Asteria: A Chance at a Fairytale





As the title of this update states, I am finally finished with the rewrite of this story. But now, I need one or two people to help me proof read the story and give me suggestions on what to add in. I'd like to get this done as soon as possible so please comment below your email or WhatsApp if you are willing to help me out. This story has changed drastically as I wrote and that means that the next rewrite of Cursed Prince which will be renamed to Prince Of Mairyn, will also be different. I will try to retain as much of the original as possible but of course the story has to change in order to accommodate the first :) Here's a snippet of the ending portion as an incentive to help me out:) 


Yifan!” Yixing cried out when the prince’s eyes rolled back into his head and he collapsed into the brunette’s arms. The masked man’s eyes looked maniacal as the royal guards subdued him, clasping dampeners onto his wrists so that he could do no more damage with his evil magic. 

“This is only the beginning! You may have stopped me now, but it is only a matter of time! My master will rise again and your blood will water the ground he steps upon!” With those chilling words, the masked man was taken into the portal, his cruel laughter echoing in the air behind. 


Do remember to comment! Or if you do not wish to be so public, you may PM me or email me directly at [email protected] 

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I'm still trying to figure out how to use ASFF so forgive my mistakes


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Chapter 12: I prefer the blue one too
Chapter 12: They're both nice but I think the all blue one is nicer :)
Chapter 11: hi is the offer to get the book in print still open? because i'm still interested in it
emmaliarotada #4
Chapter 10: I really wanna do it but i am not in the position to do it.
emmaliarotada #5
Chapter 9: Do as u like.
emmaliarotada #6
Chapter 8: Why did i vote B
I am so cruel XP
emmaliarotada #7
Chapter 5: This is so fariytale-ish and i love it. Kray fics are the best in fairytale theme. And also ur writing supports the theme so much and i freaking love this.
Chapter 7: Awww this is the the first time I read kray fic and I loved it. Thank you
Chapter 6: A print version would be amazing!!! Honestly I read this fic a while back (but i wasn't subscribed for some reason??? Idk why. I did bookmark it on my browser and I saw this fic updated in the kray tag so I clicked it immediately) but yeah I'm so glad you're extending it AAAAAAA I'm so excited for it!!! This au was absolutely perfect so I'm definitely looking forward to this. (I basically repeated the same thing like 3 times but I'm just that pumped for it)