𝗰𝗿𝗲𝘀𝗰𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗰𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻, Choi Gunsik.

replace with fc




✩ gun - s nickname
✩ seonie - his nickname from fans based on the stage name 
✩ scary baby - his fans gave him the name because he looks intimidating but hes actually baby
✩ boomer - because he rarely posts on his social media and he doesnt keep up with trends or slang
✩ walking green flag - his fans call him it because he is polite and wholesome
✩ esn's #1 fan - he is called that because he shows up to  the members individual activites the most and often says how proud he is of them instead of talking about himself. his social media has their pictures more than his own. since he helps choreograph he also knows all their individual dance parts


✩ korean - from south jeolla
✩ japanese - he watched a lot of anime growing up but hated dubbed and reading subtitles is annoying sometimes so he tried to learn. now hes conversational.


✩ he looks like the faceclaim, good looking and lean and tall. He has black hair now. He used to have snaggle tooth but got veneers on his top teeth. That's his only cosmetic procedure. he doesn't take care of himself well but still looks good  like he has no skincare routine but clear skin and just leaves the house without fixing his hair but still looks nice  he is effortlessly handsome. He has very strong hair and a good hairline no matter how much he dyes, he says because his mom is a hairdresser she used to dye his hair often so his scalp is tolerant.


✩ he never dressed up before and doesn't care much for the luxury fashion. He just wears sweats or baggy pants and a flannel and a tank top or graphic tee. Taekwon said he has terrible style so he takes him shopping and dresses him since he has no sense of fashion.

Trigger warning:

- bullying

- ual harassment

- abuse

OTHER NAME: gerald choi, a member gave him his english name because apparently he look like a gerald

BIRTHDATE: march 16, 2002 
BIRTHPLACE: mokpo, south korea
: korean

FACE CLAIM: jiwoong
BACK UP: wooyoung
HEIGHT: 181cm
WEIGHT: 65kg


a little deeper about gunsik

PERSONALITY TRAITS: Gentle, Thoughtful, Pure, Loyal, Dedicated, Empathetic, Sarcastic, Polite, Caring, Quiet, Guarded, Private, Awkward, Reserved, Apologetic, Distant

PERSONALITY: Gunsik has a contrasting personality, on the surface he looks intimidating and since he is quiet and reserved many people think he's cold. but actually only his fans realize that he is actually a lost puppy without s because hes so awkward that fans want to protect him. especially because he gets started easily, at the slightest touch and loud noises. in interviews s like to mess with him and give him the mic because he panics and start to use dialect and stutters a lot. so whenever he does a solo interview many fans are proud of him.

but then he has a sweet and gentle soul when you get to know him that actually gives off pure vibes. it just takes him a long time to warm up. he also doesn't use social media much so s call him boomer because he doesn't know any trends or slang. he also has a habit to apologize excessively even when hes not at fault. and he makes sure he bows at everything, there are many videos of him bowing at everyone on stage while s sing for the encore stage. just very polite and endearing despite rumors of being cold.

then s know him as a smart because his sense of humor is sarcastic and a bit teasing. but he only shows when he's comfy, he might show sometimes on camera but usually its s making fun and bothering him and he just let them and stay calm. he always threaten them playfully but never do anything so thats why he is always the target. 

he has trouble expressing himself emotionally and shuts down at intense emotions. he usually keeps it all to himself and is awkward to say his feelings. he can remain calm no matter what is happening, even if hes mad he is quiet and blank faced. when he sees the abuse the members face he doesn't say anything but rather take their place instead and get punished on their behalf. if he can't stop it in the end he just helps to fix their wounds and keep apologizing. he's good at this because he went through it in middle school.

but he cares about s a lot and likes to do skinship with them. being with his memebrs is more fun than alone that he tells fans he hopes esn can last forever. he shows a lot of dedication to anything he does. The members can go to him for anything. He has the ability to remember small details like a friend's favorite snack or a casual mention of a desired item. He'll often surprise them by bringing it along or stocking up on it. If a friend mentions a specific hoodie or item they like, he might remember it months later and surprise them with it.

