Departure of a Boomerang

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Half a month into Jongin’s absence, Baekhyun had only done one thing: surf. Sleep, eat, surf. Repeat. After two years, when Baekhyun has his life in order, Jongin comes back and crashes it all.


“You should see yourself. You kind of look like you could take over the world when you’re on your board.”




Pairing: Baekhyun/Jongin, very side Chanyeol/Sehun.

Rating: PG-13, just some mentions of , drug use, and ocasionally language (just? I think it's not enough to rate it M).
Genre: angst, fluff, actually none of those two, so romance.
Length: 7,2k

A/N: I just needed to get out this of my system at some point, and also write a bit of Kaibaek again. I still feel like I can write a million of words about this ship without getting bored; in fact, this was supposed to be around 2 or 3k, and ended this way. Betaed by ShiningRose! Who thought that Jongin was an actual ghost at first lol. After all, this is word vomit, but I hope you enjoy ~


Vietnamese translation


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Beau1996 1380 streak #1
Chapter 1: Interesting setting and being a surfer + I actually think Baekhyun would be good at that - he's so good at every he tries!!
BaeksthighsOMG #2
Chapter 1: I ship everyone with Baekhyun. Why am I such trash?
kannabalistic #3
Chapter 1: Just kill me please.
Chapter 1: Is it bad i was hoping for angst? Still loved this though!
Chapter 1: Really angst???
Well I love kaibaek still I feel bad for Suho...poor him...:(
Chapter 1: oh my god!! berries!! I nearly squealed when I saw you make another Kaibaek~~
kinda feel bad for junmyeon, i'm happy they're broke up tho (i cant help it)

ps: oh please~ did u know i had my teary eyes while reading at certain parts? (its angst for me whenever Baek and Kai were not together)
When will it be posted?