- A little game of TAG! [;


I was tagged by MyReaction [:

This is how the game goes,


      Rules: One -  Post the rules.

                  Two -  Answer the set of questions the tagger set for you in their post [it will be at the bottom] and then after, make your own eleven questions.

                  Three -  Tag as many people and link them in your post.

                  Four  -  Let them know you tagged them. 




1. Who was your first bias? [Please don't lie]

- My first LEGIT bias, would have to be Super Junior's [M] Henry. I got into KPOP 'cause of TaeYang's music, but I never was obsessed obsessed. When I got into Super Junior, Henry was the first to catch my eye. That man, is effing perfect.

2. Did you ever dislike a group/idol, but ended up liking them later?

- Yes! I wasn't really feeling GP Basic during their debut. I felt like they were too young, too autotuned, too unexperienced. But after a couple more songs, I ended up loving them a lot.

3. Would you rather spend a full day with your bias, or have your friend forgive you after a huge fight?

- Dang, this is actually a tough question. But, as selfish as this sounds; I have to go spending a day with my lovely DongWoo. I do have one real best friend, we fight on a daily basis; and it's kinda like part of our lifestyle and friendship nao. I'm sure he'd be able to forgive me sooner or later. ;D

4. Your crush or your bias?

- OMFG. This is probably one of the HARDEST questions I've ever been asked. Whenever I think about my biases, I completely lose hope; 'cause I know there's a slim chance for me to even meet them. But when it comes to my crush, who I talk to on a daily basis; it gets me all happy inside. In all honestly, if I had to choose; I'd choose my crush. 'Cause DongWoo, he's got Hoya and Nana anyways. [; I SHIP BOTH, hehehe.

5. What do you think the purpose in life is?

- I never really thought about this question, 'til the day my cousin died of suicide. I never knew life was so short. I feel like the purpose of life, is to show people what you really are. Life isn't a toy, it's not just something you can toss around and lose; and maybe it'll come back. If it's gone, it's gone. It's one of the most precious gifts you could ever earn, and I think everyone should be thankful they get to have it; even for a little while.

6. Have you ever wanted to be an idol? If so, who?

- For everyone who knows me, I think it'd be obvious. I would LOVE to be Im YoonA. She's my ultimate female bias, and I think she's absolutely perfect. She's beautiful, talented, and she's got TaecYeon wrapped around her finger.. [; 

7. Pick a story you find AMAZING. :D

- Most definitely, 

Kyuhyun... It's been hard on you. by janie6789 This story line is the most realistic thing I've EVER read, and that's probably 'cause most of it is true. I've read a ton a fanfics, but this describes everything in PERFECT detail. It's like a movie, that you were watching right when it's being filmed. It doesn't matter if you're into Super Junior or not, this story will touch your heart either way.


8. What's your favorite group, and why do you like them?

- Super Junior. Hands down. I may not be listening to them 24/7 like when I first got into KPOP, but they are the reason I do listen to KPOP. Without those FIFTEEN amazing men, I probably wouldn't be doing this right now. Honestly, I think out of all groups; Super Junior has been through the most. Losing members, near-death accidents, and they're a part of SM Entertainment; probably the biggest music company in all of South Korea. Sometimes I just cry. I just cry 'cause I know they hurt. When you're an E.L.F., you really can feel it. But when you see them smile, even if it's a force; you can tell that they do this for their fans. To make them happy, even if they're not. That's what you call a true heart. Super Junior, you guys have changed my life; for the better, and I'll never ever lose faith in all of you.

9. Besides your bias, who would you marry in the KPOP industry?

- I'm so obsessed with DongWoo, I've never even thought about that question.. O.o xD But after a bit of thought, I've come to the conclusion that it'd be Hyuk of Super Junior. That man is just so, so himself. He's a clueless dude, and I think that's what makes him so adorable. Plus, he's the dancer and rapper; and it it wasn't obvious, I tend to fall for them the most. xD AND, he's got that giant gummy smile as well; which is effin' cute as ever.

10. How many times have you gotten a nosebleed from staring at hot KPOP idols?

- Literally? None. Emotionally? Way too many times to keep count.. xD

12. When did you start liking KPOP, and how?

- I've heard of what it was, 'cause my cousin has been in it for awhile. But one Thanksgiving Day, she told me to look up Super Junior's Sorry Sorry and I did; I thought a couple of 'em were cute, but I didn't really obsess over it right away. But April 7th, 2010; I was scrolling through my friends' MySpace's [omfg, long time ago] and Bebo's [super long time ago] and I heard the song Wedding Dress by TaeYang on both of 'em. I've heard that song before as well, like before Super Junior's music. Then, I also heard the song Can't Believe It by Younha; and that, along with Wedding Dress remain as two of my all time favorite KPOP songs. So really, I should thank my cousin; and MySpace and Bebo for allowing music on their pages. ;D




1. Is there an OTP [one true pairing] you just can not stand? What, and why?

2. If you could travel to any country right now, that wasn't in Asia; where would you go?

3. Do you have a favorite story on AsianFanfics? If so, what one?

4. Do you believe in love at first sight? Do you think you've ever felt it?

5. If you do own any KPOP items, what do you have? If not, what would be the first couple things you'd buy?

6. Besides one of your KPOP husbands, what celebrity would you marry in a heart beat?

7. Are you more into new KPOP groups, or older ones? Ex; Shinhwa, H.O.T., and even TVXQ/DBSK.

8. What girl group do you think has the prettiest members?

9. Do you have a favorite OTP [one true pairing]?

10. If you could meet any celebrity/idol right now, who would it be?

11. What KPOP idol are you most like, and how?


























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I need more friends so someone will tag me