He likes to go with s everywhere. even the insignficant things like the market he rather go than stay alone. even if its something he isnt particularly interested in, s being interested is enough for him to go. it might not seem like it but he relies on them a lot and supports them alot.

BACKGROUND:  Choi Gunsik had a tough childhood. His parents always fought and yelled. Whenever he cried his dad got more mad so he learned not to and even his talking was delayed. While at home he barely talked and it was the same at school. His grades were good but the teachers often complained about him not socializing enough and they were concerned. Everytime they got the same complain his dad punish him for being a nuissance but it didn't change anything.

In middle school, kids picked on him because he was quiet. They forced him to do bad things to avoid getting beat up like steal and make him their servant. Sometimes, they still beat him up if he did it right. Gunsik was trapped and didn't know how to escape. A few times he got arrested but as a minor he never had much consequence. Just his parents picked him up and punish him on their own. He complain to a teacher but it was dismissed because they are from wealthy families. He liked school because he liked learning and was away from home but now nowhere was safe.

When he was 15, the bullies were beating him up after school and he defended himself by hitting one of them with a pipe on the floor. He was on the floor bleeding a lot and the cops came by convenintly at that time. The other bullies blamed Gunsik for bullying their bleeding friend but it wasn't true. It was clear because besides the bleeding guy on the floor Gunsik was the one with ripped clothes and bruises and bleeding. 

But since they are from wealthy families, they made it seem Gunsik is the monster and he goes to juvenile detention. Their parents paid Gunsik's parents for their silence and at the court hearing his parents didn't even show up.

He ended up in juvenile detention, feeling scared and alone. But then he found BTS's music, and it helped him feel better. Inspired by their energetic performances and meaningful lyrics, Gunsik developed a passion for dance so he started teaching himself how to do it. Dancing made him happy and helped him express his feelings. He practiced every day, even when he was tired.

Gunsik actually liked juvenile detention more than his own home. The others wondered why he was there because he was a good kid that followed instruction well. He got assigned to anger management but really he didn't need it. For the first time he made friends too. He stayed at juvenile detention for a year and got released to his parents. He was heartbroken to see his parents spend all the money on useless things like a luxury car and clothes and jewelry but still live in a bad neighborhood. They didnt seem happy he came back home.

Gunsik ran away from home a few weeks later, he stole some of their cash and took the bus to Seoul. The first thing he did was take a class with 1million, it was his dream while at detention. But then at night he would sleep at a mcdonalds. But he didnt care because he was finally learning dance.

To pay for it he got 2 jobs, one at a public bath and the other at a convenience store. He was lucky enough to have a generous owner that let him sleep and eat at the public bath so he wouldn't get into trouble because she saw he was a good kid. Sometimes she would give advance too to help him pay for lessons or buy him a gift for his birthday like new shoes so he can dance.

Over the next 1 years he improved a lot in dancing. He took classes everyday at 1million and his dance was documented on their youtube channel because he often featured on the videos. Then one day he got scouted by Taekwon who also took the classes a few times to find potential trainees. He befriended him and they hung out a few times and then he was able to convince him to join.


likes: dancing, stray cats, anime, sunrise and sunsets, bts, spending time with s, Harry Potter, late night walks
dislikes: confrontation, violence, parties, loud noises, waking up too late in the day because he feels like it was wasted 
hobbies: dancing, playing basketball, learning japanese, 
habits: t
apping his feet or hands to the beat when listening to music, always have headphones around his neck, playing with his hair when nervous, speaking with his dialect when he's nervous, making origami of random paper lying around, always bringing cat food around for strays, biting his lip when concentrating

special talents: dance covers, solving Rubik's Cube blindfolded in under a minute, beatboxing, making beautiful sketches
instagram usn: @_zen___0316 + 5.2 million
- his bts bias is jimin
- he's a left-handed person but uses his right hand for writing and drawing because his parents forced him to
- has a fear of heights, public speaking, and loud noises
- favorite color is navy blue
- gunsik's favorite way to express himself is through dance, but he's also a talented sketch artist. these are his sketches of doyun, taekwon and haein


