Shuffle Stories

the rules are simple. put your playlist on shuffle and as you listen to songs, write a story. stop writing once the song stops (i cheated that rule haha).

my playlist :

Shatter Me : Lindsay Stirling ft. Lzzy Hale

Hello : SHINee

Open Arms : EXO cover

Run With Me : SHINee

Odd Eye : SHINee




1 shatter me 

lindsay stirling

the little girl does not know where she is going. all she wants is to be away from the violent words her parents fling at each other; all she wants is to be free of the heavy hurt that suffocates her as soon as she sets foot inside her house. she runs as fast as her little legs can take her; she bumps into strangers and steps on feet, but she takes no notice. the sounds all around her numb her, but through the unfeeling, a tick tick tick tick beats like a tiny heartbeat into her heart. clockwork, she thinks. toys. maybe she will find something to play with, something that will make her smile again. 

she follows it, and walks into a musty old shop. a sneeze tickles the back of , but she sniffles and it fades away. in the shelves decorating the walls are hundreds of stuffed toys that are so beautiful, so intricate that they belong in a muesum and not in this toyshop. but in the centre is something even more beautiful. 

a doll.

huge eyes, lips that are pink and pouty, a waist so thin it takes her breath away, and a dress that is beautiful. she reaches out and touches the smooth, porcelain cheek and then her entire body shudders.

she cannot move anymore.

but she is smiling.

she will smile forever.


inspired by this 


2 hello 


maybe it was his soft blond locks, or the way he seemed so much at ease in his own skin, but jonghyun could not help but notice the way the fair-haired man craned his beautiful neck up to see the name of the subway station they were approaching. it was still the very first stop, and there were twenty-four more. the other man pushed his fringe back into place with a pinky and jonghyun felt an urge to touch that beautiful gold. 

just say hello, jjong.

the man suddenly snaps his gaze to jonghyun's, as if having sensed jonghyun's gaze.

it is as if hot water has been poured down his back. jonghyun's entire body is on alert, his heart thumps a hundred times faster, his fists tighten at his side.

they sit opposite each other, but it is as if they are face-to-face.

"hello," says jonghyun.


3 open arms

EXO cover

they sit under the endless sky, warm in each other's arms. they don't need to speak to fill the comfortable silence that wraps tight around them. he touches her soft brown hair and tucks a stray lock behind her ear. 

she smiles up at him and snuggles closer.

the stars twinkle above them, and a gust of cool wind blows, making her shiver. he rubs his hands up and down her arms, trying to warm her up. 

"cold?" he asks.

"not anymore." she assures him.

he smiles, and a warm feeling swells up . 

they don't need anything more; this is all they could have ever asked for. 

she twists to press her lips to his, and it is perfect. 

they need nothing more.


4 run with me


'do you trust me?' he asks taemin. 

'with my life, jinki,' taemin answers with no hesitation. his hand hovers over his plate, spoon filled with food. he had been about to spoon some rice into his mouth, laughing over dinner with his family, before jinki had burst into the room, panting and eyes wide.

'then please, come with me,' jinki says, desperation lacing his voice.

'wh- jinki, what is this about?'

'please, tae,' he begs. the fear in jinki's voice scares taemin to his core. 

'i'll be back, appa,' he says, and smiles at his mother comfortingly. he follows jinki out. 

they had been friends since age three and age six. they are comfortable enough with each other to not care anymore about ringing the doorbell or calling before coming to the other's house.

'taemin,' jinki pants. 'your mother wants to send you back,' 

'what?' taemin asks, confused.

'taemin, please, don't do it, don't lie to me. i know you're adopted.'

a chill runs down taemin's spine. his heart. 


'this isn't the time to discuss this, so please- just listen- your mother found out about minho-' -taemin's boyfriend- 'and she went and approached him. he told her that you seduced him and threatened and all , and she's called the cops, taemin, they're on their way. she plans to deny anything,'

'no,' taemin breathes, panic finding it's way into his heart.

'i'm not lying, taemin, please believe me, she's calling them now, they're coming, please, please, come with me.'

in a world where love is supposed to be of only the other gender, taemin's attraction towards his own gender has been made illegal. if the cops find him, it is a lifetime in prison for sure.

'please, taemin,' jinki begs. 'run with me.'


5 odd eye


the pirate captain snaps at the oarsmen, row faster, bastards. he had spotted land through his telescope four days ago, and with every passing day, the progress towards the land is excruciatingly slow. he wants solid ground on his feet as soon as possible. five years on sea is too much for a man to handle, even for an experienced sailor like him. 

faster! he screams, and the men put everything they have into rowing. the stench of sweat and salt fills the air. 

the captain presses the telescope to the eye not covered by the eye-patch, and the land is surprisingly close. 

he can even see the people on the beach through his magically enhanced telescope.

the beach is filled with happy, beautiful, tanned girls in skimpy bikinis, and muscular men in only shorts.

but the pirate's eye is drawn to the only fully-clothed person on the beach.

the person is dressed in pastel colours, wears a sunhat, and is slathering layer after layer of suncream on his porcelain arms. 

the men whistle at the girls on the beach, but the pirate could not care less about the limby girls prancing around. 

he wants to touch that soft pale skin. he wants to run his finger through that soft blond hair. he wants to kiss that pouty pink.

faster! faster, you bastards! 



the sixth song was end of the day ugh i could have written such awesome stuff for that one.

but my spark faded and it was only five, so here you go.

i dont even know what the fifth one is haha

magical pirates XD

typos and grammar mistakes cuz i wrote this in super-speed lol

also, i broke a rule.

i replayed run with me because i hadn't finished the story by the end of the song XD

anyway, i hope you liked it. i stole this, obv. 

feel free to do this!! 





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Omg this sounds like so much fun!! I lovelovelove the Odd Eye and Hello ones. Odd Eye is such a ay jam and mmmm yasssss Key with that in eyepatch ughh me up. But oh my god the Run With Me, i couldnt imagine a world like that. This was so cool!!
oh, these are cute. im surprised you wrote so much for run with me, you must've been fast. xD
i wrote odd eyes as well (at first) and it ended up being about a man and a cat, that song is so hard, hahahah. magical pirates are better tho, i like it~