Twenty-One :: Jihyun

Kim jihyun
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( ❝ i don't . i simply point out the things that require your immediate attention ❞ )
overloadinq // toomz // 9
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   ❝ ruin my shirt and i'll drive a truck over your sorry ❞
+ Appearance : Jihyun has really soft features for a guy. His lips are small and defined, which he thinks is the main reason why he looks feminine. Jihyun has graceful, milky skin that is free from blemishes. And even if he works out, Jihyun has a small body, starting from his shoulders and down to his thin legs (but he does have chocolate abs that makes the ladies drool /slapped). To add to his dismay, his hands are also slender and thin. All in all, he's like a walking girly-looking dude. For his entire delicate image though, Jihyun carries himself in a way that would make you at least be a little more certain that he is a guy. His entire posture is somewhat of an imitation of a handsome gangster from k-dramas that his father helped him with, because he thought that if he acts any girlier he'd be made to debut with a girl group. 
(credit to -excelsis but I made little changes)
Jihyun dresses according to the weather, but he'd always dress fashionably; wears brands and expensive looking clothes. One of the things about Jihyun is that he'd never go out without wearing any kind of accessory.
+ Face Claim : Nu'est Ren (short hair)
+ Backup : Up10tion Sunyoul
+ Style : Jihyun dresses according to the weather, but he'd always dress fashionably and stylish; wears brands and expensive looking clothes. One of the things about Jihyun is that he'd never go out without wearing any kind of accessory.
❝ back off i'm too fab for you ❞
+ Full Name : Kim Jihyun
+ Nickname(s) :
Prince Kim; He acts like a spoiled brat sometimes, and always nags about the simplest things. Plus the fact he comes from a wealthy family just adds to his nickname.
Fabulous Diva; His fans call him that for his " I'm fabulous" attitude at times.
+ Birthday & Age : 05/16/1996 (20y.)
+ Hometown : Gangnam, Seoul, South Korea
+ Birthplace : Gangnam, Seoul, South Korea
+ Ethnicity : Korean
+ Height & Weight : 170cm & 54kg
+ Spoken Languages :
Korean; Fluent. It's his native language.
Japanese; Basic. Like really basic. The only words he knows are Konichiwa, Koko ni, Hai, Sugoi, Arigato, and Sayonara. He keeps insisting that he's good at Japanese.
English; Basic. His English is ty, but he tries to learn from others who're fluent at it. Others would and say that years of him attending prestigious private schools in Gangnam is all to waste.
 ❝ be good so they can't ignore you ❞
+ Personality Traits :
positive; Independant, Fearless, Overconfident, Hardworker, Courageous, Animated.
neutral; Really Energetic.
negative; Loud, Spoiled, Bratty, Naggy, Quarrelsome.
+ Personality :
Kim Jihyun is the type of person who doesn't follow the rules and instead relies on his own intuition and self-taught ways. Although he's filthy rich, his father taught him not to rely on his maids to do everything for him, but instead be somewhat independent. Also, he'd never ask for help and instead try over and over again. Jihyun would never talk about his deep feelings and personal problems. He bottles up all his emotions, and he takes advantage of it when he’s performing. Jihyun is fearless; the words anxiety and fright are unknown to him. He isn't afraid to stand on stage alone or talk in front of thousands of people. He also tends to be overconfident of himself, which could either end badly or for the better. He’s also a hard worker; never completely satisfied with his work, and would frequently tell himself he could've done better, which results with him overworking himself at times. The reason he's the way he is, is because since Jihyun was young, he repeatedly tried to gain his parent's attention by trying and learning new things (sometimes dangerous things in hopes they might notice him then). Unfortunately, they just kept flipping him off and tell him how busy they were. So ever since, Jihyun has become the hardworking person he is and trying to satisfy others including himself.
Being the energetic person he is, Jihyun would dance around crazily or jump on the couch or etc. Although some would join in, he would be the most active among all. Asking him to sit still is like asking him to stop breathing; also doing nothing drives Jihyun insane. He can be loud too, like really loud. Sometimes you can hear him from a block away, no matter how noisy the streets are.
