Application for United Cube Girl Group (SCENT) !

Name : Park Ji-Na

Age: 17

DOB: June 19, 1996

Birthplace: NJ, U.S

Hometown: Seoul, South Korea

Languages spoken: Korean (Fluent) English (Fluent)

Ethnicity: Half Korean & Half Italian (Her mom is Korean & her dad is Italian)

Weight: 45.4 kg(100 Ibs)

Height: 162.56 cm(5'4)

Blood Type: A

Appearance :¤t=tumblr_lx535wpNhG1qa5dcno1_500.png¤t=tumblr_lcjmcixJ3Z1qa5dcno1_400.jpg¤t=tumblr_lww7kbQF1T1qa5dcno1_500.png¤t=tumblr_lpma47Kfb11qa5dcno1_500.jpg 

 Ulzzang/Model name:Seo Ji Hye


Lived in her dad's hometown,NJ, U.S. with her mom, dad, and older brother JaeSung from age 1 to 13, then moved to Seoul after her brother died from getting in a car accident. She became really depressed and protective of her family after that, but her depression slowly went away after a few years. She thinks about her oppa(brother) all the time. She's tough & she has a lot of self-respect and pride. If anyone messes with herself, her family, or friends, you become her enemy already & her punch target. She loves her family and friends dearly. She may seem scary because of her agressiveness, but on the inside she is really protective and caring for the people she loves. She isn't the type to wear girly dresses and skirts. She always looks really serious. She isn't loud and obnoxious, but she isn't quiet either. She isn't afraid to speak her mind. She hates erts. Her friends are a big part of her life, she isn't agressive towards her friends or family.  Plays a lot of sports. Likes Nice, funny, non-erted guys. Hates girls who eat nothing, but salad. Also, when her brother was still alive, everyday Ji-Na told him that she always wanted to be a dancer/singer, but one day a girl who was jealous of Ji-Na's talent lied to her saying that she wasn't talented & she thought that she should just give up on her dreams, so Ji-Na told her oppa about this and how she wants to give up on her dreams and he told her "Never give up your dreams Ji-Na, that girl is just jealous, promise me that you won't give up on your dreams and that you'll work hard because I know that you'd make a great Dancer one day. Even a singer! Do you promise?" She promised. So if it wasn't for her oppa, she wouldn't be what she is today, the lead dancer and supporting singer for SCENT.

Likes: Beanies and furry hats. Comfortable/ baggy shirts. Eating. Playing Soccer & basketball. Onew from Shinee. Spending time with her family.

Dislikes: erts. Girls who act ty and dress ty. Guys who are playboys. People who mess with her friends or family. People who annoy her, by talking non-stop. People who tell her what to do. Being poked or hit.

Hobbies: Playing sports. Dancing & singing to music on her ipod.

Fear/Weakness: small spaces(Claustrophobia)

Talents: Dancing & Singing at medium tone.

Stage Name:Ji-Na

Position: Lead dancer/ supporting vocalist

Trainee story: When she moved to Seoul, Korea, from the states at the age of 13 she trained at YG entertainment for 1 year, then was moved to JYP at the age of 14, but then moved to SM and that was the time where she met Shinee and they taught her how to dance to some of their songs & she ended up falling for Onew and Taemin grew to like her, but she ended up deciding to be a trainee at CUBE entertainment because she thought that SM wasn't working well for her. She auditioned by dancing and singing to Wonder girls' song, Be My baby. That is when she wow-ed the judges and they assigned her to the new group SCENT.

Trainee background: Modeled for CLRIDE. Background dancer for Taeyang's song, I Need a girl.

Friends: Shinee's Minho, Taemin, & Onew. Wondergirls' Lim. 2NE1's CL.

Best Friends: Miss A's Min. F(x)'s Amber.

Crush: Shinee's Lee Jinki (Onew)

Admirer: Shinee's Lee Taemin.

Crush personality:A genuinely good person. Smart. Funny. Not erted. Cute. Is a great singer. Loves Chicken. Protective of his shinee dongsaeng's. Cares for his family as much as Ji-Na cares for hers. Makes people smile with his humor & clumsyness. He doesn't like it when someone he cares about is sad.

Admirer personality:One of Ji-Na's good friend's. Would do anything for Ji-Na. Has only told his Shinee Hyung's about him liking Ji-Na. Dances really good. Tries to impress Ji-Na as much as he can. Very innocent. Pure-Hearted. Plays soccer & plays piano. Loves banana milk, but not as much as he loves Ji-Na. Wish's for Ji-Na to see him as more than a friend. If he sees anyone that looks sad, he uses his cuteness and happy attitude to make them smile.

Rival: Has no rival.


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