[c] yoo howon's time is now! // collab maybe?

*[c] - completed [u] - underco [i] - incomplete

appearance: howon is a whopping 184am tall boy who can be found in one of 2 places : a girl's room or the gym. so you know, the boy is ripped to the core. he loves to feel confident about himself so if he can't get girls to do that for him, lifting some weights definitely does. he currently has jet black hair and 2 left lobe piercings and 1 right lobe. howon cares a lot about appearances, he's probably more knowledgeable when it comes to skinscare products than an average girl and he has no shame about it. oh and he has dimples. howon has an obsession with tattoos, and they all have deep meanings from having a fam portrait to little symbols of all of his healing places. a lot of them has to do with moving forward in life and being strong. 

fashion & style: howon has the height and the body of a model so why throw that to waste right? he definitely loves the finer things in life, and can usually be found in clothing with the most prestige. he has a job and sugarpals who would love to buy him whatever he wants anyways so prices are never a problem. besides that, he can do street casual one day to business casual another. it's hard for clothing to not look good on him with his face, height, and body so honestly, he doesn't pay that much attention to what he throws on in the morning. he knows they will all be brand items anyways.
more on me
- girls girl girls
- being ripped
- pc / videogames
- skincare products
- earrings
- intellectual conversations
- conspiracy theories
- documentaries

-chick flicks/romcoms
-highlighters (thinks its dumb and stupid, yall ever heard of underlining??"

-working out
-winking is his way of greeting
-if he thinks a girl is pretty, he'll stare them down, no s given
-when people try to pry too much, he'll tell them to mind their own ing business , no matter who was asking - the teacher, a cop, a friendly granny. he gives no s.
-bites his pen when hes studying


misc. trivia:
-loves soggy mcdonald's fries
-scared of horror movies
-catch him on a rollercoaster never. all his friends are laughing at him for being a p*ssy? so be it.
-generally likes tall girls with good curves
-is into horoscopes
- he doesn't care for animals
- only uses black pens
my people
yoo yeseo // little sister // buster's kang yeseo // 15 // rebellious, stubborn, tough, independent, coy // howon is the textbook overprotect brother. his baby sister is so cute and loveable, he knows what any guy wants getting near her and he is having none of that bs near him. he goes as far as making sure her school uniform is as modest as can be - the skirt must be at least up to her knee with thigh high black stockings and her shirts have to be buttoned up all the way. in the winter, the girl must be covered from head to toe. one little red nose has howon throwing a fit at the poor girl. anytime howon chides or nags yeseo, the sharp tongued girl always has snark to throw back in howon's face and all he can do is accept that his sister is growing up slowly but surely. she still has to get home by 7pm though, it's a dangerous world out there! "seriously oppa, take a chill pill. your overbearing nature is why no girls want to date you." 
jacob peng // best bud // vav jacob // 22 // fun loving,easy going, reckless, party animal, rebellious, thrill-seeker // howon's best bud for life, the two are dormmates and he was the one that got Howon into the whole greek life aspect. He's in a frat so he always gets the first knowledge about any upcoming party and he shall not be present without howon. jacob is definitely more of the thrill seeker and although he has many failed attempted at getting howon to do some illegal trespassing or thrill seeking activities, does not mean he will stop pestering howon about it. he's the one who knows how to press howon's buttons and get him to spill deep . barely passing his classes, he's really only passing because of howon's help in homework. and this is why its so great to be best friends with someone u take the same classes with.
jackson wang // party bud // got7 jackson // 23 // dumb as hell, a big fool, party , hilarious, dramatic, clingy // jackson brings a lot of color to howon's already colorful life. this friend never fails to make howon double over in laughter, and he is one of the most comfortable people howon is to. although the two tend to joke around with everything, jackson is someone howon can talk about his apirations and future goals with and get the support he wants. jacob is a supportive friend but he doesn't understand why howon is so stressed about working hard and flying high inside of being high atm. in moments like this, howon appreciates jackson even more. he's another frat boy and if jacob didn't know about a party yet, jackson def did. 
yoo howon
basic information
nicknamesHOEWON -  A+ FUCCBOI
birthdate090797, 22
ethnicity.5 CHINESE, .5 KOREAN
hometownDAEPO, SK
languages     koREAN // MANDARIN
faceclaim uniq SEUNGYOUN / yibo
student info
year4th year
on the inside

traits: FRIVOLOUS, INTELLIGENT, RESERVED, insensitive, AMBITIOUS, self-centered, , hardworking, impulsive