Jihyun admits to himself being spoiled and a bit bratty sometimes, but he can't help it cause that's just him. Growing up in an insanely rich family, Jihyun always got whatever he pleased and wanted since young, so who would blame him for being spoiled. While his bratty side just shows up subconsciously; he would result to yelling when he's stubborn about something, glare at or ignore the person if he dislikes him/her, constantly throws tantrums when he's forced to do things, likes to show off (but ruin his things and you're dead) and last but not least would act rude towards those whom tick him off (no matter if they're older or younger). That side of him earned him some enmity from various people. Despite all that, if Jihyun thinks he'd gone too far with things or drove a person so mad with his attitude for something not worth it, he'll only "apologize" then. If you were close with Jihyun, you would know that not a day would pass without him having to nag about stupid things. Being the detailed person he is, he'd always complain about the simplest mistakes or flaws, but the thing he complains most about is the weather. So don't be surprised to hear a tiny person screeching, "The sun is so hot today I can turn into a friend chicken, for gods sake!" or "Why is it freezing today?! I freaking hate being so cold!" Those who know him hearing that would know that it's just Kim Jihyun being his loud and naggy self.
+ Background :
Kim Jihyun was born in May 16, 1996 to a man known as Viper and a woman named Sunmi. His father, when he was young, was an underground rapper and his mother was a rather unknown writer. Their love story is quite short. One-day Jihyun's mother went with a group of her friends to a bar where she saw Viper rapping on stage and he spotted her in the crowd. Speed forward, two years later they're married with their first child on the way, Jihyun. They were actually expecting a girl since that's what the doctors have told them, and were left in shock after she gave birth to a boy. So Jihyun's infant days were spent with him having to wear girl clothes including dresses most of the time since that's what his parents already bought before he was even born. At first it was to not let the money they spent on the clothes go to waste, but then Jihyun's mother seemed to enjoy crossdressing him since he passed looking like a pretty girl and let his hair grow long. Jihyun's father though would always disgree with her making his son do stuff that little boys would usually find as "disgusting girly activities". By the age of seven, Jihyun's father turned back into his normal self - Jiwon, and dropped his rap career to support his wife and son. This is where his company begins, it started off small: a hotel chain in China for rich customers that came from America to Hong Kong for business.
Over a series of years, the company grew into the mega corporation known as the Empire Group, partnered with the famous cell phone company Samsung thanks to the founder (Jihyun's father) being good friends with someone involved with Samsung. On the other hand, Jihyun's mother began to publish a series of self-help books about how to deal with the birth of your first child at a young age, and deal with depression afterwards since his mother had postnatal depression. His parents traveled frequently for their jobs. His father flying between America, Korea, and China because those are where his major hotels are. On the other hand, his mother traveled around the world to go on talk shows, fan meets, and so on and so forth. Thus, Jihyun was increasingly lonely and was forced to stay with the butler, maids, and chefs. But, good news was about to come.
Jihyun's mother got pregnant with his soon-to-be younger sister. Though, that happiness was short lived. His mother had somehow contracted meningitis, the doctors said it was from the dirt in New York (after a visit for a talk show) and that was bacterial meningitis, the worst of its kind. It was four months of pure torture, not just for his mother and the baby, but also for his father and him. Jiwon brought the best doctors to try and cure his wife, but it was to no avail. They watched as his mother went brain dead, and the baby passed away from complications involving the bacteria that was floating within his mother's body. Jihyun was twelve at the time. After his mother's death, he expected his father to throw himself into work like he always did or go crazy. But, surprisingly, he became even more involved with his life. He'd stay more frequently in Korea; and did Skype conversations rather than making appearances in China and America. Which meant, even though he lost his beloved mother and younger sister, he gained a stronger bond with his father. Jihyun grew up pretty well, with just his single father (well the best any rich kid can grow up to be). And he taught him the best he could.
+ Likes 
- Sweets.
- Fruity flavors.
- Kpop.
- Rapping.
- Animals.
- Maknaes.
- Going out or basically doing anything to keep him occupied.
- Beyonce.
+ Dislikes 
- Excessive skinship.
- Being alone.
- Scary movies.
- Being called 'cute'.
- Sharing his personal and hidden feelings.
- Alcoholic beverages.
- Quiet and awkward people.
+ Habits 
- Constantly touches his hair.
- Unlike his usual self he'd start stuttering and hesitating with his words when nervous.
- Randomly nags about or criticizes anything when he's bored.
+ Hobbies 
- Dancing.
- Playing electronics like PS3, Nintendo, and etc.
- Watching cartoons.
- Shopping.
- Learning girl group dances.
- Secretly watching cheesy romance movies.
+ Trivia 
Jihyun tends to look y and cold, but present him with one of his weaknesses and he's certain to smile brightly that even boys would start questioning their ualities.
- Jihyun is panual; he doesn't care about the other person's gender, if he likes the person then that's all that matters and he's open about it.
- He always visits his mother in a prestigious funeral home located in Gangnam on August 30 (the day she was announced dead).
- He cut his hair short a year after his mothers death because it kept reminding him of her.
