The Reason Why I Write ^^

Why do I write?

I write because it relaxes me, I'm not stressed out or anything; I just feel more at piece with my writing. It just sort of takes me away for a bit from the real world, I love using my imagination and writing has helped me do that ^^ I can create new worlds, character's, creatures just about anything.

When people say 'Oh you shouldn't write about this, or that' I just laugh at them honestly.

I'm not writing for YOU I'm writing for ME.

I enjoy it when people smile when they read my stories, I like it when they laugh if there's humor in my stories, it makes me feel good especially if that person had a bad day and my story cheered them up.

Don't be afraid to write.

Write about anything you want, whatever comes to mind. Yes I know guides on here are helping you; but some of the guides that complain about cliched stories you need to have a look at your writing my friend. We've all written and have cliched stories, no matter how original you try to make it everything has been done before.

Don't write for anyone but yourself. Write because it's your passion, your hobby.

I want to make a living off of my books someday; I'm working on trying to reasearch on how to get my novella published.

I'm not in it just for the money, I just want to make a living off of my books. I also plan on going to Korea someday, in about one or two year's hopefully when my mom and I save up for it.

I'm not going just for K-Pop either, those groups travel everywhere in the world so it's not because of that. ^^

Oops went off topic for a bit ha ha.

I know my writing isn't the greatest, I know my grammar isn't the greatest, but I'm working on it. I have a non-verbal learning disability it turns out; I have a hard time understanding even the basics of grammar; so if you're a grammar freak try to be patient with me please ^^;

If you tell an author there story when it clearily doesn't, you need to get off your pedestal and have a look at your own writing. Think about the author's feelings.

If you're ranting up a storm about cliches well guess what: You're stories are cliched too.


And that's it I guess.

I'm sorry if this offended anyone, I'm just voicing my thoughts here; I'm tired of good author's being bashed on here, just because they're stories are 'cliched' or whatever. All the stories I've subscribed too have AMAZING author's, ones I look up too and feel I can ask for advice if I need it ^^ So kudo's to HellsRainbow, suzukikasami, JoonieMoon, YoBuddy, OnKeyStory, KimYunjae, ZaraNK1, erodedfiction, and...the rest XD Sorry I can't name all of you on here, I have at least...three hundred subscription's lol. But you guy's are all awesome!

With love

IceDragonHikari heart


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Oh no, they don't ask for money xD Obviously they will get a percentage of the royalties you'd earn, they are a business, after all. Also depending on your book size and similar factors, there will be a set manufacture cost which will be covered in the book price. Something's got to pay for it's production. The pay's pretty pitiful until you sell quite a lot of them, but it's getting your work out there that counts, and when you become popular, that is when you'll rake it in lol :P
^///^ That's right! Who cares if someone hates the stuff we write, it doesn't matter because we aren't writing for THEM were writing for US.
Hi-5 yes write for the joy of it and the world you create with the power of a good story and some strong real characters
Indeed Tiara! If you want to write about a girl or boy, meeting their favorite idol's go right ahead; if you want to write about gangster's go ahead, if you want to write about vampires go ahead! You get my point XD But really: Some author's need to stop thinking so highly of themselve's, and let other's write what they feel they write best at.

For example: DBSKGirl4ever is getting a lot of rants lately from people, I mean come ON. Let the girl write in piece! True I'm not a fan of her; I really only like one of her stories...but still.

I strongly dissaprove of author's teasing, or ranting about other author's. I know those guides are supposed to be helpful; but some are just plain rude to me...or maybe it's just me ^^;
Oh really? That sounds interesting :) I'll have to check that out ^^ So there's no money involved though, to get your book published right? I've heard if they ask you for money; it's gonna be a scam most likely.
I feel ya.
Are you going to use traditional publishing or go self-published? I self-published a novella at createspace, they manufacture good quality books and don't sap all your money away. If you want to have a chat about publishing that would be cool ^^