Life Update

Heyy guys, I've disappeared from the AFF world for quite a while right? Hehehe

Most of you know that I just registered to a University earlier in June and so far, being a University student is quite fun since I love the course I take. And this is where I want to promote my course and faculty here in AFF for Malaysian students who is taking SPM this year xD

​About FiTA (Faculty of Film, Theatre & Animation), My course, The timetable, Interview tips and the Campus


- FiTA

FiTA has 5 courses under the faculty. We're actually a performing arts students since we're learning the basic things about directing a movie (For Screen students), writing scripts and song lyrics, acting, singing etc. Most of our lecturers are movie producers, directors, singers, and novelist. Our dean is Professor Dato' A. Razak Mohaideen, a well known Producer here in Malaysia. I was very excited the first time I met him xD

​And our seniors said that being a FiTA student, we get to meet famous artist until we don't feel excited anymore and we'll be just like 'meh' the next time we meet the artist since we're going to meet them a lot of times. Before entering these courses, we have to go through an interview (more like an audition lol).

This faculty is only available at UiTM Puncak Perdana and nowhere else. So if you're from Sabah or Sarawak, you have to leave your family and study here if you got in.


The courses are :-

1. Screen Department

- For the students who took this course, they are going to learn how to direct a movie, edit the movie, be a producer, acting (not sure about this but I've seen screen students learn how to act), be a make up artist and anything regarding a movie. I didn't take this course but a friend of mine does and she said its fun. The students from this department is very easy-going and friendly. Some of them are over friendly.

2. Writing Department aka My Department xD

​- We learned how to write scripts for a drama and movie. We even learnt how to write a novel and songs. The lecturers will teach us how to write the right way and be professional. We're the most important in all the departments since we're the brains. Without us, they won't have a script for their movie and their movie won't have a plot because we're the ones who think of the ideas. We're going to learn how to write a song in the final semester (according to a senior). I choose this course because, well, I love to write. And if any of you guys wants to join this department, I wish you the best of luck for the interview and see you next year! xD The students from this department is a little bit quiet and not too rowdy like the other departments.

3. Theater Department

- In this department, you will learn how to act, sing, dance and probably modeling? Idk. I don's know much about this department since I don't have a friend from this department- oh! I do have some! And yeah, you learn how to act and stuff. Some students who came from this department is a social butterfly. They are very very very friendly. And some of them are a bit diva-ish. Some are okay and some are not that okay.

4. Management Department

- I'll be real with you, I have no friends who came from this department but a senior of mine told me that being a management student requires you to know how to manage the time, people and easy to say, being a manager. The kids from this department is fine so far.

5. Animation Department

- This department isn't available for diploma students but we can take this course if we further our studies to degree.


The Timetable

I only have 4 days of classes and 3 days off.

4 days of classes is Monday - Thursday and the rest is my day off. Wihee

​On Monday we have 2 classes. The first class starts at 10am and ends at 12pm. The 2nd class starts at 2pm until 4/5pm.

On Tuesday (I hate this day urghh) we have 3 classes. The first class starts at 8am and the last class ends at 4pm.

Wednesday, we have only one class thats starts at 8am and ends at 10am. Why only one class you ask? If you took Kadet Bomba as a curriculum, you have training at 5pm until 7pm.

Thursday, we also have one class and one curriculum in the afternoon for Kesatria and BSMM. The class starts at 10am and ends at 12pm.

The class starts as early as 8am until 4pm or until the lecturer dismisses you.

I was shocked the first time I came into class and the lecturer dismissed us an hour early and I was so confused. My friend told me that if the lecturer has said everything s/he was to say and taught everything s/he was to taught, we'll be dismissed.


The campus

As I've already posted on my past blog post. We lived in an apartment. Juniors get to live at the fifth and fourth level while the seniors lived below. Its pure torture to walk up and down (cue EXID's Up and Down) the stairs to the last level (I live on the fifth level). If we want to lose weight, we'll exercise by climbing up and down the stairs.

The rooms; there's 3 rooms in one apartment minus 2 bathrooms.

2 rooms will have 2 people to share it while the 1 room, 4 people will live in 1 room.

I've got the 2 people room and I was so happy that I got the top bunk bed /cries/

Living together with 8 people is not that easy when you didn't know them. I'm grateful that all of my housemates are easy-going, friendly and nice. The key is, you have to learn not to piss each other off since you're going to stay together until the end of the first semester. Unless you planned to stay together until the final semester like me and my housemates, be nice and learn to tolerate with them. Try not to be a d*ck and an to each other.

We can't bring any other electrical appliances EXCEPT the iron, water heater and laptop. Buttt, you have to pay RM 10 for each of the electrical appliances you brought there.

I've met 3 AFF users there and one of them happens to be my new best friend there hehehe. Most of them came from my department (expectable). You know who you are >:D Hahahahaaha


​- Interview Tips

First thing first, pray to god. If you really really really want any one of the courses I've listed up there, pray to god.

Second, before the interview, you are required to bring your portfolio. If you took writing, print out your story or fanfics. What I did when I was interviewed, I print out one of my fanfic here. The title is 30 Days. But I changed the names and location because I'm scared that I would get laughed at. In the end, I told the interviewer I wrote fanfics at this site and she was quite impressed. Its your choice to print out the original version of it or the tweaked version.

Third, confidence. Have confidence. The interviewer wants to see how confident you are and she will decided whether are you worthy or not to be in the University. I spoke in English (because they prefer we speak in English to see our communicating skills) that time. I was soooooo nervous I felt like throwing up after the interview.

Fourth, show the interviewer that you really want to be in this course.

Fifth, be yourself. A friend of mine was a badass I tell you (She's a Sabahan). She dared to say that some of the Malaysian films is not good and some of them are too freaking cliche. She got in and now she's my housemate. Be brave yaw. But being brave doesn't mean you have the license to be rude.


That's all I have for now. I'll probably write more if I have the time. If any of SPM-ers are interested in taking the writing course or any courses I've listed up there. When you are applying for UPU, make it your first choice in the form so your chance of getting the course is quite bright. Good luck and if any of you planned to take the same course as me, see you next year! xD


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zeasbabybana #1
My brother went to UPSI's interview for the theater department(degree). The results aren't out yet, though. He told me that he was the only guy there lol. And not so many people came for the interview. I guess it's because this is the first time UPSI offers the course.

PT3 is coming, 2 months to go. Need to study first before I can ever be like you haha
ezamy83 #2
Never heard of this fac during my studies hahah.. I don't think it existed before during my era around 2001-2007 (diploma & degree) .... Is it new? Well you are lucky enough to enter this fac....
nmpk cam best- bruhh. pt3 dlu
Is there any courses for master student? I would like to apply later. Hahaha.

Science for foundation, business for bachelor and art for master. Isnt it cool?

Seronok la ainaaaaaaaa . Kalau akak, pergi klas tu mcm pergi suka2 je kalau ambik course mcm aina.
i remember having 4 classes in one day and the last class ended at 8PM so i was just :'---------)
ButterflyShida #6
BunnyH is missing you sis... I hope I can do as well as you. SPM this year... Trial next month. Pray for me ya sis
wut??? I was applying for that (my 2nd choice) but ended up in matrics which is...i don't want to say it. congrats,is that uitm? my parents were kind off against it but they knew who i am,lol. but i get nothing for upu and it sadden me so i just go to matric with hope of changing my future.cliche.
yayy,I'm full of spirit for this,bahahaha
I love your course aina ; n ; and you fit perfectly for it, because you have the talent...unlike me <//3 orz. just kidding xD