Wang mei
other names — English name= Macy- She chose this name as she thought it sounded pretty, but doesn't know that the definition means Weapon.
nicknames — Heartbreaker- The girls call her this as a joke, back in Mei's high school days she used to reject every guy, hence the nickname. After Luhan's incident she for some reason couldn't stand the nickname anymore.
birthdate — January 3rd 1997 (18)
birthplace — Beijing, China. The forbidden city is located here, key word being forbidden.
hometown — Beijing, China.
ethnicity — Asian (Chinese).
nationality — Chinese.
languages — Chinese- She is fluent as it is here native language.
Korean- Semi fluent- She has been learning Korean from a very young age, and still practices it now.
Japanese- Conversational- She knows the odd phrases (enough to get her around). In high school, this is the language they taught the students.
faceclaim — Miss A Jia
backup fc — Miss A Fei
appearance — Wang Mei has always been a beauty. She stood out from her childhood, people described her appearence as the type that could lure someone in. She wasn't typical. Before going to high school she dyed her hair a fiery auburn colour. Her facial features are unique, she has eye's which appear like they are glaring at you though they really aren't. Mei's smile was something that was interesting, when she was only slightly smiling it appeared like a smirk. All these different features sound wierd right? Well, add them all together and they look beautiful. She has a height of 168cm and weighs 50kg. 
수많은 사람들 속에 유난히 빛나.
personality traits — Positive=Hardworking, friendly, charismatic.
Negative= Jealous, over-protective, bad-tempered.
personality — Mei has always been a nice girl. She was loud and humerous, well before Luhan's death. She was always hardworking, Mei put her effort into everything and wanted to protect everyone. She had lots of friends, and loved them all to pieces. Her hardworking nature meant that she didn't like to let anyone, especially family and friends, down. All of Mei's friends would/would have described her as friendly and bubbly. She used to talk a lot and would always crack some jokes while talking with anyone really. People were attracted to her because she was genuine, unlike others she didn't seem fake. Mei is charismatic, a flash of a smile and you can't stop thinking about her. Its her charm, a charm for good and for bad. Mei wishes people wouldn't be attracted to her, all it does is hurt her in the end.
However she is far from perfect. Not being perfect means that she has flaws. Though she seems like a nice girl so far, she can be bad-tempered and rude. When upset Mei will say exactly what she feels with no hesitation. When Mei is angry she can't hold back and will just lose it. She doesn't like to harm people though...People say that when Mei's angry its like she's drunk, like shes under the influence meaning that she can't regain her sanity or calmness. She is also quite jealous and over-protective. Mei hates it when things get taken away from her, especially when its something important to her. She doesn't get angry when jealous (or at least not at the start of her jealousy), she just becomes an emotional wreck. Mei cries a lot when she misses someone. Mei just wishes that the person that she was last jealous over, would just come back.
trivia — Mei has only had one boyfriend, and that was a year and a half before Luhan's murder.
She loves Disney movies.
Mei hates liars. 
Her favourite hobby is painting, she likes to paint pictures of flowers and gardens.
Mei often goes to visit children in hospital and sings to them.
She was close to 'the nonchalant'but after the incident became highly suspicious and stopped contact with him.
Mei feels intimidated and still can't get over the entire incident involving Luhan.
Her favourite song is Ailee's Don't Touch Me.
She idolizes Ailee and IU, for Ailee's powerful voice but IU's calm, sweet appearence.
Mei likes who have a smirk, for example she has a crush on BTS' Jimin. However, she adores guys with laughs and eye smiles as well.
She was the top in her class for ballroom dancing (back in China).
She says that people even now talk about her in the streets, thinking that she is simply just a foreginer. They get a shock when they realise who she is!
Mei hates coffee and much prefers tea, specifically green tea.
Her phone is a Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge, she has a light pink case with white polka dots on it.
She can be a little shy when around someone she may be interested in (or they could be important), but then she becomes her bubbly-self after a short time. 
