full name. ryland hocheol kwon-ortega
other name/s. 
 KWON HOCHEOL his official korean name, but only the last name is used normally as he hates his korean given name and refuses to let anyone call him that.
 RYLAND ORTEGA what he was most known as in the states, even though it's not really his name. he omitted the kwon part when he was in junior high, mostly because of the sheer amount of wasted time it took for them to try and pronounce his name.
➙ HO, CHILL coming from his friends in san diego, to be more specific, his best friend grace. pun off his korean first name, hocheol
date of birth. 05/01/1992 + 25
birthplace.san diego, california, united states
hometown.san diego, california, usa ➙ buk district, busan, south korea
ethnicity. korean-spanish
nationality. american-korean
➙ ENGLISH his native language, as he grew up in the states. he uses it most of the time, as a lot of his friends are english speakers, or aspiring english speakers. fluent
➙ SPANISH he was taught by both his mother and her parents, whom he lived with while in the states. since his parents only speak spanish, it was integral that he learned it, but as he grew farther apart from them, he lost more and more of the language. semi-fluent
➙ KOREAN as he moved to busan 11 years ago, he had to adapt quickly if he was going to speak. at first he had a lot of trouble with it, but now he speaks confidently in the familiar gyeongsang dialect.  of course around the members, he'll attempt the standard seoul dialect, but most of the time he doesn't care enough to force it out. fluent
ORIENTATION. demiual, demiromantic
PRONOUNS. he/him/his
stage name. ryland (라이랜드)
position. bassist
backup pos. guitarist, synthesist, keyboardist
# experience. 
➙ GUITAR 16 years ; started at age 7 with a large break from ages 14-16 to learn other instruments.
➙ BASS GUITAR 11 years ; taught by his dad with no breaks in between learning
➙ SYNTHESIZER  10 years ; he learned it during his 2nd year of high school and took no big, substantial breaks in between learning.
➙ VOCALS 7 years ; when he became a student at busan arts college, he started taking a few vocal courses at the request of one of his professors. he only took 2, but he practiced a lot when out busking
➙ BUSKING he was a fairly popular busker in his high school years, most widely known for his spontaenious nature. he took requests, almost never used the same instrument and rarely played the same thing. 
➙ GRANDPA'S BAND his grandpa had forced all his grandchildren to play together when they were younger, as he hoped they would bond over that and become closer. it only lasted for 3 years because only ryland was eager to be in the band. 

JW: what made you decide to join ngsy? 
i suppose it was fate, but since i know that's not the answer you want, i'll say it was my desire to play with someone else. i didn't want to stand alone, i wanted someone beside me.
jw: hm, what do you think of your skills? what makes you better than the rest? what can you offer ngsy?
i'm pretty decent, ( he laughs ) good joke, right? i can play more than one instrument, so i'm like, everyone's backup, which makes me both useful and versatile. that's what i can offer.
jw: (sighs) as you know, we debuted three years ago. how has the journey been? what has happened so far? do you see it as a good or bad experience? 
wow junwi, you can count! kidding. it's like hannah montana says, it's about the stuff in between that's important not the end result. so even though it's not all been good, i see it as good because it's helped me grow, you grow, and us grow.
jw: alright, (frowns) well i didn't plan this question... but if today i gave you the choice to leave ngsy, would you take it? 
nope. (he pops the p on nope and crossed his arms in his seat.)
jw: what do you wish for in the next year?
mmmm...to be able to eat without getting fat.
jw: interesting. last question, are you close to any of the members?
well i mean all of them, duh. i'm with them all the time, it's kind of hard to not be close.
pos confident, innovative, charming, witty, good improviser, calm in stressful situations
risk-taker, outspoken neu sarcastic, unpredictable
insensitive, bossy, childish, easily bored, tends to ignore problems, inexpressive neg
ESTP / Chaotic Neutral
1991/06/19 ryland's father is visiting california on vacation. he's met a girl, ryland's mother, and it's their last day together. they've hooked up at least 7 times in the 21 days that he's been in san francisco, but tonight is the night where they get a little too excited a little too fast. any and all protection has been long forgotten, and the future product of the one-sided love has been created.
 1992/01/05 ryland is born to his completely and utterly unprepared mother. she hadn't the slightest idea that she had been carrying him all this time, and in the spur of the moment, decides to keep him. she knows exactly who made him, yet decides against contacting the father.
➙ 2005/01/31 it's a little after ryland's 13th birthday when he found the suspicious paper on his desk. in red pen, kwon, father, and an address were circled. he connects the dots, writes his dad a letter, and waits patiently for a response, almost wishing he doesn't get one.
➙ the rest of 2005 ryland and his dad bond closely, his mom very angry about this as she fears one of her sources of income is about to be taken away. at his house, things are worse than ever and his mom finally signs over custody to ryland's father as she's "done with him." no one ever tells him this, as they know how much he adored her. he thinks she wants him to bond with his father, and appreciates her decision.
➙ 2006/01/05 the plane lands in busan as ryland is stirred awake, and for a second, he thinks he's in a dream. they walk off the plane, hand in hand, and he speaks for the first time : "dude, there's so much korean today."
➙ 2006/01/06 - 2012/12/23 nothing too significant happens throughout these years. he starts school in korea, masters the korean language, and begins busking. his life is pretty perfect, but he's longing for two things : his best friend, and someone to play music with.
➙ 2012/12/24 he asks himself why he's busking on christmas eve, but he still can't find the answer. something drew him here, maybe it was fate, but today is the day he gets one thing he longs for. ko junwi approaches him, invites him to join ngsy, and without a moment's hesitation he accepts. junwi goes for a handshake, but ryland surprises him by grabbing him and pulling him in for a bro-hug.
faceclaim. johnny nct 127
backup fc. jaehyun nct u + 127 mingyu svt
height. 187cm
weight. 63 kg
appearance. even though he hasn't lived in the golden state for some time now, he still retains the glow that can only belong to a native californian. his height is his most prominent feature, and he stands over almost every other member in the band, isang being the exception. though he isn't particularly fit, he does have a lot of muscles, a lot of them being in his forearms and legs, and even more notably, his thighs. thick thighs save lives
fashion. he keeps up with the trends, but still has a way of putting his own personality into things he wears. he isn't against spending outrageous sums of money on clothes or shoes, but he won't buy it if he thinks he can't use it regularly.
age 87 & 85 / 42 / 43
[ on the way home by sunny hill ]
he wasn't around on the day his dad left them, but he remembers his mother telling him about it. she was clearly upset that he'd asked about his father, but he was a curious kid, and he couldn't help but want to know more about him. she told him that he'd left of his own accord, and he didn't want to contact them. he cried for the first time since he was a baby that day, his grandparents drying his tears as his mother rushed to get ready for her third job.
his grandparents have always been, and still are the gentle presence in his life. they lived together in the same house from the time he was 5 until he was 14, and they always made sure he felt loved and wanted since neither of his parents were around much. he's closer to his grandfather, as he's the one who set the ball in motion for his career as a musician.

