REALIZE Application


AFF Username: KittyKatNinja4eva

Profile Link:

Name: Park Hana
Age: 19
Birthdate:  03/21
Hometown: Seoul, South Korea
Ethnicity: Half Japanese and half Korean
Blood Type: -O
Ulzzang Name: Do Hwe Ji
Ulzzang Pictures : 1st Pic
Backup Ulzzang Name: Byeon Ji Young
Style: She likes wearing outfits that are classy, stylish, and cute. It all really depends on her mood. Her wardrobe consists of mostly tank-tops, blouses, colourful tops, the odd baggy clothing for dance practice, leggings, sun dresses, skinny jeans, skirts, a few shorts, and her favorite leather jacket. She has a lot of shoes, including heels, wedges, boots, sandals, sneakers, and the odd flip flops.
Personality : She is a considerate and open-minded person. She's really affectionate and friendly towards her group mates. She's also a honest and sincere person. Sometimes can get her into trouble by saying things without thinking. She tells it as it is, so she can be brutally honest at times. But she tries not to be too rude or disrespectful. She's very motivated and devoted to her new career as a k-pop star and puts a lot of hard-work and determination into her dancing and singing. Though she may appear like a serious person on stage, she does have an immature side. She can be quite random at any given time. She has a terrible sense of a direction and gets lost easily. Her intense curiosity tends to also get her into a lot of trouble.
History : Her parents divorced when she was little and she hasn't seen or heard from her father since. Her mother re-married soon after. And Hana does not like her step-dad one bit. Her step-dad and her get into fights all the time. She doesn't respect him and he's always ordering her around like a house maid. Or so he tries. She just ignores him or flat out refuses. She's not lazy and does some chores around the house but refuses to do everything around the house. Her step-dad screams at her over the most stupid little things. And her mom acts like she has her head buried in the sand because she does nothing about it. Once Hana became a trainee at the age of 15, her step-dad demanded rent but Hana refused stating that she was still too young to have to pay rent seeing as the fact that she did a lot around the house and then she called him a gold-digger. That earned her a hard slap in the face. Soon after she moved out to live with her Aunt and Uncle and younger cousin. She now doesn't have anything to do with her mother and step-father. She much happier with them.
Like: -Sweets, mostly chocolate and ice cream
-Hello Kitty
-Animals, cats being her favorite
-Anime and Manga
-Writing lyrics and poetry
-Dancing & singing

Dislikes: -Pineapple
-Spicy foods
-Clowns, puppets, and porcelain dolls because they creep her out
-Arrogant and cruel people
-Getting screamed at
-Stupid girls
-Too much pink
Habits: -Spaces out a lot
-Talks to herself a lot
-Getting lost
-Bites her lower lip whenever shes thinking of something serious
Trivia: -Does yoga and pilates in the morning
-When she's over-tired she starts giggling a lot and can't be serious at all
-Her favorite chocolate bars are KitKats
-Has a lot of Hello Kitty items
-Has a Hello Kitty tattoo on her right wrist Picture
(Add more if needed)
Father: Lee Chul | 47 | Business Man | He left Hana and her mother when a long time ago. But before that, he always acted cold towards her. He was always so strict. He never really spend that much time with her. He was always at work or typing away on his computer. | Doesn't know if he is alive or not
Mother: Park Ruri | 44 | Hair Stylist | She ignores Hana a lot. She used to be really close to Hana until she got remarried. She loves doing Hana's hair though. Her and Hana love to shop together. And go to cafes. | No
Step-Dad: Park Dong-Sun | 48 | High School Principle | Likes to order Hana around. Get angry at her for the littlest thing. Like to blame everything on her. Yells at her a lot. Has nothing to do with her now since she moved out. | No
Aunt: Song Iseul | 42 | Owns a flower shop | They act like best friends. She loves painting Hana's nails. She tends to nag at Hana a lot. Worries about her health. Cares deeply for Hana | No
Uncle: Song Hyun-Su | 45 | Counselor | They joke around together a lot. Likes to bug Hana a lot. Likes to annoy her because she hisses like a cat when annoyed. Likes to randomly hug Hana and pet her on head like a cat. Likes to tease Hana but she know s that he doesn't mean it. | No

Cousin: Song Rai | 17 | Trainee | He's really a serious person. He's always making sure that Hana doesn't get lost. He and Hana loved to practice dancing and singing together. They get along really well. Though they tend to debate with each other a lot. | No

(Best Friends)
Lee Taemin | 18 | Member of SHINee | They like to practice different dance routines together. They like to joke around with each other. They tend to act like little kids when they're together. Teamin is always making sure that she doesn't get lost. Acts like an older even though he's younger.
Young Sakura (OC) | 17 | Trainee | They like to shop together and get ice cream. They goof around a lot. Sakura joins Hana in her morning yoga and pilates routine. They talk about mostly everything together. They like to read mangas and watch anime togather.
Name of rival: Ryu Chika
Why they're your rival: She's a big fan of Taemin and hates Hana because she's so close to him. So she always tries to take Hana down a notch.
(Love interest)
Name of interest: Key from SHINee
Personality: Is known as a diva at times. He has a keen fashion sense. Is known as the Umma of his group for his nagging. Is a really caring guy though. He is also sentiment and hates heights.

How they treat your character: Key acts like mother hen towards Hana sometimes. Along with many others, he makes sure that she doesn't get lost. He gets really worried when she gets lost or can't be found.
Position : Main dancer and lead vocals
Nickname: Curiosity Kat or Dance machine (which ever one works best)
How she's viewed : (How she displays herself in public. 4 sentence minimum) Tries to serious but fails. Loves to blows kisses towards her fans. Is seen skipping along with her friends, family, or band mates and humming a little tune when shopping. Though she pays close attention to those that she is with so she doesn't get lost.
Fanclub name: Kittens
Fanclub colors: Medium Blue and Purple
Stage name: Kitty
(The End)
Questions, Comments, or Concerns?: Please let me know if there is anything that needs to be changed or edited.
Password: "Never Forget, the power of CRayZE."


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