⇒ Pre-G (Precious Girl) | Choi Kyeongsol | Jack Of All Thread

Stage Performance

STAGE NAME [ + ] Kangseol {강설} it means snowfall in Korean and refers to her snow white skin and her being half caucasian
PERSONA [ + ] Half-Blooded Rabbit {혼혈 토끼}
POSITION [ + ] Jack Of All Threads
 - VOCAL TWIN [ + ] AOA Mina
 - DANCE TWIN [ + ] AOA Yuna
 - RAP TWIN [ + ] AOA Chanmi
 - SPEAK TWIN [ + ] F(x) Amber
SPECIAL TALENT(s) [ + ] Acting
TRAINING YEAR [ + ]  4 and a half years 2011-2015
TRAINING LIFE [ + ] Kyeongsol became a trainee for Big Hit Entertainment in the beginning of 2011 when she was casted after auditioning in their "Hit It" Audition project. In the entertainment, there were mostly full Korean trainees and every once in a while she would get a snotty remark said to her, but overall everyone was genuinely friendly especially her non-Korean friends. During the auditions is when she got the most odd looks and judges. Around the 2014, word got around about her twin brother who then debuted before her in 2015 and many other trainees were constantly asking her about him. It didn't annoy her, but sometimes she found it strange especially if they asked if they could have his babies.
~cameo in BTS "War of Hormones"
~Was on Hello Stranger along with her brother
~Supporting Role in High School" Love on!
~Cameo in Who Are You: School 2015
~Cameo in Salut D'Amour


   Kyeongsol was born in New York, America at the same time as her twin brother. Her family had stayed in America until we she was around 5 years old. After moving to Hongdae, South Korean, they're parents had another little girl and decided to homeschool all three of them. She was homeschooled up until she became a trainee and was put into a public school on Big Hit Entertainments orders. She is currently attending SOPA Seoul. In Hongdae, Kyeongsol and her siblings had been known around their neighborhood for being honhyeols, or half-bloods, and had many offers to become children models and do CF's. Their mother finally agreed to give it a try and they loved it and continued to be children models. They were introduced to the music industry after a video of the twins dancing was released on YouTube in 2010. After that the twins were always informed about entertainment auditions and such.

Triats : 
  [+] ; 4D, cooperative, incorruptible, childish, soft
  [–] ; brutally honest, impatient, indecisive, moody, overprotective
   Kyeongsol is a "Happy-Go-Lucky" type of person and is often considered to be 4D. Her bubbly and outgoing personality makes her stand out among other idols or celebritites. She is very vivacious and can social with almost everyone. She is also very cooperative. She always makes friends with whoever she is working with and never has any problems with them. Even if the person is completely different from her, she still manages to befriend the person and they cooperate with each other. Kyeongsol is also incorrubtible. She does not follow in other people footsteps, except when it comes to style and clothing of course. She is not gullible and doesn't believe in rumors easily. She is also a bit more on the childish side. She likes to mess around and have fun, which is why she connects with children fairly easy. This can be taken in a good way or a bad way. Sometimes she does need to dial it down and be more mature, but she finds her silly acts to be that of a mood lightener. She is also has a more prominant soft side, meaning she does not have that much of a back bone. She shows more empathy to others and only has rare moments of strictness when it comes to her siblings, bullying of any sort, or danger (but more depends on the case scenario). 

   Kyeongsol is also brutally honest which can sometimes be a harm. She is always the first to speak her mind and rarely ever lies. If someone asks for her opinion, she tells them her opinion without sparing their feelings. She automatically regrets if she says something rude and apologizes a million times after. Although, she's very good with the "Of Course" game because of this. She can be very impatient at times as well. She has a hard time going on plane rides or long car rides because she can't wait that long, so she needs to be busy the entire time or sleeping to keep her mind off the time. She is also a person who is indecisive. She always has a hard time on choosing things such as her outfits or even what she wants to eat. If anyone asks her what she wants or what she wants to do, she will just shake her head and say nothing because she knows it will take her a long time to think of something. The members never ask her to decide what to eat because they also know that she will contemplate between to things for about 10 minutes. Kyeongsol is also at times very moody and exaggerates her emotions. She can be known as the "Reaction Queen" because of her mood swings. She can become extremely happy from something like eating or become extremely sad if she were to pass by a crying baby. She is also very overprotective like a Mother Bear. She is constantly keeping watch over the members and checks up on them every minute. If a member is hurt or bullied, she will stand up for the member and make sure every one knows to back off. She also tries to stop the members from having interactions with boys, but realizes that she is being hypocriticle because she spends time with Jungkook a lot.

