Random Tag (taken from KaihleeLo)

1:What is your name and does it mean anything?

My real name is Kimya, and it means elixir (or literally the philosopher's stone). It also means something precious xD (fun fact: the word chemistry and Alchemy both came from the word Kimya (Kimia) which is from Ancient Greece and it's one of the five forms of Greek magic. And yes the correct spelling is Kimia but the guy who typed my name for my passport was high and wrote it as Kimya, he also wrote my Mum's name as Marya when even a fifth grader knows it's Maria =_= smh)

2:How long have you known your best friend?

I haven't had a best friend since... Primary school? And we've lost touch so yeah... #sadlife

3:What position do you normally sleep in?

I have no idea xD I've never paid attention to that 

4:Were you a part of any “clique” in high school?

Hmmm there were actually no cliques at my high school :p

5:Who was your favorite teacher in high school and why?

I had none xD like seriously none of my teachers in high school were any good tbh. But I didn't mind my literacy teacher. (I hated my biology teacher tho =_=)

6:Do you wish to travel a lot?

To certain places, yes.

7:Did you participate in any sports while in school?

Netball in primary school, and I was part of the indoor football team for a while in high school xD (oh and does chess count? Lol)

8:Show a sample of your handwriting: 

I can't upload a picture rn, but it's pretty messy 

9:Have you ever given blood?


10:Do you like the way that you grew up?

Ehhh tbh honest no. My parents were too hard on me, and they still are. Funny thing is they're not like that at all with my sister, they just let her do and say whatever she wants =_= the troubles of being the first child /flips table/

11:Do you like your siblings? Why or why not?

Nooooo jkjk xD I only have one sibling and she is 14 years younger than me so we don't get along that well xD but I don't hate her or anything, she just sometimes gets on my nerves because well, she's a kid. 

12:How did you meet your best friend and why did you become friends?

Ahhh my best friend in primary school, we were in the same class for six years. At first I had a different friend, and she had another friend as well. But by coincidence both our friends left our school at the end of year1 so we just became friends with each other xD 

13:Name one movie that made you cry.

The impossible. It's based on a real life story about a family that went to Thailand for their family vacation at the time that the Tsunami struck. I cried so much T_T

14:Do you prefer to read poetry, write poetry, or neither?

I've never been a fan of poetry tbh :/

15:Things about someone that you find attractive?

Umm someone who's slightly reserved but has a fun side as well, very polite (seriously being polite is a BIG factor, I cannot stand rude people), their appearance xD idk what else lol

16:What song are you currently listening to?

Like rn? Nothing 

17:Have you ever broken a bone? If so, how?

No, thank God 

18:A random memory from your childhood:

Hah so here's one that my family likes to bring up. So when I was 5 we moved to England, and one of our family friends were actually moving to England (they later moved to Scotland but whatever) as well so we had the same flight. So they have triplets who are about two years younger than me, and at the airport the kids were crying like crazy. Like seriously they were making such a scene that even my dad had to help to carry them to the plane. They didn't want to leave because they were going to miss their family too much, but like I was super happy to be leaving and didn't even shed one tear and just waved at them and skipped away, my Grandparents were like... What is wrong with this kid??? My aunts still like to tease me with that memory lol 

19:Where did you grow up

I was born in Iran, then moved to England, and now I've moved back to Iran lol

20:What was the last thing you watched on tv?

TV? What is that ancient thing? Jk jk xD I don't watch TV much but my sis was watching 101 Dalmatians 2 on TV so I sat down and watched a little of the movie with her. Ahhh it was so nostalgic xD 

21:Do you think you’d make a good parent?

Honestly Idk, I'm pretty impatient and get angry when my sis does crazy stuff... But maybe that will get better as I get older? I don't like kids that much tho tbh 

22:Would you like to meet any of your AFF friends in person?

Yesssss please 

22:What was the last dream you remember having?

I had a scary dream last night T_T I woke up in the middle of the night because of it. Thankfully I don't remember exactly how it went but I think it was about a corpse? 

23:When is your birthday?
January 1st, NEW YEARS DAY

24:How many pillows do you sleep with?

One pillow and three cushions  

25:Do you wear glasses? If so, how long have you been wearing glasses?

I don't wear glasses

26:What color is your hair?