- His biggest weakness are maknaes. He tends be caring towards them which is unlike himself.
- Has a flexible body which comes in handy when dancing.
- Doesn’t gain weight no matter how much he eats.
- He doesn't mind looking like a girl and people pointing it out but he does hate when guys catcall him.
- He also doesn't mind dressing like a girl.
- His way of apologizing is by buying a meal for the person.
- Jihyun knows horse riding because his parents made him learn it at the age of 12 thinking it was fancy.
- Is allergic to most animal fur, sadly for him.
- Though he has a pet female Blue and Gold Macaw called Gotchi. Jihyun likes to play with her. Gotchi is very smart; she can talk and do tricks. Jihyun often orders her to bite those who tick him off, so trainees beware.
- His favorite flower is baby breath (used to be his mother's favorite).
- He failed the driving test twice. That's how bad he is. He'd complain "Can't I put my horse riding skills to use and just ride a horse to wherever I want?"
- He really at cooking. Once, he almost set his house kitchen on fire trying to cook a bowl of ramen. He was then banned from using any heat-operated objects.
- He's bad at keeping secrets.
- He has a good memory.
- He has a sharp tongue and is good at the Of Course game.
- Is really good at girl group dances.
- He always surprises people with his powerful rap and dance when performing which many think doesn't suite his feminine looks.
- "Nu-uh. You did not just go there. NOBODY INSULTS MY QUEEN!" He lives for Beyoncé aka Queen B. Say anything slightly insulting about her and his mode will be on.
- Enjoys karaoke’s the most.
- He becomes sentimental when drunk, which he'd rather avoid.
- Lose or ruin any of his belongings and you'll never hear the end of his tantrums.
- If someone Jihyun found appealing flirted with him he'd flirt back, but if he doesn't he'd be all sassy and say something like "Do I look easy to you?!"
- Fans say he’s the next Key, Jokwon, and Sungjong.
 ❝ nothing worth having comes easy ❞
+ Stagename : Jihyun
+ Main Talent Twin :   Dance; NCT Ten
+ Other Talent Twin(s)
       — Rap; Day6 YoungK
       — Fabulous Dance; 2AM Jokwon
       — Singing; Day6 YoungK
+ Trainee Years : 5 years. (3 years at SM & 2 years at JYP)
+ Trainee Life :
At the age 11, `Jihyun developed an interest in performing, which actually didn’t surprise Jiwon that much. Jihyun would watch performances of Kpop groups and would rap along and try copying their dances, especially the girl group ones. Soon, Jihyun knew the path he wanted to pursue, but didn’t know how his dad will take the news since he’s the heir to Empire Group and is supposed to run the corporation in the future. Surprisingly his father took it well, almost too well, it was like he was expecting it. Jiwon, wanting Jihyun to be independent, didn’t try to use his connections to get his son in a company but instead just supported him. When he was 15, Jihyun auditioned for SM. He passed the auditions and was overjoyed. He trained hard there as a trainee. There he met Chittaphon aka Ten, where the latter protected him from some other boy trainees who were all over him by saying "Come on, stop it guys. Can't you see she's uncomfortable." and Jihyun replied with "I'm a guy!" And from that day the two became close and Ten would pull him back to the boys' training whenever the trainers would mistakingly pull him to the girls' training. There were times where he almost gave up and would breakdown, but a call and a chat with his 4D father would cheer him up. Later, when Jihyun thought SM wouldn’t be debuting any boy group soon, he left the company (though in truth he didn't like the really harsh training ways they did there). Though he and his close friend Ten still keep in touch. He once again entered the trainee life after auditioning and passing, and this time under JYP. 
For Jihyun, it's like a same old scenario and everything goes smoothly. He's doing good in rap and dance training, but there're some other things Jihyun still has a hard time in. He only survived each day because of his friends and father. All the pressure, competition and hardship he experienced in SM made things little easier for Jihyun during his restart in JYP.
+ How do you feel about being in a survival show? : Meh. shrugs
+ What do you think will make you stand out? : MY WHOLE EXISTENCE.
+ Where do you think you're lacking? : scoffs Lacking? Boy, I got the full package. crosses legs
+ Do you think you can beat the other contestants for a spot in the final lineup? : Pshhh. Please. It'll be a piece of cake. They don't stand a chance against me.
+ Anything you'd like to say to the viewers? : No. Now I need to go get the package of my Gucci bag that's suppose to arrive today. So bye.
+ Comments / Concerns :
// None.
+ Scene suggestions / Requests :
// Having him crossdress and cover a girl group dance while the other trainess start questioning their ualities LOL.
+ Questions :
// None.
+ Password :
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