alright, but actually though?

so on my rp site, this one "editor" offers criticism that was just passive agressive nitpicking over things that i didn't catch in time for that site. so, since she's an "editor" the admin completely believes her, called all my subs brats because they didn't point out my obviously flawed writing system, and it's like, okay? i'm an editor as well, people actually thanked me for my help, and i wasn't a about it.

my problem is that the member has this particular admin wrapped around her finger, told her lies about me that i don't even know (her words were "a**** has told me about you") and i have no way of defending myself, other than the fact that she can't handle that maybe she doesn't know everything about writing. so now i'm being marked as a hostile member for standing up for myself and maybe saying some passive agressive things, but can you really blame me?

i had a nice, counter argument typed up and she puts words in my mouth, so of course i defended myself. but then her sweet little attack dog admin hopped onto the argument, and even though i swallowed my pride and apologized, it's still not good enough because i can't even defend myself against lies.

the other thing, i'm okay with this. but i'm not okay with her calling the people who read my stories unable to grasp complex writing techniques. i love everyone who reads my stories, and a lot of them are better writers than i am. so that comment kinda actually pissed me off, but oh no, i can't say anything "rude" to defend them.

so all in all, i'm ready to commit heinous crimes to defend everyone.

but watch out, i'm obvi a bully for sticking up for myself. yup yup.



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Bookworming #1
Insulting your readers is going way too far. That's ridiculous, who gave her the right to decide that your readers cannot grasp complex writing techniques? Does she have a Pulitzer prize or what? -_-
O.M.G. WTF that's really not cool at all. First off the admin can go it, because just because you have a few flaws doesn't make your writing in general bad. And second, insulting your readers is bull, I for one never comment about mistakes and simply enjoy the story. So wtf is their problems, jerks!
I'm sorry that you had that happen, that is so not cool. They need to be... be... yeah!