreaming about. Is it about him? »


Your first days in this “world” had seemed so real to you. Even the feelings were too real to be false… How could it be? Maybe you’ve got mad after your car accident and you’re at a fashioned hospital where live some madmen and madwomen… This thought was terrifying, even more terrifying than those fairies. Yeah, it’s stupid to be scared of such beautiful things but wouldn’t you freak out when you know it’s impossible for our world to create those beings? If they were alive and real, what could be real as well?
Let us go on… That day finally ended. Strange how worry you were. As if you were sensing something wouldn’t be alright when you’ll wake up again. But Onew told you everything would be fine… You couldn’t help but trust him… At least, until he said…

- « I’ll watch over you during your sleep time anyway, so be fine. » he smiled cutely.

Be fine? BE FINE? BE FINE?? Are you kidding? How could you be fine when a boy, no, when a handsome young man will be watching you when you will be sleeping…? He will see you drool, curled into your blanket, will hear you if you talk during your sleep… Oh god! But at least, it is better than without him. And anyway, soon you fell asleep even though it was creepy how he was staring at you.

Onew’s POV:

I couldn’t help it… Really, I couldn’t. Actually, if I was sitting in there, watching over her… It was all for me: what if I was just daydreaming? What if she would disappear? What if she wouldn’t wake up after this night? It was a need to see her respiration, her eyes closed, her moves, her sweet lips moving as if she was wishing something… What did you wish ____? Perhaps go back to “your” world… How were you doing with Thibault? Do you trust him more than me? There, did you miss him? And did you miss us? Did you miss me? Because I had missed you… Every day since you left. I was sad when I knew that you couldn’t answer my questions ____...
Sorry if I stare, but again, I can’t help. I don’t want this day to end. However… it has to…

- « Good night… ____ » he said after you have closed your eyes.

No One’s POV: Minutes passed…

- « You’re mine… » this voice, it was keeping on saying this in your head.
- « I created you… so you’re mine… » repeatedly…

Your so sweet sleep turned quickly into a hard one. You were already moving and sweating. Onew, by your side, had stuck his hand on your forehead a worry frown appearing.

- « ___, calm down. Please… » he was softly saying. With his right hand, he was wiping your neck and face gently as you were still asleep, moving to your sides. He couldn’t help but think that you were going to leave again… When this thought his mind, he suddenly had the urge to hold your hand and did it without any hesitations. Never had he let his eyes go away from you, taking care of you. He did not even know Key did see the scene as his power was to see a place and people he wants while closing his eyes.
The black haired boy opened his eyes while clenching his fits, out of his willing. He just tried to concentrate on the road since he was on the way back.
Somewhere else…

Two couple of eyes suddenly opened. The first thing that they were looking at was this tall dark looking person with eagle like eyes. He spotted their opened eyes and sighed in relief.

- « It’s been a long time you guys… » TaecYeon said, finally stopping to sigh. It had been annoying and boring to wait for them to finally wake but it was Choi Dong Il’s orders, since TaecYeon was his agent, he just followed his instructions.

The two boys were in sort of coffins… They were looking strangely around, trying to guess where they were. The younger grimaced as he tried to stand up, his hands gripping the side of the coffin, which were all covered with dust. It definitely disgusted him. The other one just smirked, as he got out there without touching it, not willing to be dirty.

- « Where are we? It’s creepy here. » the younger finally asked, getting over the dust-thing.
- « Cellars… » TaecYeon answered, as he started to walk not bothering to wait more « Please hurry up, the King and SHE are waiting for you. » He purposely emphasized the “she”, smirking as well.

They suddenly concentrated on his words, looking intensively at him. The younger then slowly smiled widely, his eyes turning gold as the older of the two newly-awake-boys hit his arm, rolling his eyes but finally smiling, his lips.

- « So I guess the fun is finally going to start eh? » the half-blond older asked.
- « Why do you think you’re awake? Could you if she wasn’t back? » TaecYeon asked not waiting for any answers.
- « Jonghyun Hyung, how can you find this fun? She is suffering right now, I can feel it. We can’t enjoy… »
- « Taemin… You’re the one in the need of her… aren’t you happy? Don’t lie… » the boy named Jonghyun said.
- « Yah… » Taemin barked weakly.

Meanwhile Key was again on the road with Minho. Times to times, he would close his eyes, to see what you were doing ‘just because he was curious’ of course! He saw you gasp at one of his joke and smiled, trying hard not to laugh.

- « You, smiling? Am I dreaming? » Minho smiled widely as Key stopped to « Haha, ____’s comeback has good effects on you. I want to meet her so bad now! »
- « Stop saying non-sense! I wasn’t smiling… and not thanks to her, the traitor! »
- « Aish… don’t be like this and just go on okay? Dad told me that if she has really lost her memory about the magic world, we have to tell her the truth the earlier. About her, her family and the curse… »
- « I know this already, you’re the one talking about silly things! » Key said, a bit pouting and blushing.

Aaah! Pretending to be mad at her and smile and blush because of her? Why was she always the winner when it comes about their relationship? Key sighed and kept on walking silently.


As time was going by, Taemin and Jonghyun was heading with a dark TaecYeon to Onew’s manor, it was already nighttime, just perfect for the three boys as TaecYeon was a night bird and the two others were still sensible to the sun. Meanwhile, Minho and Key were heading to the Manor as well, perfect timing! They all reached the manor’s doors at the same time.
However, no joy, no cheers, not even a word, just stares. The boys were eyeing each other cautiously. TaecYeon sighed again and broke the silence.

