@work wondering why women make babies

1. Woman sees the man, her oxytocin level rises, happy hormones and prolactin as well, woman decides to make a baby


2. Woman is told this is the sole role of a woman


3. Woman is afraid of loneliness and losing fertility with age so she decides to make a baby


4. Woman is poor , has poor education and lives in poverty and her children are also born in poverty

5. Woman is young and inexperienced. She makes a mistake and gives birth to a baby without having means to raise him/her



But, what's really happening when a baby is desired? What is really the cause? Does the baby necessarily complete a couple? I don't think it does... How does having a baby become desirable? Is just that the woman analyzes the situation and decides she has everything needed to raised


question is how and why. And I don't think it has something to do with the traditional sense and peer pressure.


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Woman feels enough love to bring up a child.

It's not a forced action on a woman. I have a friend who has a daughter, she is definitely complete with her daughter. Without children, she would have been incomplete. She has so much love and it's obvious that for her, having children is the one thing in life she really wants. She burns with the passion for children and especially her own. Having their daughter completed their life. That small girl is the most desired human in the world I know. They wanted her with every ounce of their beings.