- favorite flavor of ice cream is matcha green tea
- his favorite type of dessert is the tiramisu
- his favorite movie is lalaland
- he didn't go to school after going to detention so he never finished highschool
– he has a habit to flinch at sudden movements but fans think its cute because hes startled easily and calls him a puppy
– his mbti is intj and intp it always varies between these
– he never been outside the country
– his dream is to go to bts concert and meet them
- for some reason he is a stray cat magnet and they like to cuddle his leg and follow him
has a scar above his left eyebrow from a childhood accident
- favorite anime is naruto
- he knows a lot of useless facts, it makes him feel better about not finishing highschool 


parents - choi hanjun and Kim Yihyun. (46&45) / steel worker and hairdresser / estp and entp / 1/10
(face claim)
Gunsik's relationship with his parents remains strained and one-sided, with no genuine emotional connection. He rarely heard from them after going to Seoul but when they saw he was debuting to his surprise they showed up at the showcase and demanded to get in making a big commotions. Gunsik had to confirm it was his parents and they acted so proud and took many pictures with him. Since then they only reach out to him when they need money. Gunsik gives them financial support because he wants to maintain a relationship. But still they show no interest in his life or well-being beyond what they can gain from him.

former employer - hwang chaehye (65) / public bath owner in seoul / enfp / 9/10
(face claim) 
Gunsik calls Chaehye halmoni because she is like his grandma, nurturing and loving. She treated him like a son when he worked for her she was like his safe haven. Even during training he still worked for her and slept there sometimes. She supported him a lot and cared for him when he was too tired or in pain. Even the other trainees she let them relax there for free and made them homemade food and side dishes to take home to their dorm. Now she shows up to many performances and cheering them on from the audience. Gunsik visit her whenever possible, seeking her guidance and sharing his joys and struggles with her seeking advice. He is very cryptic though because he doesn't want her to worry too much, either way she can't hide from him because she has old woman instincts and can tell. Now that he is making money he buys her many gifts and helps her live more comfortably. Sometimes the boys go with him to visit her but either way everytime they come back with yummy food and side dishes.

bandmate - noh taekwon (23) / member of esn and gangster / entj / 9/10
gunsik is good friends with taekwon, he treats him as a caring older brother. To fans they are seen as the scary visuals because they both look intimidating but aren't. He teases gunsik a lot but he knows he cares about him. Usually gunsik is calm and lets him but sometimes they bicker and taekwon brings out his savage side. Both of them look out for each other, taekwon is so proud everytime gunsik talks in an interview and admires his hard work. Gunsik looks up to taekwon's confidence and boldness. Taekwon worries about his temper but He is good at calming him down when his temper gets the best of him, gunsik is the one he goes to for silent moments and if he needs an ear to listen. Taekwon gets frustrated that gunsik doesn't tell him his struggles but tries to stand up for him if he needs be. Taekwon thinks gunsik is too y to be single so he keeps trying to find him a girlfriend but gunsik is cold and awkward so he still hasn't succeeded.

bandmate - ryu doyun (19) / member of esn / enfp / 8/10
at first gunsik was afraid to get along with doyun because he thought he was too superficial and that doyun would judge him because he didn't have the nicest clothes. for that reason he was cold to doyun. but when doyun was struggling in dance gunsik helped him and in return doyun helped him with singing. he realized doyun isn't bad he's just a kid and became more protective over him after seeing how staff prayed on him. now he has a soft spot for doyun and goes along with his interests like doing TikTok challenges and going shopping. Gunsik is his resident camera man for his vlogs and sometimes his model. 

relation - name (age) / occupation / personality traits / closeness
(face claim) interaction here.
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STAGE NAME: zen (선), seon is zen in korean so kfans say seon and intl fans say zen. on intl interviews s say zen and he introduces himself as that then in korea its seon.
PERSONA: tsundere, because he looks scary but he's actually warm.

OVERALL TWIN: yeonjun (yunho)
VARIETY TWIN: soobin (d.o)

when he joined he thought he would be a backup dancer or something not an idol but then after he learned and thought of it he agreed because of the money and the difference he could make in others lives like bts did for him. the high up staff learned about his juvenile detention stuff but they didn't mind it. He got the approval from the producer but he took an extra liking to him. When in the room alone gunsik was scared but he was told it would help his career so he did it out of desperation.

