
Lambo's assemblage

I know it's a little late but merry Christmas everyone ☺️☺️⛄️🍾🍻🎅🏻 🎉🎊🎁and sorry if this is a fail 

Author's POV

She was leaning on Amber's shoulder while Amber is watching the Christmas night sky. They were just hanging out in the cold winter night because they got activities after a few days.

"I can't believe we came into this." Amber mumbled

"What were you thinking?" She said while keeping her eyes closed.

"The first time I asked for your number. Even though we're friends I still don't have it y'know." She said in English and the latter just hummed in response.



"Uhh I-I...was kinda thinking if I uhh." She was keep on stuttering while talking to the other girl. 

"Yes and yes." That kept her dumbfounded. 

"You can get my number and you can call me later." The girl smiled at her and it melted her poor heart. How come she become even more prettier she thought.

"T-thanks Krys-"

"Call me Soojung. We're friends remember?"

"Oh yeah I..." She scratched her nape...

"So see you later at practice?" The latter just nodded and smiled awkwardly. She sighed deeply knowing she can call the latter every time she got the chance to.
End of flashback 

"It was hard."

"What was hard?"

"Asking it without being awkward or you thinking I was hitting on you."

"Babo...why would you feel that way? We're friends." 

Yes just friends that's why it's hard when I felt more than that. Amber thought to herself.

"Say...are you free tomorrow evening?" Amber asked praying she would say yes.

"Hmm. Well yes why?"

"Can I invite you?" You know I got this small event tomorrow evening it'll be nice if I'll have you there." She said mentally applauding herself for not stuttering.

"Of course. I'll be there." The girl now sit up straight and looked at her with a smile.

"Cool. So see you at 7 pm? I'll just text you the place."


From: llamaber 

Sky Rose Garden. See you later princess :)) xoxo

Krystal just smiled at the text. She looked at the time and it's still 4 in the afternoon and she got 3 more hours to prepare. She can't helped but to feel nervous as if she's going on a date or something.

"Why am I even nervous?? It's just Amber and it's not a date. Aishh." She said to herself. She looked for something to wear and ended up finding a simple outfit. After a little makeup and she's done.

"It isn't like a date right?" She asked herself in the mirror.

To: llamaber

I'm near

She texted her when she was about to reach the place.

From: llamaber 

Just go straight to the garden. I'm up here.

She decided not to reply back. As she reached the location she can't helped but to feel the romantic vibe of the place. Wondering what kind of event Amber is having. There is a song playing live that just added to the vibe.

A waiter guided her to a seat telling her that Amber will be out in a while just busy doing something. 

It’s okay to put arms around each other’s shoulders
But holding hands are a little awkward
Messages saying good night are okay
But are you sleeping messages aren’t fine

As they both heard the song, the two were stopped for a moment to reminisce the time they had together.



(Italics are flashbacks okay?: a/n)

"Aishh jinjja just a goodnight text won't hurt right?" Amber asked herself while shifting on her bed.

To: Princess Jung ❤️

Goodnight ☺️

"That wasn't hard right?" She heaved a sigh. 

*beep beep*

From: Princess Jung

Goodnight llama. See you tomorrow 😉

Call me when you are bored One cup of coffee’s okay A glass of beer at night isn’t okay Occasional phone calls are okay Video calls are no thanks It’s awkward you know?

"Penny for your thoughts?" Krystal asked when she approached Amber staring at the glass window.

"I-Uhh Hello..." Cute, Krystal thought when she heard Amber stutters.

"So what's up?" 


"Dance class is over. Just chilling before going home. May I?" She pointed the vacant seat in front of Amber.

"Sure sure..."

"Oh you're from LA right?" She asked in English 

"Yes? Why?"

"Uhm how are you? I mean the environment is way different here."

"It's nice but well yeah way colder but the people are nice..."

"That's good to know but if ever you need something don't hesitate okay? I'll be there for you" Krystal smiled and it made her blushed wildly.

"Omo omo. You're red. Are you okay?" Krystal asked and touched her face and that made Amber blushed more. She even felt her cheeks heated up.

"Y-yeah. Co-coffee?" Krystal tilted her head in confusion.

"Oh I mean do you want coffee? I'll get you one? My treat." Amber said in one breath.

