- Thirty Day SHINee Challenge ♥ [Day Twenty Eight]

- Day Twenty Eight; Dedicate a post to TaeMin:







- Oh innocent Lee TaeMin. Oh adorable Lee TaeMin. Oh beautiful Lee TaeMin. Oh hot Lee TaeMin. Oh Y LEE TAEMIN. Seriously, from their debut; I feel that TaeMin's changed the most. Not meaning personality, but feels. HE'S SO DANG FINE. In Replay, he had the bowl cut and everything; proving how innocent he really was. Then his hair met extensions, and BOOM! So effing y. During the Lucifer era was when I felt what it was like to be truly obsessed with a SHINee member, 'cause of TaeMin. Mwuahahah. I'm a 2Min shipper, but ya know; gotta always support 2Min and Banana Milk. [; 


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