Life Updates and Writing Journey

Hi everyone!

So, I’ve been away for a little over a year, I guess? Life has thrown quite a few curveballs my way during that time. Here’s a quick rundown:

  1. Fibromyalgia Diagnosis: Recently, I got diagnosed with Fibromyalgia (Chronic Pain Syndrome). It’s a rollercoaster—some days are manageable, while others feel like I’m carrying the weight of the universe. But hey, I’ve had some good months lately, and I’m hoping that trend continues. 🌟

  2. The Great Move: We packed up and moved! There’s an ongoing legal case around why we had to relocate, so I won’t spill all the details. But you know what? This move turned out to be a blessing in disguise. My health seems to thrive in this new environment. Maybe the walls here are secretly made of healing crystals—I wouldn’t be surprised! 😄

  3. Work Adventures: I had to bid adieu to my old job due to the health stuff. But guess what? I found a new gig, and it’s like a breath of fresh air. It’s a startup, so the salary isn’t sky-high, but the people? Oh, they’re gems. My boss is basically a unicorn—cool, generous, and probably capable of granting wishes. 🦄

And now, drumroll, please…

Writing Time!: In my newfound free time, I’ve been tinkering with my stories. You know, the ones that have been patiently waiting in the dusty corners of my brain. I’ve rewritten some chapters, smoothed out the wrinkles, and even added a dash of extra intrigue. If you’re curious, check 'em out—I’d love to hear your thoughts! 📖

So, dear reader, what’s your verdict? Are my characters behaving? Is the plot twisty enough? Should I add more dragons? (Okay, maybe not dragons, but you get the idea.)

Thanks for sticking around, and remember: Life’s a story, and we’re all just scribbling our chapters. Let’s make 'em epic! 🌈🖋️


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