Royal Bodyguard - Bong Jae Ho






Name: Bong Jae Ho

Nicknames:Jae - shortened version of his name

Birthdate:17th May 1993

Ethnicity: Korean 

Languages: Korean and English                                             

Birthplace/Hometown: Seoul, South Korea

Height: 180cm

Weight: 77kg

Face Claim: Park Tae Jun


Back-up Face Claim: Park Ji Ho






The Agent

You or Love Interest: Jae Ho


Personality: Jae Ho is seen mostly at first glance. As a highly diligent worker. Often thinking ahead for most situations. As a result he seems somewhat cold and overprotective of his royal. He is also very pragmatic due to his jobs nature. Which puts him at odds with most people because some would consider it cold or perhaps even evil at times. However that is because he needs to be in order to protect his target effectively. He can be considered somewhat of a lone wolf only trusting the academy, the other agents and his target. He tends to ignore others opinions of him. At least until he forms a sort of bond with them. He does however try not to form bonds with others in order to stick to his directive completely and utterly. Which would possibly be one of his weaknesses. 

However once one makes past his rough exterior. They meet a much genuine man. When he starts bonding with people. He generally tries his hardest to bond with them even making jokes (which aren't his forte). He is also capable of flirting in the right circumstances. However he himself hasn't quite learned how to take flirting. Which leads him to reverting to a teenage boy when dealing with it. He reacts somewhat nervously even when it's something as small as a compliment. However this only occurs once someone makes it past his rough exterior. 

Background: Jae Ho lived a relatively normal life. Well he considered it normal. Sure he didn't study all the time and he fooled around with rapping in his spare time. He even preformed in front of people a couple of times. He didn't really take any care in know what his parents did for a living. Unbeknownst to him his Mother was an agent. So one time while he was on the way home from performing he heard gun shots. So naturally he came running to see what was up. So at the age of sixteen he witnessed his mother not only get into a fight. But also be a complete badass.
From that day forth he asked his Mother train him. While wary at first his Mother agreed because he probably would do something stupid hadn't she. IT turned out she was correct because one day while his Mother was trying to protect her 'client'. He tried to help her causing her to get grievously wounded leaving her in hospital for an extended amount of time. This caused Jae Ho to stop rapping and become a more serious and cold person.  

Protecting people
The idea of love

Becoming to close to people
Seeing people get hurt
Being unprepared
His jokes



He has the habit of kissing girls who bite the lips even if their not doing it because of him xD
​Snaps his fingers when he has an idea
Clicks his neck right before a fight gets serious

Doens't see his dad all too often but he texts him frequently
He seems to have a lot of weapons on him which makes going through airport security a hassle
Owns a motorbike he uses in his spare time (When he has some)
He's really good with his weapons no matter how odd they are.


Weapon of choice: His weapons are plentiful in array. He has many hidden on his person including in some odd places. Such as his belt  for example. However still carries a gun per the standard. While he adores his gun his favorite and most deadliest weapon to use is somewhat innocent. His favorite weapon is steel edged playing cards which he uses with deadly precision.







The Royalty


You or Love Interest: Park Choa (25)

Personality: Choa acts very sincere and serious around new people and situations. She is very typically affected by her mood. If she is sad she will likely shut off from talking to people and she is happy she can be very talkative and lively. She shows typical care for the people around her and tries her best to help them or care for them. 

However she can quite easily get nervous around new situations which she hasn't grown accustomed to. She however appears very cute and sometimes awkward which adds towards said appeal. She will still try her best at what every she does. Usually she is seen as somewhat of a nice figure and almost motherly at times. However it can take a sharp change if something something shows ill intent towards what she cares for and holds dear and close to her heart. 


Background: Choa was born into a typical royal family of angels. However she lived a typical life as a Korean girl. She was raised like many others would living in Seoul, Korea. She went to school, she studied. Found out she wanted to do much more with her life and went from there. Of course there was a lot more bumps in the road. But she achieved her goal of having a happier life involved with what she loved. Which was a necessity to most. Which was music.  However her parents while supportive of her career knew that there would be ones out to hunt her.

So while they wanted her to quite possibly stop making music altogether to get rid of the target on her back. They decided to settle in the middle ground by allowing her to be protected by a agent. But not just by any agent. They had to have one of the best. After all she deserved it. Little did they know they might be provided something else along with it.

Listening to music
Finding cafes to get recipes from
Being complemented 
Receiving skinship

Rude People
Using her powers

People giving up
Cold people somewhat
People getting hurt


She stretches right before she goes to sleep
She bites his lip slightly when she's really nervous
Talks in her sleep

Sings really well
Like Men who have a smart sense of fashion
Favorite color is white
Favorite food is sashimi 
Can't live without her Ipod


What are you?: Angel/Fallen Angel 

Her powers are the standard fare for Fallen Angels. She has only mainly delved into her angel powers such as healing and enhanced movement and strength. However she hasn't quite delved into her fallen powers in fear of what they might be. Her Fallen powers rely more on and fueled by her emotions. Specifically the darker ones such as anger, pain and sorrow.  These powers are a complete opposite to her normal angel powers. At least what angel powers she has. These powers are used to inflict pain and maim. And While she doesn't have wings it causes her to start to sprout some made of pure darkness. 








(Change the pic to whoever is the royalty)



How did the agency find you?: They found Jae Ho after the incident with his mother. 

How were your training days?: They were harsh for him. That is only because he made them so. In hopes to to become a one of the best agents.


Love Space


(change the pics to one of your face claim and love interest)


How is your relationship?: At first one would think they don't quite get along. However that is not quite the case. It is more somewhat of an awkward relationship at least on Choa's side. From Jae Ho's point of view it is just strictly business and he is adhering to that. However she soon brings up the matter. Which brings up a good point in Jae Ho's mind because how can she trust him to protect her if she doesn't exactly know him? So much to his dissatisfaction he decides to hangout with her. She notices his attempts to at least try to make a working relationship. Which he would much rather refer to as a working partnership. However things get a little more complicated as she sees what he has to go through to protect her. Not to mention their surfacing feelings for each other. Which leads to one hell of a ride





Scene Request:

Comments/Questions: I nearly made his father a royal then I realized it would screw with your story. Xd 
Sorry If there's anything missing it's nearly 11:50 where I am so I thought I may as well submit it while I can xD 

Hope you have fun applying ^.^

Created by Truly and Utterly Random Layouts ♥♦♠♣



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