[Repost] LF: Freelance Facebook Roleplayers (MDNI)


I've grown remarkably weary of group roleplays.


So, yeah, as the title suggests, looking for freelance rp accounts on Facebook. Did you have to retire an OC because the rp they were in closed down? Did you simply not have time to keep up with activity rules? Are you also sick of the selectivity/lack of depth in group roleplays? I'm here for you.

I like to explore triggering topics at times — reality can be rough, and I value realism above everything else in my writing, so keep that in mind. Also, I mostly use Western (and sometimes little-known) FCs. Exclusively male OCs. I don't care about your FC, their ethnicity, their gender — I'm not here to face-chase, internationally is all I ask for. I'm looking for real IC connections. Or depth, at the very least; I'm so sick of the surface — need people who truly dive into their OCs and treat/view them as real (human) beings. I like organic writing/building, so I don't do pre-established connections. If you're just looking for a quick romantic relationship for your OC, I doubt this ad is for you — organic, organic, organic.

DM if interested. 

P.S.1: I don't always have the time or energy to write, so if your OC could be SNS-active, that'd be deeply appreciated.
P.S.2: Be okay with Earth-based fantasy or begone.

Update: No. Romance. I care about lore, culture, fantasy and the human condition. And those are the topics I write about, too. I don't. Care. To build. Romantic. Relationships. Please.


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shyprecious_19 #1
I'm interested