Reason Why I've Been Ranting A lot...

Okay you guys know how I've been ranting a lot lately?'s kind of a stupid reason; but here it is I guess ^^;

See I'm gonna be working on getting my novella published, remember that ghost story I've been working on? I'm so worried that every company I try sending it too will turn me down instantly. I know I should just write for fun; but being an author is my dream, I want people all over to read and enjoy my books and so I can make a living off of them.

People say you shouldn't write for money and I'm not, I just want to be able to help support my family. I told my nana if I ever become rich I'm going to by us a bigger house than what we have now, that way she can retire from work also. I've been working so hard on my writing, to try and please everyone on here and in real life...

But I started thinking a little: I'm not here to please anyone; I didn't join AFF to please anyone with my writing, I joined AFF and Fanfiction.Net, and to show my writing skills and let people know writing is my passion and I won't stop even if someone thinks my writing .

Again I apologize for all the ranting lately...just have a lot of things on my mind at the moment ^^;

Even if you don't believe in God...can I ask some of you to help pray for me? Being a writer is my dream, the only thing I ever want to do. I know it won't be easy but I want to do it.

Thank you and have a wonderful day :) God bless!


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Lol want to drop me a mail about it? I can't think of what to start with right now so I'll message you when I think of the most useful way to tell you about it x3
@worldofmyown: That'd be great thanks ^^ I'm clueless when it comes to publishing something ^^;

@citylights: Lol I haven't even published it yet XD I will though I know it!
I know how you feel~ I'd love to have my work properly published :)
I'm still here if you want to talk about self-publishing ^^
I'll be praying for youuuuuu <3
XD Aw thanks Tiara ^^ Couldn't sleep again last night, so if you see any typo's or if I'm rambling a lot that'd be why ^^;
Thank you very much ^^ I really appreciate it guys.
Alright I'll pray for you because:

one- our God is a miracle worker

two- it is always good to have dreams

three- I'll pray that God will impress on your heart a story, an idea, just something to get you on the path to your future and the plans he has for you :)