I'm very-very TIRED!

annyeong there~~

how are you my friends and lovely readers? hehehe...

well, IM BACK!



Im back from the camp!

and oh God, im sooooo tired now! need to school on tomorrow day and now i felt very2222 tired and weak!! mwahaha..


last night, we only had been given 3 hours to sleep?!! OMO..


and God, it was Damn COLD! I kinda forgot to bring my duvet and yeah, me sleeping with frozen! wahaha.. Thanked God, my friend gave me her permission to HUG HER!! WAHAHA... (i love to hug something when im sleep)


so, how's my camp? urm, it was very INTERESTING! hehe..:3


well, no lie that i did feel want to back home as soon as i can but later, after my group was chosen to be one of the 3 groups to make some acting ! wahaha..

interesting, right?


and they gave us 45 minutes to create one.

and i was like ....



HEHE, but later, its fine, nvm..


so, after chosed the theme of our acting, we practice (spontan) wahaha.. and the scripts were from ourselve on that time. we're soo nervous! no kidding! but later, when it comes to the time, me and my group prayed.. hehe...


and ah, i took a bad, naughty and funny girl in the acting! kuakuakua.. me and one of my senior. we acted like we're the 'trouble maker' of the group and the councelors are worrying 'bout us!! hehe..


there's more to tell but im too sleepy and tired now..

sorry ya,

how can im not sleepy whereas i just slept not more than 3 hours?! haha..




A/N: i'll try my best to update the fics. well, idk when 'cause starting tomoroow day, i'll back home very2 late! erm, like at 6 o'clock of evening? haha, yeah! 12 hours in the school! =='


so, buhbye chingus...


ah, one more..

i was attending a caunselling camp as i was chosen as A COUNSELLOR in my school! hehe..

wish me luck with my new position~~





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awww welcome back~~
how i missed school days wanna go to a camping too T_T
ah-huh the trouble maker, and I also experienced the same like you, blurt out the spontaneous for the play and i'm sure that was totally crack rite?
gile penat but the experienced ease the exhausting part.
rest well okay