my life is crap.

heating system broke.

pipettor broke.


and I am facing overtime alone again after these problems were solved.

I've 27 patients and a hard stool to pass. But I am peeing like crazy. So much diabetes or a condition close to diabetes and I think I will test my thyroid too.

no. I have to see a gastroenterology doctor. I can't poo unless I want to. I feel it's there but the in the air.

so: Depression, low fiber, low water, being passive only studying


how is my life not crap??


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I'm not going to say anything bad. Sorry if my comment sounded rude, it wasn't rude. I just meant that don't consider yourself unlucky, there are worse ppl out there. I'm sorry if my last comment hurt you.
Your health is the problem. So, I think you should stress less. If I list all my problems, it'll take 2 complete pages.