They say


They say Chivalry is dead. 


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aglaonema #1
Chapter 1: Cute
Favebolous 14 streak #2
Chapter 1: Oooooh fulll of cuteeee
Hanan3899 #3
Chapter 1: I have been looking for this story. because of this story I started to change my way to everyone. because of this story its kinda help me in a way to build my self confidence at that time when I was down. its so good to read and found this story again. im glad that this story is still here.
curseurheart #4
Iiiiiiiiiiii LOVE IT
Chapter 1: I'm dying here at 4.53 am haha they're really sweet~~ ...
Chapter 1: I'm overdose with wenrene cuteness~
Thank you for this sweet story author-nim
Droplet_72 #7
LOL I was listening to the song "Chivalry is dead" xD what a coincidence hahaha