Kurai Akumu


While walking home alone in the dark Irene falls down a hill and somehow ends up in some small town unknown to the outside world called, 'Kurai Akumu.'

There she meets a beautiful girl named Wendy, but will Irene ever make it back home? Is there a way back?


Author's Note: Hi, I'm Kai. I just started writing (kinda sorta) and I would love to get to know you all so, please comment and subscribe and upvote and stuff like that. (;


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Favebolous 14 streak #1
Chapter 4: Hello I want this
Favebolous 14 streak #2
Chapter 4: Hello I want this
shinoshijak #3
what a great story!
cheshire95 #4
Chapter 4: interesting definitely looking forward to this fic . it's gonna be a horror fic too ...
Chapter 1: I love this story! Please update soon!