Step 01. Feel Great & Look your Very Best

A Bad Boy's Guide to Obtaining the One {hiatus}
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You must always have high spirits and never doubt yourself, because if you do then they will undoubtfully as well.

Dress to impress but overtly. Let your usual style bleed through a bit. You do not want to overwhelm whomever you are trying to impress. Besides that fact, it would look like you are trying way too hard to get gather their attentions towards your person.

Jongin stood before his bedroom mirror, glancing at his devilishly handsome features and the clothes he had decided to wear for the day. His reflection was an all black spectre within it's glint. All the way down to the expensive black sneakers that he wore upon his feet. The tan hue of his skin is the perfect contrast to the black he has decided to wear.

He fixes the exposed coller of his t-shirt and straightened out the sleeves of his brand new leather jacket. All while admiring the way his flawless black jeans fit him quite well. He swipes a hand through his effortlessly messy dark hair, taking in his clear perfection for the day.

He was good looking and he knew it. No one could deny him of that knowledge. It was a simple fact of nature. It was something that he took the pleasure of indulging in from time to time.

He felt great on the daily and he always had to look his very best wherever he goes.  Yet, all  at the same time, never overdue it. He didn't desire to cause any unwarranted deaths by his hotness. Still, he killed it with his sense of fashion. Especially when it came to his dearest crush, one Oh Se Hun.

Nothing c

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Chapter 1: Ooooooooo this is interesting!!!
im looking forward the first chap
pls update!!!!
Diamondkai88 #4
okay jongin, that was so slick. LOL.
lmaooo jongin.
alright maybe I'll learn a thing or two from him, haha.
Uuuuh~ this sounds way too interesting! Update soon *-* fighting!
alyssa01 #7
This sound like a fun story~
I'm looking forward to it ^^