kiss me or kill me app

about you.

Username: chanseowoon

Link to your profile: profile

Name: Cody Salcedo

Activeness : 8/10

Contact: AFF


basic information.

Character name: Jung Junki

Nickname(s): Jun (friends)

Birthday: 06/12/90

Age: 22

Nationality: Japanese-Korean

Birthplace: Busan

Blood type: O


  • English = fluent
  • Korean = fluent
  • Japanese = basic



Height: 181 cm, 5'11 ft

Weight: 165 lbs, 75 kg

Appearance: has two ear piercings, one at each side. he also has a tattoo of a black dragon on his right arm.

Ulzzang / Model Name: Kim Min Jun

Ulzzang / Model Picture :

Back-up Ulzzang / Model Name:

Back-up Ulzzang / Model Picture: 

Style: he loves wearing dark clothes, he also like looking so professional.


character information.



His personality is very far from being cutesy, he is a pessimist and sadistic. he loves to bully. only few can stand him, he's badass, he doesn't listen to anyone except his twin sister whom he loves dearest. he would kill anybody who tries to harm his twin sister, he is a warfreak and loves getting into trouble. many people stay away from him because of the fear of them being hurt just being near him. he is also a narcissist.


When he and his twin sister, Junmi was just babies, their parent left them in the orphanage, there, they grew up, Junmi became the bright little girl that everybody loves while Junki was the little menace verybody's scared of. until they grew up, they were yin and yang, Junmi always shows positivity while Junki is negative. Junmi is the only one that can stop him from doing crazy things. she is his tranquilizer.

Likes: weapons, knives, the color black, Death Note, his sister.

Dislikes: cute things, fun, animals, laughters, noise, his parents

Hobbies: bullying, graffiti, drinking

Habits: taking things which is not his, over-protects his sister because she is the only one he is comfortable with, cursing loudly, bullies nerds when he's on the mood.


  • his childhood was a very dark stage of him that's why he retained being mean until he grew up.
  • some girls like the bad side of him, they don't even know if he has a good side.
  • he is possesive over his sister, he threatens everyone who tries stealing his sister from him.

Does your character use profanities?: [ ] yes [ ] no [ ] sometimes

If so, in which language? korean and english




Name: Jung ------

Age: unknown

Birthday: unknown

Personality: the only thing Junki knows is that they are terrible parents.

Relation to your character:  Junki and Junmi never knew anything about them.

Dead or alive: unknown



Name: Jung Junmi

Age: 22

Birthday: 06/12/90

Personality: bubbly, bright, caring and sociable.

Relation to your character: very close to him, she is the only one that Junki is close to.

Dead or alive: alive


Best Friend

Name: Jung Junmi

Age: 22

Birthday: 06/12/90

Personality: bubbly, bright, caring and sociable.

How he/she acts around your character: Junki's only friend, his sister, she is the only one Junki is comfortable with.



Who is your rival?

Reason for rivalry: (Be realistic)


Love Interest

Love interest: Seohyun

How do you two act around each other?: Junki acts awkwardly around her, he's a tough guy and Seohyun doesn't like that type of guys, she just smiles at him, while he acts awkwardly by flashing a smile, not a grin but a smile, a first for him.

Do you keep in contact?: [ ] yes [ ] no [ ] sometimes

If so, how?: it's a one sided love, she is frightened of him while he tries being as warm as possible towards her but it's a tough thing to do for him, to act the opposite of what you really are.

Scene requests:


group information.

Positions: (executive, grade rep, etc.)

Public persona:

Specialties: (What skills can your character do well? Steal? Hack? Etc.)



Password: no password

Anything else?:


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