elaboration: the boy who comes and goes as he likes, having no regards for anyone's opinions but himself and his own enjoyments. although he'll never shy away from a chance to talk to a pretty girl and wiggle his way into their pants, he's also more reserved than people think of him. he likes to keep his problems, opinions, thoughts, feelings all to himself - because he honestly does not care how others view of him or his opinions - so the only one who has to know about his thoughts are himself. he'll share some if its with his closest friends and they pried hard enough but howon would rather keep the conversations lighthearted and not about him. he's not the best at comforting people but he'll be around to offer a hug if necessary. it doesn't mean he likes them, he just doesn't like to see those he cares for in a bad mood. although he is good at reading people and situations, he does not care if what he says may hurt anyone, he's only stating facts anyways. he can be pretty frivlous - not in the way that he just wants to play his life away, but his feelings are always short term. he may be interested in a pretty girl who passed him on the streets and spent two months pursuing her but once she accepts his feelings,he realizes he doesn't like them anymore.
contrary to popular belief, howon is a smart kid - people assume his long lasting placement within top 10 is from cheating and getting girls to do his bidding, but howon actually takes academics pretty seriously. he understands he needs to work hard in school to get further in life and he loves the idea of learning. he's also well aware of what he likes and dislikes, what he's scared of, and overall understands himself pretty well. he's the type who can't lie for because he doesn't find the need to. can't handle him and his facts? cool, moving on. howon is not the type to up to anyone and would rather break than bend so he can be pretty stubborn. there's no other way around it, the boy is a ert. he checks out a girl's figure before he even sees their face, and does let his desires get to the best of him sometimes. people think he's a playboy with a blackened soul from the trail of crying girls he leaves in his wake; but when howon was pursuing said girls, he actually did like them. just that the boy enjoyed the thrill of the chase more than the result of his chase. most of the girls he has gone after did not have much depth to their personality, which was entirely his fault and he'll admit it. was it so hard to find a pretty girl with an A+ figure and a brain to match? apparently yes. howon is a play hard, work harder type of guy not afraid to get his feet wet or go against currents when necessary.   
HOWON IS THE ELDEST IN THE YOO HOUSEHOLD, USUALLY ACTING AS HIS LITTLE SISTER'S KEEPER EVEN WHEN SHE STUBBORNLY REFUSES. SHE'S 14, WHAT WOULD SHE KNOW ABOUT THE REAL WORLD RIGHT. the poor boy even nearly had a heart attack when his baby sister came home with purple hair because what the actual is a 10 year old doing with purple hair? she could at least wait until she's of legal age! howon is used to shouldering the responsibilites at home, with his dad being a drunk 99% of the time and his mother spending 85% of her time at school. his mother is a professor at a prestigious school so income was not too bad, even with papa yoo not working. howon has been working at a high end bar since he turned 18 to help around the house - despite his mother's protest. she was much more in favor of howon having a corporate job, especially since his major is finance. so eventually, howon quit his bartending job for a finance internship. he still does go back to the bar when necessary or there's a very expensive pair of shoes he wants to get for himself. he's currently working as a financial analyst at a bank while maintaining the 5 classes he has for this semester. 
howon wakes up at 6am to work out for an hour then showers, drinks his protein shakes, and heads for school by 8am if its Monday and wednesday, or for work on tuesday, thursday, and friday. on weekends, he's usually studying in the morning then partying at night, just chilling with his friends for the day and then partying at night, or bartending & of course, partying for the night. honestly, only those closest to howon knows he studies sometimes but he's a naturally smart guy so he doesn't require a lot of studying to understand the concepts spoken about in class. if he does have questions, he goes to his mentor at work for help. since howon enjoys being up and about, a solid 5-6 hours of sleep is more than enough for him - usually from 1am-6am. if an important exam was coming up, he makes sure he rests up and has a good breakfast. 
don't you love love?

