My Precious Vacation :D

As you guys know, I have been missing for 3/4 days. I'm on a vacation which means a lot for me. I got a new friend. No that kind of friend. Think it as a special friend. This is what happen in 4 days.

His is my old crush or should I said random crush?

It happen 2 years ago. I meet him a water park and I know its lame =.=. We just make eye contact, smile and never see each other again until 4 days ago. I meet him back. At the same water park. Is this coincidence or fate? I just don't know.

This time, no more eye contact because my parents know his parents and they kinda friends, I think. They talk while my brother and sisters play at the water park including me and also him and his siblings. We play like we have known each other but at reality, we never know each other.

The most embrassing thing that happen is I spill my chocolate ice cream on him. I just want to apologize that time. I feel terrible.  What make my heart flutters was when he said its ok and he'll buy new ice cream for me. What suprise me, we're the same age. I though he's 1 or 2 years older than me due to his appreance. My thought was like ' He's hot, I want to be his girlfriend' but I suddenly remember about Donghae -.-

We have quite a long chat, asking my and his name, his and my age, where we live, school and other common things. One things that make me shock is he ask me whether I have boyfriend or not and I answer yes. He seem shock but I told him that Donghae is my boyfriend, in my dream of course -.- he smile back.

Then I have to go back to the hotel which mean I have sais goodbye to him and what make me mad at myself that I doesn't get his number. Dumb me. The rest just like common vacation. After dinner, my dad ask us whether we want to go to the cinema and of course my annoying sisters say YES! I just follow their desicion.

After the amazing film, Hikayat Merong Mahawangsa, my brother ask me whether I want to go play bowling with our cousin who just arrived at the hotel. I haven't played bowling quite long so I say yes. This must be destiny because I meet him again at the bowling alley beside the hotel. The hotel owns it so we play for free. I don't know about this and I know when my brother told me yesterday. It was him who ask my brother to play bowling and he ask me to go as well. My cousins just interruption.

Actually, I didn't play at all. I just sit while drinking some coke and eat some chips that we bought. I didn't play because they're no more shoes. When he finish his turn, he'll sit down and talk to me. It was awkward as we don't know what to talk about.

Then, he ask me to go to the pool side with my cousins just to hang out but I say no since my family needs to go somewhere else in the next morning and I don't to wake up late. He seem disappointed. My cousins keep teasing me when we're in the elevator. The next day, my family check out like at 10 am as we need to go to the beaches and I didn't see him. I even ask my brother as he comeback late but he say that the boy already gone with his family. Then, my brother give me his number and I was like ' MY BROTHER! I LOVE YOU! YOU'RE AWESOME!'

I decide to sit with my cousins as they're just 2 years older than me. Its very comfortable to talk with them about the boy since they have some experience. The 2 days go on with out any thing that make me happy except that I got Sorry Sorry album. Just that and I got some scar under my chin and at my knee.

The last day is in Penang. My parents book a room at Corpthorne Hotel which have internat connection and I didn't use it >.<. I just wander around the beaches and look at the rocks and the sea. It was not that pretty for me. I take some random pictures with my cousin's camera when I see someone waving at me. It's HIM!

Too many 'him'. I just use 'A' as his name.

We just walk along the beach and talk but it just for a while, I went to some restaurant and I pass over 6 korean restaurant! I hate it! There's a lot korean restaurant but no korean shop. I come back to the hotel and sleep like nothing happen. Then the next day, we're on a ferry heading back home and what suprise me is 'A' live in our neighbourhood and I didn't know about that. No wonder my brother quite close with him -.- I'm a person who go out from my house when I need to go to school, shopping and if there's a fire.

When we get home, we texted like until my mom said that I can't be separated from the phone. We just text things like :

' Have you eat? '

' Want to hang out this week? '

' How's school? Many homeworks? '

Things like that. Nothing personal at all.

But it's hard hiding it from my besties. When I go to the park, see him play soccer, he look at me, our eyes meet and smile secretly and I'm afraid my friends will notice it.

And they'll be like this :

' Are you crazy? All boys in this neighbourhood is useless and half of them are brainless! '

' You need to go to the hospital, dear '

' You'll never see the sky again tomorrow '

We're even not boyfriend - girlfriend, just a close relationship between boys and girls.

I don't know my feeling and I'm confused. I think stay as friend is the best than confess. Right?

This is the best vacation indeed :D


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Kaoru_08 #1
kyaahh.. so cute..~<br />
I hope that I find my destiny<br />
soon.. very soon.. ^^,)
ppz_uk #2
wow~ it seems like a great sotry!<br />
i love it~ keke~<br />
so sweet~<br />
i think u guys may become a great couple after all! ^^
awwwwwwwwww.....<br />
I hope he's the one<br />
my answer is a fate I think so~
Soo sweet , ^^<br />
*speechless so I hve nothing to say*
Aw~ This is just so sweet. I can definitely say that this is FATE. :D
Haha, I love this destiny~!!