Other than that training was okay, he was used to being mistreated so he thought it was normal reaction if he did bad. His parents did the same. So he made sure to rarely mess up and practiced a lot. He took it very seriously and improved quickly. Turns out he has a nice singing voice, maybe from his solo karaoke nights from before too. He learned how to sing and choreograph during training. He lived in the dorms but still worked at the bath house for extra money. 

Seojoon: they get along well because they both take their job seriously and don’t expect more from each other. It’s just a regular student and diligent pupil relationship. Seojoon is proud of the progress Gunsik made with his vocals and sees him as a stable vocalist. He uses him as the example to trainees who slack off because he had no vocal training then turned very good.

Insu: he doesn’t know him well since he doesn’t rap. But he isn’t fond of him because he sees the bruises on the rappers. He heard many things so he doesn’t like him but they don’t interact at al as they have no reason to.

Taeho: taeho tells the producer everything gunsik is doing because he gets a bonus for it. Gunsik didn’t get to get close to him before he turned bad so their relationship is just standard coworkers that aren’t close. He doesn’t rely on taeho for anything and rather help s his own.

Baram: Baram thinks gunsik is good looking but knows she will lose her job if she touches the producers babyboy. So instead she just makes flirty comments that make him uncomfortable but he learned to tune her out. He doesn't complain of the outfits she gives even if it's revealing. He will just shyly cover his chest during interviews.

Kyungho: he finds gunsik very attractive and has been ually harasses him since he joined the company. Many times kyungho calls taeho to his office just to “talk” at night and by now gunsik is used to it. He calls gunsik his babyboy and says he’s cute when he gets red. Gunsik learn that he does it to other trainees too and so in order to stop him from abusing the other members gunsik pleaded him to just do it to him instead. So while he does still make the others uncomfy, gunsik is the one that does more favors and explicit things. It's the least he can do to help s. Kyungho shows clear favoritism to him and requests certain outfits from Baram too. He has a jealous streak and whenever gunsik seems too close to others or he learns from taeho that he went out with taekwon he gets punished for it. but he doesn't let it stop him from going out. 

Hyunwoo: gunsik makes sure he doesn’t mess up often so he usually isn’t the victim of Hyunwoo. But when he’s there to witness it he gets in front of s so he gets hurt instead.

HOW PEOPLE VIEW GUNSIK: gunsik’s fans call him a liar because he looks y and manly but he’s actually a cute baby that they must protect. There’s many edits like that. They say he always has a twinkle in his eye. Some view him as cold and he gets hate for it until they see esn’s content and become his fan. On his fan calls and fansign he’s known for giving fans advice and listening to their problems.

HOW THE SCANDAL AFFECT GUNSIK: gunsik was hurt at the passing of a labelmate, wonder what he could've done more to save her and find way to blame himself. He wanted to fight back against people like kyungho and refused to see him like usual, he didn't want to be controlled anymore like he has been under kyungho’s control for years. and the time he finally stands up for himself and rejects him his juvenile detention past gets exposed to the public by an anonymous post. Shocking everyone. Gunsik’s soft image is questioned and netizens demand he leaves the group. Kyungho reminds him that that’s what happens when he tries to stand up for himself. So gunsik falls back in line with the rules. when the boys choose to sue the company gunsik struggles if he wants to reveal the truth of his past and current situation with kyungho. It's his time to finally to being such a pushover but he might crumble under the pressure. 

HOW GUNSIK ACT AFTER DEBUT: gunsik is the same an awkward quiet boy but then on stage he’s fierce and anyone can tell he loves performing. He doesn’t pay attention to the negative comments, just grateful for the positive ones and tries to give a good show and make others happy. But he really does hate the airport ambushes. 


