New Story Idea!

Okay: So I sent my ghost novella out to a publishing company a few days ago, it's gonna take at least a month or longer before they get it so I think in the meantime I'll work on another idea...that's okay to do right? ^^;


Anyway! Here's what I have in mind.

Summary- Jung Youngsoo is a young man who thought, he was going on a casual afternoon drive through the country-side of Seoul, South Korea. Until his car breaks down, in front of a creepy-but nice looking hotel that is. The hotel is run by five staff member’s, and there are three guests there besides Youngsoo. Are the people really who they say they are though? And what happens when Youngsoo learns of the hotel’s dark history later on?


And would it be okay, being an American girl and all; to write novel's/novella's that take place mostly in the Asian country's or in Korea? ^^; I've been wondering if that would be weird or odd at all.

But what do you guys think of the idea? Kind of boring, lame, stupid? ^^;


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I reckon if horror/thriller is something you're keen on go for it!
I don't think it's weird at all. Plenty of authors are inspired by cultures other than their own. I know I am. It's exotic and exciting, no-one's going to judge you for that.
O.O Would I be stealing that idea then? ^^; If it sounds too similar to that movie I'll change the plot up.
Sounds good ^^ it reminds me of this movie I saw once (IDK the name of the movie)where this guy got stormed in in an old motel with 13? other people and things start to happen. IDK I don't remember it much lol
Thanks ^^ I try not to give too much away in my summary's ^^;
Sounds interesting. <3