Cookies and Cream Application

...Okay I just couldn't resist X3 All the apply fics look so interesting.

AFF username: IceDragonHikari

AFF profile link: 


Name: Park Junshi

Age: 18

Height: (cm) 5"4

Weight: (kg) 100 lbs

Blood Type: A negative

Ethnicity: (All are fine <3) Korean, a little Japanese, some Thai

Gender: Male

Orientation: Gay

Hometown: Seoul, South Korea

Favorite Color: Pastel blue

Favorite Food: Ramen!

Favorite Artist: (Music) Super Junior


Personality: (DETAILED! And Long please, I like storybooks :D Or at least make it really interesting if it's smaller)

Junshi is very shy and submissive, he will talk though if someone talks to him first. He also has a fear of...cats? No one knows why really, he just...does.

Likes: (5+)



Quiet places

Video games

Nice people

Dislikes: (5+)


the dark



snobby people/rude

Hobbies: (2+)


Taking walks by the river (it helps him relax if he's stressed out)

Habits: (2+)

Whistles if he's nervous

Picks his fingernails

Hidden Talents: (0+/Optional)

Um...none really ^^;

Family Past: (Optional, I care not for family, they'd be irrelivant here)

His parent's were killed during a bank robbery and he has no siblings.


Love Interest: (All idols are fine, except Joon from MBLAQ, not that I know of any other Joon XD) Um...Max Changmin? X3

Their Personality: (Doesn't have to be super detailed, just enough to write about) Extremely y, trys to get Junshi in bed all the time he's still very sweet though and patient...sometimes.

Are you already together?: Yush.

If not, how do you want them to meet?:


Links: (3+ 



Name of Ullzang/Model?: Song Chan Ho


Anything I missed?:Nah that's all :)

Friends: (2+/Idols or OC) Kwon Yuri and Kim Kibum (Key)

One last question...Coffee or Tea?:  Coffee

(My computer's freezing up off and on, so...sorry if there's any mistakes or spelling errors ^^;)


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Ohh an ulzaang? Sorry still kind of clueless at what ulzzang's are ^^; Are they just random people?
HellsRainbow #2
My only issue, is your appearance.
I asked for an ulzzang or a model.
Jaejoong is an idol. As much as I love him...