Ideal Type Quiz (Stolen from J.Lee, Maerin and Melody)

Ok this actually turned out to be longer than I expected it to be lol. I suddenly feel like I'm a pretty picky personㅜㅜ
Another thing I realized is that a lot of my preferences have changed since I got into kpop and stuff, the korean wave is seriously scary! 
P.S: can anyone guess who my UB in kpop is from my answers?! 

1. Do you need him/her to be good looking?
I won't even try to lie. Being easy on the eyes will totally be a bonus for me, but I don't think I'd say no to a guy just because he isn't good looking (hopefully I'm not that shallow XD) 

2. Smart?
Not a genius or anything, but on the same level as me. 

3. Preferred age?
I used to hate younger boys but I have to admit that the whole noona-donsaeng relationship in k-dramas is getting to me man. So probs from 3-4 years older to 1-2 years younger. 

4. Preferred height?
At least 170cm because I guess at 165 myself, I wouldn't want a guy who's less than 5cm taller than me. But if he's 175+ then that would be extra good since I want to be able to wear heels sometimes :3

5. How about sense of humor?
Not the class clown or anything, but I'd like it if he did have a sense of humor to an extent so he can make me laugh when I need it. 

6. How about piercings?
Again another result of k-dramas and kpop, I now find ear piercings to be hot XD WHAT ARE U DOING TO ME KOREA??!!! 
(But I wouldn't like piercings anywhere other than the ears)

7. Accepts you for who you are?
Well duh, I'm fabulous no? 

8. Pink hair?
If he can pull it off like Sehun did then yeah, otherwise please stick to natural colors. But I guess it's his own hair so I'll respect his choice. 

9. Mushy or no?
Yeah, I like mushy boys who enjoy a lot of PDA <3 

10. Thin or fat?
I guess on the lean side but not puny, like some where in between at a healthy weight. 

11. Black, Brown or White (skin color)?
Right now I'm going with white and asian since being an asian brought up in Europe, I feel like I can relate to those groups more (I'm not eastern asian but I still feel like there's a lot of similarities between my country's culture and the Korean culture) but who knows? If I find the right guy then I don't think I'd really pay much attention to his race. 

12. Long hair or short hair?
Short, please short. I can deal with pink hair or any other color of the rainbow but I can not, for the life of me, understand the beauty of pony tails on men. Just please don't, I'll kidnap him and force him into a barber's shop if I have to. 

13. Plastic or metal?
So apparently no one knows what this question means so I'll just go with metal XD 

14. Smells good?
What do you think :p 

15. Smoker?
I'm kinda allergic to the smell of cigarets so no. Plus I'm really doing this for him, do you know how bad those things are for your health?! 

16. Drinker?
I don't drink myself so I don't want him to be an over-drinker, but drinking occasionally at parties and events with friends would be ok. 

17. Girl/Boy-next-door type?
Yes XD I want someone I can proudly introduce to my parents lol. (For some reason I think I'd like a guy who has the boy next door image but is a little fun and crazy on the inside.) 

18. Muscular?
I don't like buff guys, but having lean abs and a six pack never hurt anyone XD 

19. Plays piano?
Yessssssss for some reason I've always found guys who can play the piano to be extremely hot! I always wanted to learn it myself but never did because I'm too lazy ㅠㅠ so him being able to play it would be a def bonus.

20. Plays bass and/or acoustic guitar?
Would be a bonus but I'd prefer the piano more.

21. Plays violin?
I've never really like the violin so it wouldn't really make that much of a difference.

22. Sings very good?
Would be a plus but I think that rather than singing well, I'd prefer for him to have a nice voice. Like all deep and manly XD 

23. Vain?
I wouldn't want someone who's self-conscious (I'm enough of that myself thank you very much) or self-centered and full of himself, just someone who's in between and normal. 

24. With glasses?
Doesn't really matter. He can always wear a lens or just use the glasses, his choice. (I can swing with anything other then long hair, excessive amounts of tattoos and piercings in odd places aka anywhere except his ears) 

25. With braces?
Preferably no, but it aint on my black list. 

26. Shy type?
Yes, since I'm shy myself I think we'd get along better like that. Or I could always just go for my complete opposite and choose a loud-mouth! 

27. Rebel or Good boy?
A good boy with a rebel streak which he can control at most times (omg does that even make sense?! Why am I so picky?!)

28. Active or passive?
A mixture of both. I want him to listen to me but at the same time have the ability to think for himself and not depend on me like a kid depends on their parents. 

29. Tight or bomb?
No idea what this even means lol. 

30. Singer or dancer?
Ooooh such a tough one! I'm gonna go with dancer but a nice voice would def be a plus too. 

31. Stunner? as in looks? or like a schmoozer?
Stunner, nough said. 

32. Hiphop?
Not overly crazy hip hop with baggy trousers that resemble skirts and weird hairstyles! But the mild kind of hip hop like caps and converses plus a liking to hip hope music would be pretty cool. (But somehow I prefer the more classy/preppy look but caps are hot. That I cannot deny)

33. Earrings?
I blame kpop and all my damn boy group biases. 

34. Mr/Ms. count-my-ex-until-you-drop?
No! A couple of exes would be fine but I don't want to have an awkward encounter with all of his past lovers everywhere I go! 

35. Dimples?
Def plus, but not required ;) 

36. Bookworm?
Yes, we can read together since I'm a serious book worm myself! (I even got the book worm award at my primary school's award show all those years back...awww good memories) 

37. Mr/Ms. love letter?
Can't he just say it to my face while gazing lovingly into my eyes :3? But I guess if he's super shy then it's alright. 

38. Playful?
To an extent yes. 

39. Flirt?
To me sure, to anyone else and I shall rip his tongue out! (Just kidding I'm not that violent, I THINK xD) 

40. Poem writer?
Meh I've never really been a fan of poems, but being able to write and compose songs would be pretty awesome IMO. 

Yes, I don't want a baby. He should be able to be both serious and playful like me. 

42. Campus crush?
Non of the boys I've met on campus so far have really caught my eyes (most of them have girlfriends so...) but who knows? Maybe I'll find him yet. 

43. Painter?
I like drawing myself but yeah I wouldn't really mind if he can paint or not (even I'm not THAT picky)

44. Religious?
Not the extreme type, but he def needs to have a belief in religion to some point. I think this is probably a thing I should add to my black list, I don't think I'd be able to live with a guy who doesn't believe in anything. 

45. Someone who likes to tease people?
Hmmmm could go both ways, I could either love it or despise it. 

46. Computer games geek? Or internet freak?
Seeing as I'm an internet freak myself, I don't think I'm in the position to contradict him, am I? 

47. Speaks 20 languages?
Just English would be enough but another language as well would also be a bonus (I'm bi-lingual myself so it would be cool if he can teach me the other language and I can teach him my mother tongue) 

48. Loyal or faithful?
Aren't they technically the same thing? But for some reasons ima go with faithful. 

49. Good kisser?
I have no experience so I don't think I'd be able to tell wether his good or the worst there could be xD 

50. Loves children?
I'll let you in on a secret, I don't really like kids myself so I think no to him LOVING kids and wanting a huge family and stuff, because dude no. It aint gonna happen. But I guess if he just LIKES children and would want 1 or 2 then that would be ok. 


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