GiER Entertainment S-5 Application Form

Character Information

full name:
preferred name:
spoken languages: limited to 3
personality: for the love of god BE DESCRIPTIVE and CREATIVE! None of these 'Ice Princesses' and 'aegyo queens'. Create someone new and fresh. That's what S-5 is looking for, fresh people.
background: once again, put some detail in this! I want to know about like growing up, what you might have done on weekends or experiences you have with people. tell me some about you siblings/parents and your relationship with them. even hardships you endured growing up.
family members: name/age/job - I don't mind idol siblings at all.
likes: at least 5+
dislikes: at least 5+
habits: at least 4+
trivia: at least 6+ - here you can put all the little things about your character, like their favourite things or if they are left handed or anything like that.

Appearance & Style

appearance: at least 4 HIGH QUALITY links of ulzzangs. Much preferred if they are NOT 'sel-cas' (self taken photos.)
ulzzang name:
style: can either give me links or just describe.

Stage Information

stage name: make one! Not your name or nick name, something different and creative.
position: pick at least 2 or 3 from the list at the bottom
persona: once again, make one.
charisma persona: eg. 'smiling charaisma, queen charisma, cute charisma' etc.
other jobs: whether it's a normal job or extra idol job such as MC or modelling.


*Remember! You do NOT have to have experience!*

do you have experience:
what sort of experience do you have:
[ ] ex-trainee | [ ] modelling | [ ] acting | [ ] soloist | [ ] ex-group | [ ] CF | [ ] drama | [ ] extra | [ ] other - please state below
audition information: explain what your audition act was, like the song you sang or the dance you danced. Tell me how the judges of GiER looked as you performed. If you are already a trainee of GiER Entertainment and have been for say 3+ months, you can just skip this part.

Relationship Information

how you met/meet:



sub leader
lead vocal
main vocal
lead dancer
main dancer
lead rapper
main rapper
center face / visual

Terms and Conditions

By sending this in to me you are letting me use your character to the best of my abilities and will allow me the freedom to change things to suit my needs.

If you are accepted as a member of S-5, you be rightfully added and your profiles done up with knowledge that I may change certain things such as previous company/experience as I would much like to make a few people completely new, meaning having no prior experience at all for a fresh face.

It is important that you stay subscribed to the story, especially if you DON'T get accepted as there are high chances I will continue to change the line up and need more members to add in (second generation, third generation etc.)

If you have changed the font to any of this application to comic sans ms you are aware I will automatically reject your application. If you just remembered your application is indeed writting either fully or partically in comic sans ms, you are advised to change it back to Tahoma right now. Did you do it? Good.

With this all said and warned, are you willing to let me use your character for creative purposes that is S-5?

[ ] Yes | [ ] No


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