my mini quiz :)


Song Your Listening Right Now :Jessie J- L.L.


Song You hum without realizing : INFINITE-Be Mine


Song You Cant help but dance to : Block B-NallinA........ and 2pm-Again&Again


Song You Can't Help but shed a tear when listening to : 2PM - like a movie


Song that makes you wish you could play a guitar to rock out to : FT Island - Hello Hello


Song you that gives you that BadAss vybe - MissA - Good Girl Bad Girl


Song That Makes You Act all Cute : T-Ara - Lovey Dovey


Song that turns your bedroom into an instant karaoke lol : I don't really have one since my family would always shut me up if I sing really laud... :/ but sometimes my mom does hum some lyrics of 2pm-again & again.


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