One; 1

After Life
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A girl with short black hair walked slowly on the street. Wearing a long brown coat without button with white t-shirt and short. Average high boots decorated her as she put both of her hands inside the pockets as she walked.

Slowly she lessenen her steps and stopped in front of small shop. She had an urge to open the door, but she couldn’t make it.


Gave up as that sound suddenly made her freezes. She felt a bad signal not far from her. She had known she always be the most searched thing in the world, with satellite etc. Without second long thought, she soon ran away and vanished.




“Prof! We detect a signal from Project Alice within radius 8km from here!” shouted Micky began to type louder with his finger and busy with his microphone. U-Know who was sitting calmly rose up and walked to him.              

“She just stopped there in some seconds,” explained Micky, showing his Professor screencap about woman in front of small shop.

U-Know narrowed his eyes.

“Continue to watch here!” order him, Micky nodded invisibly and typed fastest on his keyboard.

“Prof! Satellite detects Project Alice!” shouted Xiah, U-Know turned his direction and walked towards him.

“Satellite detects Project Alice in radius 15km from here Prof!” shouted Hero. U-Know frowned.

“Project Alice in radius 10km from here Prof!” shouted Max then. U-Know confused. His employes continued to speak almost the same thing over and over again.

“! She can multiple herself.” U-Know slammed his desk, made all of his employes in the room went silent.

U-Know messing his own hair, frustrated.

This exactly his fault that accidentally made the first project of his hidden company escaped. The almost perfect project inside a woman that had named Alice. A smart Project from Umbrella, his illegal company.

And U-Know got sent into Korea to watch her. Each country had someone who must find where she is and bring her back with anything, but must alive. But the worst thing was now, he just knew about she could multiple herself.

Project Alice was the first creature that made by virus from Umbrella, and she did it. But before Umbrella could take her DNA to make another one, she escaped until now, three years had passed with U-Know found nothing but screencap and got fooled.

Now, Umbrella decided to start their project with another new viruses.

“Hero! How about the virus T [the fail virus]?”

Hero went silent and spoke to his microphone, “The doctors make it!” he replied, loudly. U-Know nodded and clapped to calm himself.

“Micky! Order them to shot the new victim,” uttered U-Know, Micky pushed the enter button.

“Hero! Show me the screen,” in flash, the holographic monitor appeared in front of U-Know.

There’s a boy who sitting quietly, observing small TV box across him. A small TV box that showing him a girl in different room. He clenched his fists everytime his bestfriend couldn’t do anything but shaking in cold.


Suddenly two men with all white from head to toe grabbed him. They slammed him onto an iron bed in the room. He groaned and tried to escape, at first he successed, but another two men came to catch him and brought him back to his room. He wriggled again, but suddenly he felt something sharp riped his skin.

“ARRRGGHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!” screamed him loudly.

“Calm down,” ordered one of the white man. The boy glared at him, but that was not give him an effect. He had known about Umbrella. An illegal company with many dangerous viruses who care of nothing but money.


His body gone weak and soon the white men carried him because the shot only a shot to calm him down and anesthetic him. The white men laid him onto another room on the bed, operation room. And in a blink they riped his skin hardly, cut his chest, opened it as fresh bloods dripped from there like a flood.

In other side, a shaking girl got a holographic monitor in her room to show how bad the doctors did to her bestfriend.

“Kibum!” she shouted as saw Kibum got uncommon things inside his body. She was crying when he got another shot. The different virus but had the hard impact directly.

That girl back to hug her legs, trying hard to calm herself down. She didn't know would turn into what her bestfriend was. And she also didn't know what was happening with herself. After she got injection with dark blue colored virus, she had been shivering for five hours.

In her minds there were only two worst options; the virus worked perfectly in her body but it still needed time to wake up, if this true she didn't want to know what would happen to her or it was opposite, it failed, Umbrella would be unhappy and... every option made her walked into Lion's cave.

She tried to cry, surrendering for herself and Kibum who still in operation room with his open stomach got mussed by the white men. She bit her lips.

"Follow us, don't ever try to run away!" someone shouted, made her startled. Two men with all white had waited her silently in front of the door. If the door closed, it would unite with the wall.

The girl swallowed her saliva hardly and stood up, she didn't want to fight and faced the death faster. They grabbed her arms tightly, it was hurt, a lot. She only could try to stabilize herself.

"Hi," someone greeted her as she arrived in the took that full of whithe. She glared at the guy who wore white coat and concave glasses. She knew who he was. U-Know or Yunho; th

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