✩ 1million dance videos, he was featured in many videos of the dance classes and after debut fans made a compilation of it all and admired his progess (2017-2018)


✩ choreographing, he will help choreograph for esn and others (year)
✩ brand ambassador, for cartier, Dior and other companies too (year)
✩ dance classes, he often thanks 1million for his dance progression  so he does a few dance workshops there along with gyeong (year)
✩ solo, maybe a dark concept (year)


✩ esn zen is rude to his seniors?, an anti cut the video to show that he didn't bow to his senior and many judged him for seeming so cold but then someone upload a different angle and he already bow from afar that's why it looked like he just walk past when they got closer. but he was just a nugu so many still believe that and recall him as the one that didn't bow (2021, fake)
✩ esn zen seen clubbing with taekwon, he was spotted at the club and some were mad and saying he is probably a fboy but many pointed out how awkward he look in the video because he was just standing there instead of talking or dancing (year, real)
✩ esn zen was a former delinquent, when the public learns they demand his leave and quesiton if he's really a good guy. It was released by kyungho as a punishment but then the company stands by him and threatens to sue to seem like he's a good guy while they are verifying. The opinions on him are split in the public.  (year, real)


✩ ex classmate praises gunsik in post after cold allegations, a classmate that also got bullied praised gunsik for helping him during hard times but didn't go into the specific.  (2021)
✩ gunsik donates his first salary to a charity to help bullied and troubled youth, -- (2021)

✩ write here, explanation (year)

replace with love int

Kim gaeul

matchmake with staff or a member of esn or flaire

PERSONALITY: coming soon...

FIRST MEET: gaeul noticed gunsik first, she saw him performing at music bank and was crushing hard. Every time they were all on stage together her members push her closer to him and she would be happy just to get a bow from him. He was really oblivious and didn't realize this though.
He would say the first time they met was at a house party that taekwon dragged him to filled with other idols. Gaeul introduced themselves and they talked a bit, mostly she talked and they drank soju and exchanged numbers. Taekwon about it for a week after.

LOVE STORY: gaeul put in a lot of effort to keep up with him and text him often even if he was dry responses. She talked about many topics and everytime she learned he was going to a party or a group hang out she joined too. Backstage she said hi to him too and tried to talk to him. Yet he was still oblivious.

after some time gaeul got enough courage to ask him for help with a dance for their comeback. She didn't know how to make it look cool and practiced a lot on her own so she sent him a video and he gave her pointers. He didn't realize it was just a set up to invite him to the studio to help her next time. Since she asked him he took it seriously and gave very good advice that helped her get praise from her fans for her dance improvement.

this became a trend between them, they would meet at the dance studio and show each other their dances to get feedback and just practice or choreograph. It was hard to hang out solo as idols so they mostly did in the studio and brought snacks and got to know each other more overtime that they texted everyday. They shared interests like dramas and anime and talked about books. Everytime they got backlash they encouraged each other and sent warm messages to stay strong and eat your vitamins. They became good friends.

but gaeul wanted to be more than friends so one day at the studio when they were just relaxing and talking gaeul found the right moment to kiss him. They kissed for about 3 seconds before gunsik pulled away like rejecting her. Gaeul felt embarrassed so she apologized and left, she was sure that gunsik didn't like her but that's far from the truth.

gunsik was actually struggling with his uality, his only ual experience was with kyungho and he wasn't sure if he was gay or not. He liked gaeul but he felt conflicted and disgusted with himself and there was no way he could tell her that. He was too ashamed that he didn't even apologize to her and she hasn't reached out to him either. They are at an awkward point of not talking but constantly thinking of each other. 


✩ coming soon...

STATUS: crushing
ENDING: you can choose


hituwthatddududdudu ✩ jess ✩ 50%

LAST COMMENT: here is gunsik. I am stuck with the love story a bit but this is what I have so far. I will update it later, just wanted to see if everything else is good


✩ during their first win the other memebrs are crying and since they are suppose to sing gunsik sings their parts instead

✩ gunsik shows up to the schedule with a hickey from kyungho and baram has to cover it and all the members are teasing him thinking it's from a girl 

PASSWORD: seondays - since his Korean stage name is seon.




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hi i'm really sorry that i don't really have time yet to post my review for gunsik but overall he is good enough and i love him! i will update his review once i have time! i'm really sorry for my late review TT