Cant wait to get home

Will get home by 9pm... cant wait to get home and watch Fighter of Destiny and be heartbroken by Princess LuoLuo's sad fate. I ship luhan with wu qian soooo muchhhh 

Can't ship him w guli nazha... they are too similar. QQ.... i mean their characters. 

Zhu Sha the dragon lady is shippable too but it looks more like a good neutral character. Soo funny w her food antics and dedication to Changsheng, she looks more of a little sis! 

I wish we would have seen more of xuanyuan, his development seems to stall a bit compared to others, also he is indeed a bit lacking but has determination and pretty good instincts... Need more backstory but probably isnt that important to the drama. 

I totally don't ship Qiushan with Nanke. That's one obsessive ... That's no true love, its just that she is obsessed to have everything Yourong has. If she would have loved him, she shouldnt have done any harm to him... but i don't ship him with Yourong either, romantically. They make great partners at work instead. 

Mo Yu and Tang Tang definitely are a ship. He is definitely younger than her but that aint stoppin this fella. They have fallen over heels one for eachother. ^^they are perfect completing eachother and she is trying to temper him because he can get clingy at times. They're good work partners as well. The chemistry is alive and...dynamic! 

Luo Luo's parents are...the best c-drama parents i have seen in a while. I admire the fact that both are knowledgeable and cultivate, and the queen isnt below the king. They are more like equals and they arent butting in Luo Luo s fate more than they should, they know it is unstoppable. 



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