Mark Imagine


My First Imagine

'Oppa,you're going right?' you ask cutetly since you've wanted to go with your boyfriend . Mark hesitantly noodded as he saw your puppy eyes .He sighed in relief . You jump in joy because Mark a.k.a you boyfriend had agree for shopping with you. You knew that he didn't like shopping it was tiring for him but you've wanted to go for a date while shopping since it was in the `To Do list with boyfriend'

You cling in his arms as you both went in the mall,for shopping.Mark saw a big grin in your face causing him to smile silenlty.You drag him almost all the shop in the mall.You've caught a couple T-shirt,matching cap and shoes.Feeling satisfied of what you both bought,you pull Mark to Starbuck

You saw Mark's face light up as you decided to rest.  You chuckled at the sight of his relieved face `Oppa,thank you for accompanying me.' You said while hugging his arm. He just gave you a big smile and peck your lips.`Next time let's go shopping together'Mark said making you confuse. `Because, I like you seeing happy.' He countinued. You smile at his statment and gave him a bear hug `Thank you oppa I love you so much' you said `I love you to jagiya'.



Sorry for the typos


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