ryland's mother is a different story. she was carrying him as a teen, unknown to her though, therefore having to complete the rest of her high school career with both a child and two jobs.  she's never admitted it, but she really wishes he hadn't been born under the circumstances he was born under.

for the first 13 years of his life, ryland had nothing to do with his father, nor did he particularly want to. at least, that was what he told himself. there was still a bit of curiosity in him, wondering if he had his eyes or nose, when eventually he cracked. he found his father's address and sent him a letter inquiring why he left them, and to his surprise, he got a phone call within the next week. his father explained what no one had revealed to him for the past 13 years : he hadn't even known about him. for the next year he came and visited ryland as often as he could, before finally taking him to live with him in 2006. now their relationship is strong, as they found out they had a lot in common. ( he is 100% the papa tuan to ngsy )
portrayed by red velvet's wendy
age 24 / [ spring love by eric nam & rv's wendy ]
he remembers when she faced her fear of flying just to come visit him, and how she ran through the terminal and straight into his arms. he hadn't cried in front of her before that day, and he still won't admit to it, but the sallty drops hitting her shoulders were enough to confirm that he truly meant it when he said grace was all he needed.

grace is ryland's best friend of 15 years and girlfriend of 5. they didn't start dating until she moved out to seoul during the summer of 2012, as they both knew it was hard enough being best friends with the distance and dating long distance would be even harder, but they practically were for two years prior to being official. anyone you ask would tell you that they're completely head over heels for each other, despite the fact that she's often mistaken as his younger sister.

some semi-important things (?) :
➙ grace was born on april 8th, 1993
➙ 163 cm, 45 kg
➙ she runs a daycare center in seoul
➙ she lives in the apartment complex across the street from ngsy's dorm
➙ she gets along with penelope oh quite well, and they often stand together at ngsy gigs if they find each other
 esfj / lawful good
portrayed by actor choi wooshik
age 27 / [ us now by vixx ]
he remembers the first time meeting junwi, how he insisted ryland stay seated, simply because he hated the smug look on the younger boy's face when he discovered he was taller. the smell of a horriblly burnt pot of coffee was drifting around them as junwi spoke to him about ngsy, and the look of disgust that made itself known when he finally inhaled. all ryland remembers is letting loose a laugh that made his stomach hurt, and then agreeing to join this 'ngsy'.

junwi and ryland have a very interesting relationship. to those who don't know them, it seems like they don't get along very well, but if you saw them in a serious situation you'd know they do. ( markhyuck is a good reference for how i see their relationship ) no matter how much ryland picks on junwi, he's very appreciative of all he's done for both him and the whole band, and makes sure junwi doesn't forget it.
ages  / [ downpour by ioi ]
he remembers the first time they played together. it wasn't perfect, and he remembers the laughter that spilled  out of his mouth when they finished. they all thought her was crazy, but eventually most of them joined in the laughter and the mood got a lot lighter.
ryland never thought he'd depend on anyone like he does the ngsy members. he realized that they meant a lot more to him than he thought when they got into their first real fight. things were thrown, words were said, and a lot of hurt tears fell, but the empty feeling he felt after being away from them was too much to handle. a few days later he shuffled back in the door, muttering his apologies as he went around the room hugging s.


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