faceclaim: weki meki kim doyeon // somi
birthdate: 120499, 20
ethnicity: korean
hometown: daepo, korea
Year: 2nd year
more on my love
hyeri is an outspoken and opinionated girl who loves and hates as hard as she comes across. she likes to lose herself in textbooks, books, the latest news, documentaries, whatever can give her knowledge. she likes to do whatever the hell she wants without regards to what people think. she doesn't put down anyone and she definitely does not take from anyone. a girl who can take care of herself and has the next ten years of her future planned out, hyeri is not one to take failure lightly. active mentally and physically, if she is not losing herself in mind boggling puzzles, she is running 7km across the city. she's always on the move and can not be held down nor slowed down. a thinker, not a feeler, logic runs her heart so although the girl is always up for a good time with her friends, she always knows when to stop. she's responsible and usually the designated driver of her friends. she likes to take care of those she cares about, but can not bother to spare a blink or dime for people she has no regards for. as intimidating as hyeri is, she does enjoy a good joke. hyeri is fun loving and witty - she always knows the right things to say to get a laugh out of everyone. people find her charismatic and bold, she has a wide circle of friends. 
hyeri is the only child; her father is a successful anchorman and her mother owns a popular cafe. needless to say, money is not a big problem for the family and hyeri plans to help her mother turn the cafe into a franchise; all in due time. she's currently a dual  entrepeneurship and operations management major. the girl is studious and most likely the first one with her hands shot up before the professor even finished his question during class. she's the girl who always has something to say and can even be a bit of a smartalic, she likes to prove people wrong. people tend to dislike her at first glance until they get a chance to talk to her. yes she's opinionated and intimdating, but she's also always helpful to anyone who wants to learn. she doesn't mind pulling extra weight during group projects as long as she knows you were giving your hardest effort. hyeri currently works at a tech start up as an operations intern. she gets up at 7am every morning to get ready for her classes Mon-thurs that ends around 1pm then heads to the internship from 2-6. she works full day on fridays. on weekends, she's either helping out at her mother's cafe or out having fun with friends, seeking the newest thrill. she also does enjoy a good shopping spree when time allows and it is her form of stress relieve.
how they met
howon arrives at a house party way later than expected when he was trying to dodge an ex. hyeri was dancing away on the table because the beat was sick and she had a drink too much, since she wasn't the designated driver for the night. so it's no wonder that she caught howon's interest almost as soon as he walked in. howon wanted to make the effort to talk to the girl only to see he wasn't the only one interested in her. he did however, find his chance to speak with her that night only to see that even when hyeri was drunk, she's one of the smartest girls he has ever spoken to. they ended up talking about hunger in africa all the way to animal cruelty in seaworld. howon left that party mostly scared af that he was so fascinated by hyeri. because one, he was young and wanted to experience more that love has to offer, he didn't know what hyeri was doing to him and second, hyeri was coming off a bit too opinionated for his liking which was a part of the reason he was fascinated and scared of her. 
"i like you." phr
"i don't like you." yhw
hyeri became interested in howon since their intial meeting and always keeps an eye on him because shen never would've expcted to have such conversations at a fircking house party with some random dude. she begins to notice howon throughout campus. the two continuously cross paths, which happens when hyeri is always seeking howon out to talk and try to befriend him. with all her efforts to befriend him, howon does eventually start to open up to heyri. the two seem pretty different on the surface but also share many similarities. howon starts to take an interest in the books hyeri swears by, and hyeri would lose sleep over world changing questions howon throws at her randomly. the two also tend to work on puzzles together which most likely results in a competition to see who can solve it the quickest. watching crime shows to see who can figure out the murderer first is one of their favorite activities.
the two also enjoy going to the gym together. howon knows enough about working out to help hyeri and broaden her knowledge, and hyeri likes cooking enough to meal plan for the two of them. howon appreciates being able to eat healthy without just downing protein shakes. hyeri is also definitely the braver one since she's the one who's dragging howon to a haunted house while you see the 184cm boy struggling to not disconnect from the pole he is hanging onto for dear life. she's a thrill seeker who doesn't mind jumping out of planes, and he knows for sure he will end up ting his pants. "it's ok, i'll buy you a new pair of pants" and there he goes, jumping out of a plane alongside hyeri on a ing tuesday night as if he doesn't have a finance exam at 5pm. that e hasn't even begun to study for. he will give credit to hyeri for letting him forget about the stress for the exam though.
"i still like you." phr
"i like you as a friend." yhw
love story
"i will like you forever." phr
"i think i like you too." yhw
the two are well aware of each other - both reputable throughout campus in their own ways. hoewon was one of the biggest fuccbois on campus and hyeri was "the untouchable". with her looks and broad friend circle, it comes as a surprise to everyone that not one man has ever caught her eyes. many guys have tried to sweep the stubborn maiden off her feet but she was never interested in them so she has been single since birth. some guys took her as a challenge, some genuinely liked their relationship with her, some just saw her for her looks and body but howon never paid her any attention. he knows better than to waste time and effort on a girl who won't budge when he has girls falling at his feet with one wink. hyeri has also never paid him any attention since she has no interest in people she assumes don't have depth to their personality. ofc, this was alll before their first interaction at the house party.

but since their initial meeting, hyeri has taken an interest in howon - only because he did something so unlike the image she has of him. and along the ways of trying to befriend him, the two realize they are pretty much kindred spirits, developing this deep understanding of each other. sure hyeri hated that howon kept his thoughts to himself and howon does not exactly appreciate hyeri's opinionated tendencies, but eventually they turn out to be fun sparring partners when it comes to academics. since howon started off tryig to keep hyer at arm's length, he took her as just a friend first, even though he's well aware that hyeri likes him. i mean the girl has only announced it almost constantly whenever she shows up in his life. there is honestly not one single soul on campus that did not know of her feelings for howon. he knew hyeri was smart since the get go, she's been number 5 in the ranking since forever, but he also started to see her other traits. and that she is much more than a nerd. he realizes he does actually really enjoy her company and that hyeri has become pretty important in his life. he's the type of guy who usually enjoys the thrill of the chase, but how would he feel about being the one being chased.
the story about campus's #1 fuccboi falling into the clutches of campus's #1 untouchable.
"i love you." phr
"woah, hold your horses." yhw
"i love you." phr
"don't you think that's too fast?"yhw
"i love you." phr
/gives up/ " i love you too." yhw 

suggestions: the characters getting together to rant about their love lives and having the time of their lives forgetting they aren't single | drama! like does one character think another character is out to steal their girl/boy? misunderstandings between friends?? | characters getting shy in front of their love interests 
comments: gl with everything, i hope you enjoy howon lol. honestly he's a mess, and the first time i'm writing a character like him so pls do lemme know if anything doesn't make sense. i just wanted to write about two alpha personalities falling in love lmao. 
password: teentop


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first app of the ing year, im hyped af i fnished this dude lmao
read below for random thoughts, tidbits, scenarios regarding howon, howon&sis, howon&hyeri, etc