Fanfiction is Taken WAY Too Seriously

Okay is it just me,or are some fanfic writer's like really serious on their fanfic's? Here me out before you say anything: Yes I take all my writing very seriously,but I heard that those who write fanfiction or fanfiction based on real people,like Asian pop stars have probably never been 'laid' before. True I am a but plan to be one until I'm MARRIED got that? Fanfiction is just for fun guys and gals. Yes we can be serious about it,and improve on our writing skill's if we'd like to work on original stories...but still just have fun with it :)


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Ha ha XYZ film? Nice X3 But yeah: Just because someone write's fanfiction;it doesn't mean they've done it before...I've been told,that you shouldn't write fiction if you HAVEN'T had before. WTF?
Yes I agree with being a V until marriage. Sleeping around is soo overrated they should make a special rating for it like an XYZ film XD
Yush ^^ Woot! Seems some people,just don't want to have fun I guess :/ Fanfiction is just a fun hobby for me ^^
true that..........amen to the marriage -hear ye hear ye- ....... ^_^ still having fun ;) XD