Dark brown with a reddish tint xD and the tips are now dyed 

27:Name 5 facts about your appearance:

I have big eyes 
But I have small lips lol
My mum always says that I have a nice forehead because it's slightly round and not flat, I used to think that foreheads are not that important and like who pays attention to them??? That is until I read that some idols have forhead implants lol
I have really long eyebrows and my mum won't let me shorten them because she says it'll make my face look harsh =_=
I have REALLY bad skin, thank you to whoever made foundation which is pretty much the only makeup product I use otl

28:What is your favorite soda?

SPRITE, and I also like coke 

29:What is a strange talent that you have?

I can bend my fingers over each other? Lol people think it's so weird

30:How’s the weather right now?

Super coldddd which so weird because it was literally so hot a few days ago, like wth??? 

31:Why did one of your friendships end?

I moved to another country and got so engulfed by schoolwork and the troubles of learning a new language (actually my mother tongue which I forgot otl) that I couldn't manage to keep in touch with her :(

32:Who do you miss right now?

I miss my friend now that I'm thinking about her T_T

33:Why did your last relationship end?


34:Are you still figuring out who you are?

I would say yes, funny thing is I knew who I was when I was a kid, I'm no longer sure of myself >_<

35:Have you ever been admitted to a hospital? Why?

Yes, story time. So it was April Fools day and I had been pranking my dad all day so to get back at me he played a prank on me. It was at night and he was like "Kim, can you get this from the kitchen?" And I agreed. So I went to the kitchen and didn't even turn the light on, then my dad suddenly closed the kitchen door. Since it was dark and I was a kid I got really scared, so I ran towards the door and pushed it to open it BUT the door was half wood half glass and instead of pushing the wooden part I accidentally pushed the glass part and.... Let's just say there was a lot of blood. 

I didn't have to stay the night at the hospital but a nurse had to come to our house every week for a month to change my bandages and I still have a scar until today =_= however I was super lucky because the cut was very close to my veins and if it had cut my vein, I could have bled to death...
So yeah moral of the story: DO NOT MESS WITH ADULTS ON APRIL FOOLS DAY

36:What is your favorite restaurant?

I love Italian food and KFC xD 

37:What is word that you always seem to spell wrong?

definitely, seriously I can not spell that word for the life of me. That's why I always just write 'def' instead lol

38:Would you ever adopt kids?

Idk maybe, maybe in certain conditions like if me or my future husband can't have kids of our own 

39:What is your favorite kind of pizza?

Pepperoni, and beef and mushrooms  

40:What was your first thought when you woke up this morning?

"Ughghg go away." Because my sister came to wake me up 

41:When was the last time you got really really happy and why?

When I passed my physiology course T_T I never have to see that professor again YASSSS 

42:What’s the strangest thing you’ve ever eaten?

I've had a brain sandwich xD in my defense I had no idea what it was. I was tricked T_T and it was a cow's brain not a human's if you were wondering xD 

43:How do you start a conversation?

"Hey", "How are you" and "Oh btw"

44:What’s a band you’ve been obsessed with lately?

Lately Day6. And my always favorite group Got7 of course xD 

45:Do you come from a family “of money?”

Well not crazy rich, but I guess we're well off. 

46:Do you have a bucket list?

I do not, I really should make one though 

47:What is your favorite series of books?

Can I say Harry Potter? Hahahaha 
I also liked Divergent, and I liked Maze Runner (as much of it as I have read, I need to complete the series) 

48:When was the last time you laughed so hard your stomach hurt?

Whenever I watch Got7 on reality shows. Jackson is just xD 

49:Where do you go when you’re sad?

My room

50:5 random facts about yourself:

1. I wanted to be the prime minister or a lawyer when I was younger but now I'm a dental student instead because my parents wanted it =_=
2. I can only cook instant noodles loool xD 
3. I'm a pretty awkward person and have a hard time making friends. I usually get on better with people who are older than me than with people my own age.
4. I wanted a cat when I was a kid but instead I got a little sister =_= I'm still not over that.
5. I love reading books. 


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Julescoco #1
Hey, you are a very interesting person :) What language do people speak in Iran? (excuse my ignorance :( )
Got7 fan here as well! Jackson makes my life existence *cries that they're going to Kcon this year, but i don't live in the US*