- « What a nice meeting, I’m sorry to quit you with this wonderful mood! But your father, my dear prince, is waiting for me. I’ll let you guys enjoy each other’s presence! » he said with sarcasms and a smirk.

Key snorted at him, fed up with this when the agent just disappeared in a wink.

- « So you’re… ____’s father new “wizards”? » asked Minho with innocence.
- « Yeah… doesn’t mean we agree with him. We’ve been rising to be for ____so… » started Taemin…
- « Let’s just go see her! » cut annoyingly Key as entered, Jonghyun did the same.

Taemin and Minho just looked at each other as the prince mouthed a ‘Kind of overprotecting’ to the young boy who nodded, still dumfounded.
They made their way to your room in silence and you can say it was awkward.

- « It’s here… » Key said as he stopped walking… « So we will have to tell her every- » he couldn’t finish his sentence as Taemin just ran to the door, eager somewhat but when he entered he froze.
- « EEEEEEEW! » he screamed, frowning at the scene in front of him. Alerted, Jonghyun came into the room as well.

Well… You were not anymore having your nightmare and were sleeping comfortably. The thing was that Onew were laying by your side, in the same bed, his arm around you and the other one pulling your head to his chest, deeply asleep as well. It was for sure a cute scenery, but not to Taemin’s and Key’s taste. The recently-short-tempered young man walked fast towards the bed and whacked rudely Onew’s head. This one opened slowly his eyes not realizing that it was an awkward scene before the young Taemin whined.

- « What have you done to my ____?? »
- « Who are you? » Onew asked still a bit sleepy.
- « I’m now her bodyguard against ert like you » he whined again scooting next to the bed and sitting down, taking you away from his embrace.

That was when you finally woke up slowly, still a bit sleepy. Nevertheless, your eyes widened when you met a cheering boy’s eyes. You stood up weakly on the bed as Onew pulled you down gently so you could sit down. You didn’t want to sit; you wanted to go away from that bed: it was creepy with all those guys sitting around you or SLEEPING WITH YOU IN A BED!

- « Sit down and don’t panic… It’s just time. » He said looking at you.
- « I don't want to sit, you're all freaking me out ¬¬" Oppa… it’s time? For what? »
- « To explain… » he said solemnly.
- « How lucky, she calls him ‘Oppa’ » Taemin gasped - before putting his hands over his mouth - as everybody looked at him, even you.

… … …


A long time after…

They were still explaining you the whole thing. It was so hard to believe. You were in the big living room, sitting on the couch, Taemin on your laps (you couldn’t tell him to go away as his eyes were so puppy-like), Onew at your right, Jonghyun sitting on the couch’s arm at your left , Key sitting on the ground and Minho standing up, leaning against the chimney (fireplace in a wall). You could not help but looking at this prince and the fire: it was as if he was playing with the flames without knowing it. You snapped back to reality, realizing he was staring at you. You swallowed and looked at Onew, who was the most reassuring person to you.

- « So… you’re telling me I’m the daughter of a wizard. »
- « Yes the most dangerous wizard of this world actually… » added Onew.
- « …And that he gave me birth, with my mother because of a prophecy? »
- « Exactly but your mother didn’t know, be fine. » Jonghyun answered. « Well. You are a chosen girl from an old prophecy. You have great powers and all… However, it says, whoever has these powers can rule our whole world. So he was manipulating you. »
- « In order to rule this world right? » you completed as he nodded.
- « But you escaped this world, you did not fear him, you wanted to fight but we don’t know why you had to leave. You just told us you were leaving after the first fight. » Key said bitterly.
- « And now, he did everything for me coming back to this magic world because he’s too weak alone to fight? » they all nodded.
- « Well, it’s what we believe. But it looks like Thibault, another chosen one of the prophecy, erased your memory. » Said Minho quietly.
- « Why? » they shrugged. « And you’re the chosen boys then to help me? »
- « We’re. » they answered in unison. You nodded still shocked even if it was the first time they were telling you this.
- « So shocking… » you breathed as Onew pinched gently your cheek only to get Taemin’s glare.
- « Jonghyun and I were ordinary boys but your father took us from our family to be your “knights” if you want. As he educated us, he also cursed us so now we have a special bound with you. That is why we escaped from him when you did so. Moreover, that is why we fell asleep when you came into the other world. And why we awoke when you awoke too and… »
- « I think she got it Taemin… We react according to you ____. » Cleared up Jonghyun « But Taemin’s a bit too attached to you, it may be because he’s more cursed than me or younger, I don't really understand. But anyway… it doesn’t matter, we’re here to protect our princess from her father, aren’t we? » he winked at you as Taemin laughed a bit seeing your stone face.
- « Why does it sound so Harry Potter and Merlin like? » you thought aloud.
- « Harry? Merlin? Who’s that? [Haha, Xiah Junsu’s sentence XD] » Taemin asked frowning. You just sighed and smiled to your innocent ‘connection-friend’.

*This world cannot be the reality at all!* you screamed that in your head.

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LoverLay #2
Chapter 8: i love this... :))
shesworthit #3
i love fantasy!!
wolvelyness #4
ARGH! It's been a soooo long time TwT<br />
Sorry everyone and thank you at the same time~
-xMomo #5
this is good --- keep on updating!!!
wolvelyness #7
Author's here, after the second chapter: SOOOORRY it's so long but I HAD TO do it this long so you would understand =D