피할 수 없어 난 지금.
background — Mei grew up in Beijing China, she lived there for about 10 years before moving to Seoul, South Korea. In China she lived in a typical family sized house with her Mother, Father and Sister. She was always smart as a child and was nicknamed 'the rolemodel student'. From the age of 4 Mei had took dance lessons and to say the least, she was very, very good. She also took up music club; people envied her wonderful singing talents. Mei was popular and always had friends around her, but that all changed when she moved to Korea. Though Mei had been learning Korean for 5 years at this point, when she arrived and settled in at her new home there was a language and cultural barrier at her school. She remained quiet most of the time and didn't talk to many people but her teachers. Mei actually enjoyed the peace that she had during school but hated being lonely. 
She was happy that her father had gotten a new job but still missed all of her chinese friends back home. Mei didn't take anymore music or dance lessons, but instead just practiced by herself at home. She found it easier to improve her talents by being self-taught, it meant that she got to choose what pace to go at. This was a lot easier for her. One thing that didn't change was the fact that she was still amazingly smart, so much that the teachers admired her as well. She was at the bottom of the social chain throughout her school life from this point onwards, but started to recieve more attention when she started to develop more. Students noticed that she was actually gorgeous, she got compared to idols. People started to ask her out on dates, but Mei couldn't let go of the fact that they had no interest in her before she became beautiful so she rejected each one of them. Girls were envious of her so they still didn't talk to her. This meant that Mei still didn't have any actual high school friends. At lunch she would sit with her sister and her friends, her sisters friends sometimes talked to her but they didn't say too much. 
Mei had no purpose of being in Korea. She didn't like it, she couldn't stand how she was living. It was only when her parents suggested an SM Entertainment audition at the age of 14, that things appeared to turn around. She went to this audition not expecting much but it turned out rather amazing, they complimented her singing and dancing.
lifestyle — Mei doesn't typically have much free time. She is always either in the studio recording, dancing in the dance rooms or discussing possible career options with the head of SM and her manager. She would skype her sister maybe once or twice a month, they talk about her and how she's doing. Mei always avoids questions about SM; she doesn't want to mention the great things about the company. This is because her sister wants to audition for SM. Mei doesn't want her sister to endure all the stress and pressure that comes with the trainee life.  Their calls typically last 20 minutes as it is normally late when Mei has the time to call.
She goes and visits EXO as well. Her and Chanyeol are close, she tells him about how difficult life in Korea is proving to be while being a SM artist. He tells her that it gets better after the first debut. Mei desperatley hopes that he is right, she doesn't know if she can handle years, and years of this. She normally meets him in the lobby or at the small canteen/cafe that SM holds for all workers/artists. It is also here where she relaxes, most trainee's/idols are on schedule, at school,training or sleeping so the canteen is usually quiet. Mei thinks about life in China and worries that she may have made a bad decision on coming to the company, but then she thinks about all the great things she has experianced. Memories that she could never forget. 
Out of the rest of the group (Xeno etc) Mei is the one who is closest with the rest of the idols. She is always busy and helps the head of SM with organizing the scedhules for other artists. This is where she meets a lot of artists, in the office area. So yeah, typically she stays in the SM building and does her regular working routine, even on her days off.
relationships — 
Mother / Wang Akira / 47 / Receptionist / loving, respectful, strict / 7.5/10
Father / Wang Daiki/ 49 / Dentist / Genuine, calming, argumentive, 7/10.
Sister / Wang Reina / 16 / Student / ambitious, hopeful, courageous 9/10
넘칠 듯이 채워지는 순간.
stage name —  Mei
plotline name — The unknown.
speaking twin — Dasom Sister (AOA Jimin).
talent twin — 
training duration — up to 10 years
training experience — minimum three sentences
relationship with other trainees/idols in sm — minimum three sentences
interview section — 
“what is your relationship with luhan?”
answer here.
“did you feel anything was amiss when you last met him before his death?”
answer here.
“who do you think might have caused his death?”
answer here.
“who is the most unlikely person to have killed him?”
answer here.
“are you enemies with anyone in the company?”
answer here.
“what is your take on sm's choice of remaining silent on this issue?”
answer here.
“do you think there will be any more victims? why?”
answer here.
“will you still trust your groupmates, given that they might be the culprit?”
answer here.
“overall, what are your feelings about this issue?”
answer here.
그림 같은 너와 나.
love interest — name & occupation
birthdate — spell out the month
first meeting — minimum three sentences
interactions — minimum three sentences
relationship status — friends, close friends etc
backup love interest — name & occupation
투명한 잔에 비친 완벽함.
comments — 
suggestions/scene requests —  
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