"Oh...that sure but just one. Umma will kill me if I take too long." She smiled again. 'One more smiled and I'll die. Ughh' Amber thought.

I guess there’s a line That is drawn without knowing Between you and me We are more Than friends But we’re still standing on that line

"Yo! Amber!" Henry called out as she saw Amber in the corridor.


"Well you see do you want me to help you with Krystal?"

"Yah yah!!! Shush." 

"Why?" Henry said in English

"You don't have to say that aloud."

"Aigo- don't tell me she doesn't know yet? But man you're so obvious. Is Krystal blind or something?"

"Am I what or something?" Krystal said when she overheard her name.

"Well I was just want to ask if you're free or something? I got two movie tickets. I was thinking if you can go with Amber. It's an American movie so yeah. I can't go." Herny said not forgetting to wink at Amber.

"Depends. When is it?"

"This Saturday."


"Yes! So it's a date then- oof I mean a friendly get together." 

Come over here boy Come over here girl What should we do if it gets awkward What should we do if it gets weird
Come over here boy Come over here girl I’ll go closer with my eyes closed

Leaning on my shoulder That is okay Actually I like it now
You can come closer it’s okay I’m worried if you are going to be farther I don’t think I’m ready

I guess there’s a line That is drawn without knowing Between you and me We are more Than friends But we’re still standing on that line

I guess there’s a line That is drawn without knowing Between you and me We are more Than friends But we’re still standing on that line

The song is nearly over and that was Amber's cue. 


"Remember? You were one of the people who helped me adapt here. An unknown place for me. Sure I don't belong but you helped cope up with everything..." Krystal have no idea where is this going but she suddenly felt more nervous.

"I-I think you were perfect. I mean the first time I see you I started to believe that angels do exist. The more I get to know you the more I see that I wasn't wrong. You are really an angel..." One step closer and she's like 5 more steps away from Krystal.

"Sure you got flaws but that only made you even more beautiful. Those flaws only made me fall for you...yes I fell for you... Ugh no I think I never stopped falling..."

"So can you come close? I know this might be too much to ask but will you be mine?"

Come over here boy Come over here girl What should we do if it gets awkward What should we do if it gets weird
Come over here boy Come over here girl I’ll go closer with my eyes closed

There was no reply and the song ended just like that. Amber was left standing holding the bunch of roses. All their friends were looking at the two. Also waiting for Krystal's answer.

"I can't..." Amber's heart was left broken into pieces. She can't helped but to let out a bitter chuckle.

"Of course who am I kidding...why would you even say yes... You're krystal Jung. I'm just Am-" she was stopped by a pair of soft lips crashing into her.


"I can't because I'm already yours. Aishh jinjja. Took you long enough." 

"Wait what?"

"I.Am.Already.YOURS." Krystal said while pointing on Amber's chest.

"Since when?"

"Since the first time you got my number. I myself was scared too. The movies the everything. I'm just waiting because I thought you were giving me mixed signals. I mean who won't be scared? You suddenly became everyone's bestfriend. To guys you're a perfect girlfriend and to girls a perfect boyfriend. Aishh jinjja. People are even spazzing about you."

"B-but... What if I didn't confess?"

"Then maybe I'll accept we're not meant to be. But you did confessed tho." Krystal said cheekily.

"So it means?"

"Yes I'm your girlfriend from now on Amber Josephine Liu." Since Amber is still in a trance. Krystal kissed her hard and the crowd began cheering for them. 

Who cares if it gets awkward? It's their own world. They can do everything. Hope it will last. They both thought. Thanking God for giving this wonderful moment.


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I ain't getting a lot of feels for years now. I'm sorry for keeping everyone waiting. Mianhae ;;


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2072 streak #1
Chapter 1: That’s so hot
yuliwu #2
Chapter 74: 💜💜
2072 streak #3
Thank you for the update
2072 streak #4
Welcome back!
Appledots5 #5
Chapter 73: 🙌🏻🙌🏻
2072 streak #6
Chapter 73: This story is so dark
Chapter 73: The last interaction i know was on 2020, where Amber call her while on Twitch or something.. after that.. pfft.. not even a single post on Instagram or else.. maybe Kryber has sink.. LoL..
2072 streak #8
Welcome back!
2072 streak #9
Love this
2072 streak #10
Chapter 27: Thank you for this chapter