- Caught Going Into Dorm With an unknown Girl | Before | This is a scandal for her twin brother because he was introduced to the public before Kyeongsol was. When visiting him, cameras caught a picture of them entering his dorm room and got the wrong idea.
- Dating Rumor With Fellow Big Hit Entertainment Member | After | A picture of her and a boy, who had a Big Hit Ent. badge, had gotten a picture taken of them in a company car holding hands. They couldn't identify the face of said man since the mirror was blocking his face. It was then later revealed to be Bangtan Member, Jungkook, but the dating rumor hasn't been confirmed nor denied.


Lee Suji
gal 2
Oh Seunghee
gal 2
180 280

Kyeongsol A. choi

was born on February 18, 1998. She is Korean  and American. She was born in New york, united states,. Currently 17 years old, she grew up in Hongdae, south korea. Standing at 170cm for 52kg, character name is notably known for looking like THe Ark Halla or even sometimes CLC seunghee.

social circle

FAMILY {가족} +
» Fraternal Twin, Hansol Vernon Choi | 17 | member of SEVENTEEN | Dorky, shy, humble, creative, courageous | These two are super close especially since they are twins. They of course have the typical brother and sister relationship where they will jokingly hit each other or make fun of the other's face, but in all seriousness they care a lot about each other and will always be there to support each other. 
» Mother, Sarah Choi | 40 | Stay at home mom | Caring, shy, protective, supportive, dorky |  She is a momma's girl rather than a daddy's girl and it's been that way ever since they were young. Her mother loves making surprise appearances at Kyeongsol and Hansol's concerts or award shows. She is always supporting them as well as her youngest baby and her husband of course.  


FRIENDS {친구} +
» Bestie, Oh Taecheon | 17 | Student | Sassy, Strong-willed, Protective, Dorky | Taecheon and Kyeongsol were each other's first friends at SOPA Seoul and have stuck together ever since. They still text each other whenever they can and sometimes Taecheon will surprise Kyeongsol by going to fan meets or concerts. They are the typical best friends who burp and eat tubs of ice cream while watching movies and talking about boys.

» Idol Bestie, Wendy Son | 21 | Member of Red Velvet | Bright, Outgoing, Youthful, Soft | They met on the set of Who Are You: School 2015 and immediately hit it off. Kyeongsol told her how big of a fan she was and Wendy told her how big of a fan she was of her acting and couldn't wait for her debut. They support each other even though they aren't from the same company and will often be seen next to each other on stage at music awards. Sometimes they even hang out when they have no schedules. 


OTHERS {다른} +
» Favorite Dongsaeng, Kim Saeron | 15 | actress | Humble, shy, charismatic, mature, aegyo-y (if that even is a word keke) | These two are acting buddies and are like each other's sister. They will often be in dramas together and hang out during school as well. Kyeongsol loves teasing Saeron, but Saeron still manages to love her unnie and not hit her mess with her back. 


LIKES {좋아} + 
» Working out with Jungeun because she actually works out instead of being lazy
» Bubble tea
» Chocolate
» Stuffed animals and cute stuff
» Having free days or no schedule days
» Facetiming with her twin, other family, or friends
» Annoying her unnies


DISLIKES {안좋아} + 
» When people don't consider her as a part of the band since she's not a main member
» Being compared to Hansol
» Being judged for being half caucasian
» Dust
» When Seventeen tries to go for a y theme 
» Working out for the most part
» Birds


» Playing with her cheeks
» Does skinship without even knowing it
» Spacing out
» Fiddling with her fingers
» Taking selcas of herself or with other people, funny ones or cute ones
» Updating her social media accounts
» Reading romantic novels or sometimes fanfiction keke
» Roaming around the Big Hit Ent. building


TRIVIA {트리비아}+ 
» She gets creeped out when someone will pull out a photo of Hansol from their wallet or something
» She has an ipod just so she can take a bunch of pictures without having to worry about data memory
» She is currently obsessed with the song "Loveable" by kim Jong kook
» When she listens to music, sometimes she will lip sync, do weird dances, or pretend to be playing along with the instruments
» She is a heavy sleeper
» She likes playing with hair and she likes her hair to be played with
» She loves skinship
» She has a dimple on each cheek and can put an M&M in them
» She likes snapbacks
» She hasn't been out of Korea ever since they moved there when she was 5
» Sometimes she'll sneak out without the permission of her manager
» Her natural hair color is light brown
» She is known to have a very $D Personality and lots of aegyo

