Application: Super Girl - New Girl Group


AFF username: min_neulmi

AFF profile link: Click Here

Character Infortmation ~

Name: Andrea Nam (Nam Hee Ra)

Nickname: Andy, Drei, Hee Ra, Mandy

Stagename: Andy Nam

Age: 20 years old

D/O/B: July 15, 1991

Born (where): Hong Kong

Ethnicity: (has to have asian somewhere/perferably Korean) South Korea

Languages: Mandarin, Korean, English

Personality/Persona: Andrea Nam is very lucky to be the only child of a rich and successful businessman and a well-known politician. Although she is part of a high social class, she prefers to keep a low profile, going to a regular school, and mingling with ordinary teenagers. Her parents have almost no time for her, but she understands. She doesn't like to be treated specially, and even got a part time job so she could earn her own money and not to be dependent on her parents. She's outgoing and funny. She's always happy and carefree, but serious and smart on the inside.

Appereance: (4 links)

Ulzzang's Name: Kim Seul Mi

Backup Ulzzang Name + 1 link: Kim Shin Yeong

Family ~

Family Backround: Andrea's parents are both successful in their own fields.

Members: (Ages+Occupation+Alive/Dead?)

Mother: 45, lawyer-turned-politician, alive
Father: 47, owner of a multinational company, alive

Relationship with each family member: Although her parents are very busy and almost have no time for her, Andrea understands their situation and doesn't lose communication with them.

Trainee Information ~

How were you discovered: She auditioned.

What was your audition: (ex. what song(s) did you sing, what song did you dance to/what dance did you do? *link*)

song: If I Had One Wish by Bom Park
dance: Power Solo by Chachi Gonzales

*the links are at the bottom part*

Training years: (atleast 4) 4 years

Trainee experience: Andrea started training when she was 13 years old, and her parents tried to discourage her at first, but then let her make her own decisions. While training, she was bullied by other trainees because she was rich and just pretending to be one of the ordinary people, and she had only a few friends, but no really close friend. She trained in ballet and hiphop and her hardwork resulted to being one of the dancing machines in the music industry.

Relationship Information ~

Love Interest: (No more than two. Please state the first and last name, and what group they belong too. Choose from the list.)

Lee Jinki (Onew) from Shinee

Bestfriends: (Choose from the list. No more than 3.)

Eunhyuk from Super Junior and Taemin from Shinee

Favourite Group: (This can be any boyband or girlband. Choose one boy group and one girl group) CNBlue and F(x)

Ex(s): none

If so, what happened: (explain why you broke up and how your relationship is now *ex; we are awkward, we hate eachother, we are still friends*) none

Super Girl Information ~

Position: (List top 2) Lead Dancer/ Sub Vocal/ Leader

Personal Fanclub name: Drix

Personal Fanclub colour: Blue

You are the group's: (ex; selca queen, ageyo queen, facial, ice princess, quiet one.) dancing machine

Additional Information ~

Likes: jokes, pranks, books, eyeglasses, opposites (day and night, dark and light)

Dislikes: people who break promises

Habits: laughing, listening to music, reading

Side-job (as a trainee): waitress in a coffee shop

Any thing else you want me to know about your character:

Give me one video showing a girl singing :(1 link)
Give me one vide of a girl dancing :(1 link)


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