STYLE {스타일}

Her style is a mixture between Korean street fashion and American street fashion. She'll often wear flannels and a snapback with ribbed skinny jeans, etc. Sometimes she will wear a skirt or a dress, but she prefers to wear jeans or shorts to avoid having a Marilyn Monroe moment. Her closet is filled with mostly red, white, black, and dark blue clothing. She absolutely avoids really bright colored outfits or even ones that just have yellow in it. Link 1 Link 2 Link 3 Link 4 Link 5



» Amelia | This is her middle name and her American name. Her mother calls her this because it is more natural for her to say and sometimes Hansol will call her this. She is also sometimes called this by other idols, staff, or even her fans.
» Honhyeolie | Honhyeol {혼혈} means Half-blood in Korean. She is called this by her close friends and its not meant to be in a rude way
» Sol-ie/Sol-ah | It is just a shorter and quicker way of saying her name. She is called this by her unnies, oppas, or people her same age



» Korean, fluent | raised in Korea since she was 5
» English, fluent | born in America and rasied in an English speaking and American styled household since her mother doesn't know the slightest bit of Korean


PERSONALITY + Jungkook is a very caring, protective, and immature boy and that is exactly why him and Kyeongsol get along so well. He loves smiling and having a good laugh. He is also very childish and is the best at making derpy faces. He is very protective when it comes to people he cares about. Sometimes he can be a bit cocky about his talents, but he's not overly bragging about it. He is a dorky jokester and such a lovable guy. He is easy to get along with and is probably one of the most charismatic people you will ever meet. He can make almost every girl swoon for him, even by his dumb jokes. He can also show a very masculine side to him since he is the strongest in BTS, but will also show the typical maknae cute side as well.

FIRST MEETING + Jungkook and Kyeongsol met when they both auditioned for Big Hit Ent. They didn't think much of each other when they first met since they thought they probably weren't going to see each other again. They were also rivals since the both of them can sing, rap, and dance so there was a little tension between them. They never spared each other a non-glaring glance until they announced the trainees and it turned out that both of them had been chosen. After that, they formally introduced themselves, congratulated the other, and never would've guessed to end up as the bestest of friends.

RELATIONSHIP + Jungkook and Kyeongsol are so close that it'd be weird and cringeworthy, but everyone's gotten use to it by now. Since the day they've been chosen as trainees, they practiced with each other everyday since they weren't assigned groups yet, and hung out everyday when they were assigned groups. They see each other everyday, whether it be 5 seconds in the hallway between practices or 5 hours on a free day. Jungkook, being the awkward-with-girls boy he is, is quite shy with skinship at first but soon he is no longer shy and will be all fluffy with her. They like to make appearnaces on each other's social media accuonts like twitter or instagram and have taken many photos together. They often joke around with each other like teasing, hitting, or being huge goofballs or sometimes will just be so full of fluff and skinship that it's cringeworthy and gag reflexing. One of them forgets their lunch, the other will "accidentally" bring too much and share with them or they'll go out to eat something. She loves to play with his cheeks, he loves to play with her hair, she loves to hold his hands, he loves to cuddle. They're relationship isn't worth anything but everything because it is priceless. Sometimes they get scolded by their managers for being too close due to misunderstandings, but maybe they aren't misunderstandings. Everyone thinks they're a couple and everyone knows they like each other except for the two themselves.

THE ENDING + After the dating rumor happened and was confirmed to be Jungkook with her, some fans were upset and some fans were waiting since 2011 for the JungSol ship to take off. After waiting a little while, the staff of Big Hit Ent. finally confirmed that they were indeed in a relationship. 

+ japankeira
+ minnie
+ 10

Jeon jungkook

Member of BTS, he was born on September 1, 1997.


BACK-UP LOVE INT + Jeon Wonwoo




LAST COMMENT + How are ya?


SCENE REQUESTS + ~ Hansol and Kyeongsol
~ Kyeongsol and Jungkook keke
~ The group practicing with BTS
~ Performance with BTS
~ Variety shows or vacations with BTS
~ Pre-G trip to America!





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